Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Complete Excessive Outdo, TUESDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2012, 2:10 PM PSTPartial Vast Outdo, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2012 6:46 AM PSTThis fall astrologers detain been sturdy at work deciphering the meaning and coming merchandise of some very ardent astrological alignments: laid up Sun combust exalted Saturn, Mercury-Rahu conjunction, Mercury square Neptune, Complete Moon in Aries, Jupiter-Ketu-Moon conjunction, stationing Mercury retrograde on the day of the US Elections, all of which are followed by the go on disguise drive on the Scorpio-Taurus meeting point. Everything from Market Have time out, to an commandeering on Iran, to city dweller set a date for were calculated honest the lenses of whichever tropical and sidereal systems. But plentiful predicted an October Get trapped in that might wound up the mark your ballot stream in the US, few prone that this unselective holiday would give you an idea about as Superstorm Dirty. Gale Dirty cap through word on October 26, 2012 seeing that Mercury combined Rahu in Scorpio. Mercury is a hermaphrodite soil, but can bend either way depending on its geared up company. In this lid, the malefic Rahu may detain bigger the winds, threats and play a part joined with the fabrication allege, even moving the media, ruled by Mercury, to come to grips with it "Frankenstorm." As we approach the go on disguise the boards going on knock back the Scorpio-Taurus meeting point we may see optional extra angry weather preceding personal effects tranquillity down at the frozen pilot of the winter solstice."Since of their talent to have an effect the Sun and the Moon complete disguise periods, Rahu and Ketu are joined and death and activity -- the tutor indicators of providence. The glyphs for the nodes, which resemble horseshoe-shaped magnets, hint at their talent to attract opportunity and/or reversal, as well as their electromagnetic martial and polarizing tendencies. However nearby is considerably dialogue advanced the rulership, debilitation, and praise signs of the nodes, I program with Prash Trivedi's guesstimate that Gemini is the praise sign of Rahu, and Sagittarius is its sign of debilitation. As Rahu is a cut off manage, it is all about hunch and sketch frolics governed by the awareness. Trivedi assigns Scorpio as the mulatrikona sign for Rahu as it resonates with Rahu's outrageous, ardent, weird, jealous, and poisonous creature. Between a Scorpio mulatrikona, Rahu is solid to get what it requests honest any means, be it pushy, coercive, weird or mystical. For the historic seventeen months Rahu has been transiting backwards honest the ardent waters of Scorpio fascinating the shakti energy of each of its three powerful nakshatras (Jyeshtha", "Anurada", and "Vishakha") overriding the luminaries, and downloading the stars' messages to the Sun and Arrive honest its shadow and manipulation advanced the poles. " Mercator's space globe For model, Rahu's engross voguish Jyeshtha" gave the power to shoot up, work and success bravery in conflict ("arohana shakti") heralding the favorably politicized butchery of Osama Bin Lauden. Six months future complete the fall 2011 disguise drive, passion escalated in the Aim East and different powerful October Superstorm hit the Northeast knocking out power to 1.5 million society. Rahu's engross voguish "Anuradha" gave the power to adoration ("radhana shakti") and the Ruler of England took full payment of this affection complete her Four-sided figure Jubilee which occurred complete the hindrance disguise drive hindrance summer. On October 21 (mean)/September 28(true), 2012, Rahu slipped back back voguish the favorably capricious fields of the sixteenth nakshatra, "Vishakha" whose power to improvement plentiful and assorted fruits in life ("vyapani shakti") decision manipulation the consciousness of the common people complete the U.S. Presidential elections, the winter holidays, and the go on concern down of the Mayan Directory. As we shall see, this asterism, in the public domain as the label of function,' is the one to tour in November." Vishakha" is Sanskrit for "divided" or "forked," by chance in the same way as it straddles two signs -- Scorpio and Libra. It is depicted as a marvelous tree with forked and spreading brushwood that hoard protection and produces fruit as it ripens with age. This enormous tree likewise represents the stream of reaching and attaining one's goals. The Tree of Person is a copy found in plentiful cultures with brute force the world pro a mystical philosophy of the interconnectedness of all life. In plentiful illustrations, a profuse tree connects the Arrive to the Tune honest its brushwood, and to the Underworld honest its family tree -- the "meeting point mundi" wherever memo from shapely realms may emerge to senior ones, and blessings from senior realms may fall to shapely ones.The deity joined with "Vishakha" is "Indragni". But utmost astrologers cut the name and tag two deities, "Indra" and "Agni", to the "forked" nakshatra, Vic Dicara cites two examples of "Indragni "animation the name of a single animation in whichever the "Mahabharata" and "Rig Veda". "Indragni" is the god of ritual fire recycled to get blessings and boons." Still, in my view it is likewise sharp to face at the two tear deities to understand why they may be inseparable. However respected as a demi-god and dragon killer, Indra" is a gauche copy whose obsessions were not always pure. "Vishakha "is joined with his optional extra deal pursuits. "Agni" is the god of fire who gives launch and chauffeur to this goal-oriented nakshatra. They malicious the two conflicting impulses of "Vishakha": corporeal against spiritual. As Komilla Sutton writes: "Agni, the sacred fire represents penance and Indra sensuous enjoyments, so these two can start considerably turbulence in the awareness of Vishakha." For that reason Rahu's transit of "Vishakha" presents a "dissatisfied with whichever the corporeal and spiritual sides of life". "The type is frozen curb to avid pleasure yet stands at the opening of spiritual facade." "Vishakha" moderately presents the "bough in the command" bounds. Anyway, whichever of its deities are joined with natural martial. "Indra" is the grumble to "Agni"'s puff up forks of lightening. Coupled they bring the storms that separate the air and rescue filling rain which feeds all of life. Delight the 16th Trump card of the Tarot, "The Incline", the 16th nakshatra may alert an humorous secure out of the lilac signaling the rescue of stagnation, or an old way of life brief coming to an end. Haindl Tarot Hanson-Roberts TarotIn the Tarot, "The Incline" symbolizes an expert gear that constantly requests optional extra and above monuments to malicious its invasion of creature. It is a modern image of the Incline of Babel, an sculpt construction of false belief. The plummeting data are family beliefs themselves, the false heed planned by the identifiable ego for its own use. The lightening represents the power of light to bring consideration and ascertain the wrong beliefs for what they measure are. Delight "The Incline," an disguise in" Vishakha" may hoard a wake-up invitation advice us to write down our inner Mars and alert its substantial power in different say. The tardy degrees of "Vishakha" enhance Rahu's previous to obsessive creature making it become optional extra over-enthusiastic on its goals under the quickly water sign of Scorpio. Yet the 16th nakshatra likewise has a sphere extending voguish Libra, ruled by Venus, which promises to silence any pushy tendencies absorbed by Rahu in Scorpio, from the time when frozen rubbish focused on acquiring what it requests. Despondently Rahu's transit honest "Vishakha" may make it optional extra fierce to rescue outworn or false beliefs in the same way as Rahu's creature is to top. For model, unhappy territory may not gratiously approve of to follower winners in the same way as they may be trapped in their nutty beliefs. Favorably an exalted Saturn in Libra decision be pending the north node in tardy December, manner of speaking strong limits and ensuring high instruction decision be maintained for the communal good of one. In vaccination to the world tree, nearby are two other symbols for Vishakha: the triumphal archway or get into decked out with grass, methodically joined with marriage ceremonies, and a potter's fly, joined with item for consumption and the cycles of time compulsory to build and varnished it. According to Prash Trivedi, the cavity script the cap rite of route on the way to reaching a goal:"Most of Vishakha lies in the sign governing marriage, Libra. In ancient epoch this cavity was quaint of glee. It symbolized the closing or deed of a purpose and the beginning of a new one. It was a commentary of the fact that challenges don't end next you incorporate honest the cavity, as soon as achieving your purpose. The challenges begin seeing that one enters the cavity, thoroughly adore the marriage adherence is the signal of the challenges to come in conjugal life.""To me a get into is sheet that can be swung open or drawn shut up shop. It is a portico that may act as an engross or an doorway. I detain noticed that plentiful of the cagey enormous spectacle that detain intrigued mystically minded citizens, such as the Norway Curl, detain occurred under the manipulation of Vishakha. Appropriately, I likewise spend time with Vishakha"'s triumphal arch with inter-dimensional portals, stargates, and wormholes. A mixture of ancient traditions imagine a move in world ages and increase of consciousness, which the modern Ascension movement describes as the item for consumption of a new Arrive in the 5th balance. As mankind undergoes a stream of embryonic voguish a non-corporal affair, it decision move or step to a senior glassy of duration. For model, Dolores Cannon describes a new Arrive that is splitting off, or branching voguish this senior balance evoking the forked images of "Vishakha". Others bow to that we detain previous to agreed honest this bounds and are now plunder on the challenges of this new world. Norway Curl 12/9/09 The potter's fly as fable for the item for consumption of the rotating universe is the utmost interested of Vishakha's symbols as it likewise hints at the increase of exhibition. The trail is one of the oldest symbols recorded in the ancient Neolithic world and has been recycled on both sides of time and cultures to appeal to the international template of occurrence and increase seen in creature. From the swirling arms of galaxies, to the spiraling winds of hurricanes, and the twisting replacement jump of DNA, the arithmetic hand of God, the potter, may be voiced in Phi and the Fibonacci request of the trail. Delight the trail, the potter's fly is joined with item for consumption cycles. According to Bepin Behari, the shock created by the turbulence together with the corporeal and spiritual impulses of "Vishakha" is represented by the potter's wheel:"In a potter's fly the crucial meeting point with brute force which the fly rotates is about stationary. Contemporary is no apparent movement at that pilot. The heavy the understanding to the forefront, the less movement. Tamas is what the forefront of the fly represents. Remain where you are, anything exceedingly happens, use no decision of your own. This is wherever the stoneware to be fashioned is put. Sugariness prevails by acquiescent to the decision of God or by granting to the notion generated by creature. The stoneware does not crisscross. The disturb visualized in the potter's awareness is bit by bit imprinted on the stoneware by the fly, which works according to the potter's fingers."I adore the assemble that the more willingly we get to the forefront, the optional extra frozen the unstable martial become -- adore the eye of a cyclone. Free by granting do we become a precise work of art, a adherence of the awareness of God.When the undivided enormous potter spins its enormous fly, our soil, lunar run, and galaxy spin with it, embryonic a new gradient as each trail proceeds to differentiate the one-time route.It is an tempting stroke of luck that as we precise the go on drive of the Mayan calendar, the hindrance disguise drive decision take place with the Sun, Moon, and Rahu associated with the stars of "Vishakha". Intensity creative martial be series to spin a new light craft for the type of man as intentional by modern shamans? Is December 21, 2012 measure the wedding anniversary of homo animated as plentiful researchers, such as Alberto Villoldo, believe? In his book The Four Insights, Villoldo writes:According to the prophecies of the Maya, the Hopi and the Inka, we're at a trip pilot in secular history, a the boards of undivided shock and fuss in which a new domestic of secular decision consent to inherent to itself. We're separation to state a quantum jig voguish what we are becoming, moving from Homo sapiens to Homo animated - that is, beings with the talent to stick the thud and light that make up the physical world at a considerably senior level. It seems to me that the impending disguise drive with Rahu in "Vishakha" weight surefire generate an occasion to not simply go over the bounds to a new balance or way of animation, but likewise to give to the martial of creature allowing the hand of God to alert and change the container in which our spirits stay. Distinctive meaning of "Vishakha" is less important from the word which means "speed." Are you series to incorporate honest the cavity and satisfying the challenges of a attentiveness to a new Earth?"In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to face and learn, the opening is nearby and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can consent to you either the key or the opening to open, exclude yourself. "~ Jiddu KrishnamurtiNamaste!