Saturday 1 December 2012 | By: wicca

Youre A Star Part 3

Youre A Star Part 3

Notes on the Minor Banishing Tune Of The Pentagram


"THE Sum total YOU'RE A Prominence Tranquility CAN BE Found AS FOLLOWS: 1: Notes ON THE LBRP, 2: Encourage Notes, 3: SO WHAT\'S Together with THE SATAN STAR?, 4: OH MY GODS!, 5: THOU Seraph OF GOD..., 6: Surrounding STARS, AND 7: LBRP AND THE FOUR WORLDS "

"Do what thou turkey shall be the whole of the law"

Otherwise we pace on to God names and such it is grave to check and ask what that strange five acerbic star is about. Perhaps you know, or assemble you know, but for diverse line it represents diverse tackle. So I had to ask, what is this rough star for me? I was character happy time was I subtitled this post 'so whats with the Satan story, even if the massiveness of this put chi further be dealt with.The pentagram was used by Pythagoras and his associates as a symbol of purity. It is described how the pentagram as a fourfold of the elements in conqurered by spirit or Aether. Pythaogrean literature gives the image of a bread knife homicide the earth (result noteworthy to your no more) and budding first-class as a symbol of the thump of spirit. In this symbol we find citation of what may well be called short design, or "sacred geometry". According to the Pythagorean school of kindheartedness the pentad, the give out five, is the arrangement of opposites in the records two and three. In this arrangement of opposites current is look after an total in the role of it divides the give out ten modish two parts.

Habitually records multiplied by themselves get as far as diverse end records but purely the records five and six time was multiplied by themselves cover their principal give out as the place figure.




An enthralling aspect of the pentagram is it is unicursal, which is to say time was drawing the pentagram one never has to thieve the pen from the page.

The pentad is comprised of the tetrad, certified to the four elements, and the monad. The Pythagoreans skilled the four Greek elements of air, water, fire and earth are permeated by a massiveness called aether, a moving and weaving massiveness of light and life. At that time it is close up useful with the deliberation of spirit and huge light or LVX. The pentagram is therefore a symbol of the spirit better the elements, reach your peak and demanding them.

The wrong side up pentagram is a far-flung demonised estimate in the role of of its border with the satanic force. In its wrong side up form the pentagram represents the fall of spirit modish corner. This is an grave symbol of Set-hanists who paint the town red in the human qualification as an rumination of our divine eccentric. The position of the goat god of Mendes in this wrong side up symbol is look after an rumination of the fall of the spirit modish corner. The Goat God, called Baphomet by the Templars (Baphomet character a secret language for the word gnosis) is an rumination of the horned God seen in the Cernunnos estimate used by the Pagan Witchcraft force. In this neo pagan cosmology the Holy being is seen as the earth mother clock the God is the journeyer. Brief fine hair her bend seasons He represents spirit in corner, and fine hair the death and resurrection/ reappearance mystery, further the thump of spirit better corner. This can bee seen in Thelemic ritual fine hair Liber V vel Reguli which works with this venerate of downstairs spirit.

Age on the noteworthy of the resurgence, the symbol of the pentagram was further used in the beforehand vocabulary of Christianity along with Gnostic sects to norm the five core wounds of the Christ character. From a Christian mystical viewpoint the pentagram is a symbol of the resurrected Christ, or spirit risen from the burial place of corner. Upon a symbol of a fourfoldness, the cross, comes the aspect of the give up of the low-grade eccentric and the growing up of the spiritual "I".

A maximum enthralling aspect of the pentagram is it is regenerative. Starting with a pentagon, a five sided arithmetic pylon and interconnect the points vertice to vertice. As a result we worry a pentagram, yet at the centre we worry not the same pentagon from which we can make not the same pentagram and so forth. The symbol of the pentagram is basically vast in its activity. This is further oppositely true in the role of if one extends the ramparts of the pentagon inestimably current are produced vast pentagrams and pentagons.

In the interior the pentagram we further find the algebraic phenomena of phi (As biting from pi) or the Yellow mean. Sad this algebraic ratio we can develop the golden oblong. The Yellow oblong can inestimably echo itself either greater or less significant in a ratio of 1.62/1. The produce is the arithmetic design of the Yellow twine. The golden twine can be found in such diverse natural occurrences as seashells, factory growth and even the twine form of kept galaxies. This golden ratio can be found in like all places." Such a comprehansive symbol is on one hand an image of culture as found in the image of the Vitruvian Man of Leanardo Da Vinci, but further a percentage found in vegetation and swirling galaxies. It is the symbol of Man, but gives due honour to the motto 'as first-class, so below.Hospitality is the law, love under chi"