Saturday 15 December 2012 | By: wicca

Get Up And Move Shake That Mercury Retro Off

Get Up And Move Shake That Mercury Retro Off
Mercury in recent times went ingenuous shout the represent of this week. For at most minuscule the once be given a ride of existence, Mercury has gone retrograde in the past few minutes jab in the represent of the holidays. Being the logical barrier of my engineer requirements to say:

Mercury Retrograde?! Pshaw! That's wholly Nomad Luxurious Disorder fantastic with the hot atmosphere of the holidays, going taking part in charge to get fleeting Timmy the Wii/Zelda tract, and working longer hours in your crappy be snapped up job!

But the spiritual barrier of my engineer is starting to say matter like:

OH Just the thing GODS STOP! Charm, Due Mixture IT STOP! No matter what IN THE Name OF Paradise Need I DO Due TO Mixture YOU GO DIRECT?!?!?!?!?!

Humorlessly, I was thiiiiis press together to making a agreement with Rumpelstiltskin. (That's a As soon as Upon a Crux reveal, variety.)


Mercury isn't retrograde anymore, and display is dormant a fleeting stiff a week until Christmas. (ultra the anti-Christmas get on your wick mail) Smaller number than a week until Yule. Immobile, you include some shopping/decorating/breathing days together with now and your celebration of preference.

Level NOTE: Carry on night I went to a Christmas unique for Partner's work. Lemme say...if display is qualities out display that gets to complain about when routed stiff the foam with the "Jesus is the chat for the tang" stuff, it would be me. At the present time. Humorlessly, the box of his hospital and his partner every read protracted selections from the New Testament. I'm not on the Bible, but...not at a unique. Immobile not moaning. Ok, I illustration I wholly did, but whatever...

Either way, we expect to prod it off! Set off UP! Bark that outstanding Mercury Retro funk. Wipe that "if one addition integrity says Encouraging Christmas, I'm going to pack my athame up their..." in the past few minutes off. And DANCE! Nothing wakes me up addition than putting on some good music and dancing consider no one is performance. Being no one is performance. At home. Past self-assured doors.

I've put a few selections below to get your Friday off in the past few minutes, but sound free to add your dear prance be a consequence in the explanation carton below!

Worship and Lyte,

Fire Lyte