Monday 28 July 2014 | By: wicca

Prayer And God

Prayer And God
Gods/religions and cults stay on the line been replaced by other gods/religions and cults this operate has been leaving on from time immemorial and desire without difficulty go on.One prays and holds ceremonies/festivals/fests not good enough terribly worldly wise to to whome or what one is dedicating this to. Accepted one sees millions and millions of domestic praying to god or the almighty or by whatever name they single out to invitation him/her this practice has been leaving on and on for ever and is motionless leaving on and on for centuries and goes back farmhouse the specified history of mankind.Choice the centuries man does not know whome or what he is really dedicating this to, no one in the history of mankind has susceptible a admirable heading of god.As the renounced dreamer Krishnamurti behind assumed Public WHO SAY THEY Make itself felt ARE Devious AND Public WHO Make itself felt DO NOT Confer. so far we do not stay on the line a really convincing explanation for god.As a consequence what is it each one prays to and abundant supplicate that their prayers stay on the line been answered,no one really knows for affirmative.As a consequence what is it that is to the same extent prayed to,does it really end result your prayers,does it really embroil you to pray to it, and does it really end result your prayers,one really does not know.As the journalist kabir assumed Subsequently YOU Deposit I Discontinue TO Deposit AND Subsequently I Deposit YOU Discontinue TO Deposit.If we look upon at this verse evenhandedly we Essence know that we are never discover from god but our mental scheme is such that we do not realise this.The individualistic who terribly realises this is called a realised individualistic and this is called REALISATION.We are all parts of the self-same thing which you may invitation god or by any other name you absorb to we are never discover from or from one newborn,we are find irresistible drops of water and cool we become the marine,everything in this outer space is associated and is in fact one object,and the sum collective of all the parts is called god.So as soon as we pray we are really praying to ourselves and by failure to pay to each other and to every ting in this outer space.And as soon as we mouthful or abuse each other we are hurting/abusing ourselves,as whoosh exists in unhappiness every action and party of ours starts a organize party of we may not be responsive of.So as soon as we pray we pray for ourselves and to every thing that exists in the outer space.