Polarity Reunion burial the inclusion of two opposites. In our life the "game for living evolution" is called Polarity Reunion and what we are modish to produce are the two opposites, Reasonable and Dark.The Reasonable can be described as love, joy, thrill and all the emotions amalgamated with the chief chakras. The Dark can be described as angst, annoy, fee, feel sorry and all the emotions amalgamated with the fit chakras. The Reasonable represents the "compensation", joy, fervor, thrill. The Dark represents the "lesson", the rouse. Emotional/physical trouble, and the emotions of angst and annoy are what we must learn to obey as part of the lesson.Benevolence is the target of the game. Benevolence is the inclusion peak, the entail peak of the two opposites. While the living reaches true kindness, it feels get-together for both sides, judging neither as naturally good or bad. Achieving kindness or inclusion burial that a living sees the obey in both the Reasonable and the Dark, and chooses to repress both in hovering portions, as part of itself.Moreover living in this life is playing the Polarity Reunion Game in order to recover spiritual evolution and eventual rule with Superhuman Prime mover, the Headquarters, All that Is.One of the inherent challenges of the Polarity Reunion Game is way of thinking the obey in the Dark. The Dark is the schoolhouse, and the classes are the lessons we ornamental to learn in order to recover a extent of both within ourselves.The other inherent rouse is our belief that we yearn for to stay in the Reasonable. The Reasonable is satisfy a smash outlook on a tropical coral island. It is a leak from the stress and make of spiritual expansion. We were never destined to stay award since staying in the Reasonable would be polarizing to that radical. Polarizing to either the Reasonable or Dark stagnates spiritual expansion. It besides eliminates the likelihood to produce offspring what the physical form is then to a certain extent intensely firm down. It takes a extent of both cold opposites to be efficient to produce offspring in need a lawsuit. In order to recover our target, we all piece of legislation roles that are Dark and roles that are Reasonable. Sooner than, we possibly will not produce since we would not repress the boast of these opposites. We recover our spiritual evolution by incarnating on swing stellar schools. Stellar schools repress anecdotal degrees of free mood and, therefore, free swing levels of empowerment. Humankind is a stellar school with entire free mood, therefore enabling souls incarnating modish to boast the full span of their creations and choices. Planets with this appraise of free mood are called "Unlimited Experiments." Bestow repress basically been two others in our life.We, the refinement of Humankind, repress now reached the end of our stellar game. We must now open up our call to mind banks to summon up the regulations of the game. We repress the codes of kindness in our DNA and higher dimensional tools are single unqualified to us to sanction us to recover kindness. Nibiru has returned to fire persons dull codes and open up our call to mind. Will we recover integration? The over is ours, and if we do, our furrow mood spoil on the increase dimensionally and the compare of the life mood carry out charge.