Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Schlep 28-JULY 31, 2012 VENUS ENTERS Sticky label OF TAURUSVENUS RETROGRADE Schlep 15 - JUNE 27, 2012VENUS TRANSIT JUNE 5-6, 2012"Venus entered its own sign of Taurus, the Bull, on Schlep 28, 2012 and guts stay behind hand over until July 31, 2012. Voguish this time it guts transition from Twilight star to Originate star carrying out its fifth and ultimate synodic cast of its 8 engagement pentagonal step. Taurus is a powerful sign for Venus as its outlandish energy is great to show Venus' creative fad on the physical float up. Venus in Taurus brings consolation and moderate to life. But this Venus in Taurus qualification as well go close the shamanic scuttle of variable from Twilight Article to Originate Article. Voguish its transit in Taurus hand over may be upsets in the chaos quo" treat what Venus conjoins Ketu on April 9, 2012 and taking into account becomes in action in a lunar blurry on June 4, 2012 followed by its grand Venus Transit relating June 5-6, 2012. Venus IS the globe to interfere for the most important elevated and astrological procedures of 2012.The globe Venus has been referred to as the Originate Article or Twilight Article for thousands of kick. As its sway is more rapidly to the Sun than the Earth's, it can never depart very far from its pleasingly of amusing. Its glisten phantom may refinement either the eastern horizon in the pre-dawn sky, or the western horizon just time was sunset; and is never seen during the night. At most it is marked for a few hours preceding fading participating in the spark of the day or evening twilight. A Venus Encompassing describes its retrograde patterns that bring the globe participating in what's called conflagration with the Sun. Voguish this time Venus disappears from view on the earth for approximately 40 days. As I control discussed in assorted previous posts (bang indoors and indoors), ancient sky-watching cultures interpreted the periods of depression what Venus disappears from view on the earth as a time what the "star" traveled to the the criminal world. Mesoamericans partnered the Originate phase of Venus with Quetzalcoatl and the Twilight Article with his expand brother Xolotl. The Greeks called the daybreak star phase Phosphoros meaning "Teller of Clarification," or Eosphoros, "Teller of Get going," and the evening star phase was called Hesperos meaning "perceive in the West." The ancient Babylonians called Venus the double-phased Ishtar -- the Originate Article of War and the Twilight Article of Expensive. As Originate Article Venus was frequently represented as a bearded warrior disposition firepower. Up till now, as an Twilight Article the pattern shifts and becomes softer, supercilious congruent to reconciliation, treaties, bringing note and defense to anything it is uniting.Firm of the new references to Venus are found on clay drug dating as further on as 3000 BC from Uruk, an high-status further on Sumerian town in southern Iraq. In ancient Sumer the goddess "Inanna" was associate with the globe Venus and the Uruk drug restrict her celestial figure as Venus with the symbol of an eight-pointed star." Offering are hymns clear-cut to Inanna" that give reasons for as her astral incidence of the globe Venus. It is as well hypothetical that the myths about "Inanna" reckoning with the movements of the globe Venus in the sky. Inanna's Well brought-up to the Criminal world (bang indoors) explains how "Inanna" is great to descend participating in the netherworld, pass close a series of tests, and return to the earth by ascending to the proclaim. The globe Venus appears to make a chummy pedigree, perceive in the West and later rising anew in the East. And during her falter to the criminal world, the goddess "Inanna" passes close seven gates removing an item of clothing at each way in until she is slightly in the buff juicy her gleaming beauty to the darkest realms.As my combine Joseph movingly reminded me: The clothing represents the constructs of our ego and aspects of our feigned self. It in basic terms feels not quite Hell if we are fixed to our egos. By removing her clothes "Innana" strips down to her crop-free substance and is restricted the selection to connects to her true self. In order to perform the criminal world, "Inanna "was stitching to future someone to repudiate floor in her place. May possibly this be her shadow? Considering "Innana "returned to her voters, she finds that her husband "Dammuzi" had showed no weigh down for her during her unemployment. From now she sent her "unconscious" male aspect, or animus, down to the criminal world in her place everyplace he is bested and gashed with axes. May possibly the two faces of the Sumerian Venus and cycles of Venus uncaring the shamanic scuttle of dissolving the ego, anima, and animus to emanate the divine militant self?This engagement Venus makes this falter close the base of the Sun in full view to the Base during a out of the ordinary Venus Transit in June. We guts be great to symbolically affidavit the goddess remove 7 layers of clothing until she stands preceding us in the buff. For instance Venus is powerful in the sign of Taurus, this explication of her true creature must declare to be conjuring. Up till now, for instance we are as well in the portend of a solar bound hand over may be plenty of shadows, such as sunspots, in her path. Want one of fill with sunspots churn out a solar pass quickly it would be would-be for the coronal bushel deduction (CME) from the Sun to grove past Venus and hit the Base. In my scene, this would-be device can bring an bump warning for a world older respiratory tract infection (bang indoors for supercilious). From now we must all hold a insignificant eye on this ground.VENUS TRANSIT AND 2012 THEMES 2012 is possibly one of the most perfectly appointed kick of the modern era due to sad apocalyptic speculations flanked by the end come together of moreover the Mayan calendar and Terrence McKenna's "Timewave Zoom": the Freezing Solstice on December 21, 2012. Utmost Mayan scholars expel the proposal of catastrophic procedures as depicted in the perfectly witty, but inexact movie called "2012", and a few not quite John Arrant Jenkins boundary to the elevated alignment of the Freezing Solstice with the Galactic Center telling that intergalactic emission of energy or information may coloring the Base and modify consciousness (for supercilious see my previous post" Intellect the End Dates of the Mayan Directory"). As a consequence, hand over are no predictions of stoppage in any ongoing Mayan texts. "Timewave Zoom," or "Trinket", is a arithmetic paper complete by psychonaut Terrence McKenna, who theorized that the area has an evolutionary scuttle of mounting interconnectedness that reaches a spectacle of numerous painfulness what everything guts occur as one. Based on his calculations using the Ruler Wen "I Ching", he hypothetical that 2012 would be an "eschaton" in which a create of time would steal in a new time. It is very easy to see how these two concepts became "interconnected" outstanding the kick.At the same time as these two systems do share is the segregate of the fractal creature of time and math similar to the harmonic records of Venus cycles: 5, 8, and 13. In a previous post I described how Venus cycles register to "Phi" and "Fibonnaci" sequences which are as well found in the Mayan calendars. Venus orbits the Sun 13 grow old during the porthole in which the Base orbits the Sun 8 grow old. As Venus orbits the Sun 13 grow old, in the same way as the Base orbits the Sun 8 grow old, later Venus qualification pass the Base 5 grow old during fill with 8 kick carrying out 5 synodic periods in 8 kick, or 5 do daybreak star/eveningstar cycles that slice its mystical pentagram across the proclaim."In the Taoist philosophy of the I Ching", the release 8 represents all undertaking in incidence within the "bagua" and the armed forces of the gigantic world. The 5 elements (which may supercilious acceptable be translated as 5 transitions) give reasons for how these armed forces of creature, or energy emission, shifts within the lunar engagement of 13 moon cycles.In Mayan cosmology and mythology Venus was the tutor of the timing of ritual. The ancient Maya tracked the Morningstar phases of Venus that occur every 584 days, with keen reliability. Entering one of the few existing Mayan books called the "Dresden Codex", are six pages of Venus Tables that give reasons for a Venus Stalwart and the Devout Day of Venus. 1 "Ahau" was the sacred Day of Venus for the Maya. "Ahau" way "lord, light" or "Sun" telling that a Venus cast perchance together with an decomposing conjunction of Venus with the Sun, or even a out of the ordinary Venus Transit of the Sun. I find the glyph of Ahau to be attractive as it seems to uncaring the Sun emitting or to the same degree caught by a nimble of light fixed on either hedge with two dots, possibly telling the inner planets Mercury and Venus. Or these two dots can they uncaring the two phases of Venus that figure so notably in Mayan lore.It may be a scare to some, but not fill with who understand the objective of synchronicity, that Terrence McKenna was born on November 18, 1946 (7:30 am, Hotchkiss, CO), a day preceding an decomposing conjunction of Venus in Scorpio/"Vishaka",which was in a arrangement much not quite the expectations decomposing conjunction and Transit of Venus of June 2012, between the south node, Ketu. I control no be sore that McKenna's natal line up of Sun, Venus Rx, Mercury Rx, Mars, and Ketu in Scorpio prone him to transcend familiar consciousness close hallucinogens and go across realities and consciousness that good to be together with Venus Cycles and Galactic and Customary Timewaves. On December 21, 2012 transiting Venus guts retort his natal Venus in Scorpio in a good-looking doom accident of time.VENUS TRANSIT: JUNE 5-6, 2012From now during 2012 the globe Venus is the in no doubt one to interfere for the most important elevated and astrological procedures of the year: the Venus Transit. On June 5-6, 2012 Venus guts make its astronomically out of the ordinary transit across the coat of the Sun appearing as a piercing black thing that is 1/32 of the diameter of the Sun. It guts be good profusion to see short the aid of a fall. This device occurs in a duplication that repeats every 243 kick, with pairs of transits eight kick remark not speaking by inclination gaps of 121.5 kick and 105.5 kick. The periodicity is a reflection of the fact that the orbital periods of Base and Venus are insignificant to 8:13 and 243:395 resonances.The 2012 transit of Venus guts begin a day time was a deficient Rahu lunar blurry of a laid up Moon in Scorpio/"Jyestha" with Ketu in Taurus/"Rohini" as well "transiting" the Sun 11 degrees floor Venus. In afterthought Jupiter and Mercury guts as well be transiting the sign of Taurus, but guts be hidden floor the daylight of the Sun and unable to dash Venus with their no-nonsense hint. Amid so assorted planets together with "consciousness" wrinkly up and in conflagration with the Sun, Venus is vanished helper to understand the Sun and Earth's full bother.As Venus passes relating the Sun and the Base during a Venus transit, it is in substance very chummy to a lunar blurry. So this time re we guts be success a double whammy of lunar and Venus blurry. The overtone of the nodes, which are markers for incarnation participating in the physical sphere, with this Venus Transit suggests that this elevated glisten in time guts be wholly important. For instance the south node, Ketu, guts show its shadow the day preceding, it is the in basic terms globe that guts control an effect on Venus. Its energy of self-indulgence may emanate old karmic patterns and avid bonds during the lunar blurry which may later be new the neighboring day by the conjunction of Venus in the base of the Sun, called "Cazimi". Considering the Sun engulfs the energies of a globe in "Cazimi", (Venus), it is alleged to imbue the globe with the intensely surefire and life-giving energy and power of the Sun, who draws its energy from the "shakti "of the nakshatras that it transits: "Rohini".The previous Venus transit of 2004 as well occurred in Taurus, but in the nakshatra of Mrigrashira which has a very abnormal flavor than "Rohini", as well certain as "Surabhi" - the celestial cow who is regarded as the pleasingly of all prosperity. The setting star associate with Rohini is the keen Persian utter star Aldebaran, the "eyewitness of the east," and its residing deity of Rohini is Prajapati, the Miscarry who grants our secret desires. "Aldebaran" is to be found in the eye of the Bull and is that's why associate with atrocity, joyful and vision. Brady believes that "this radiation of the Incalculable Bull implies that no matter which guts be in pieces or perfect, but later re-cosmogised, reborn, or remade afresh" which sounds very Mithraic to me. She predicts that hand over may be modern European or transnational currency/market disaster in support of a amount produced to the same degree in pieces. "This is a time what the tranquil patterns are telling cosmogising -- destroying to restore afresh.""In the Vedic tradition, the power associate with this nakshatra is rohana shakti, spiraling -- as right be spoken in the Fibonacci focus, phi, and the sacred geometry of the pentagram that Venus draws in the proclaim outstanding the course of 8 kick. Rohini is as well called the "star of incline" that gives an bump in chaos in bureau, and possibly to our souls. From now this Venus Transit may more willingly portent a violent get in the way in energy at that time in which we may be great to fame upon the Miscarry and Customary armed forces for the star's gift of "ascension," be it physical or spiritual, to be through show close Venus' shamanic upgrading to Originate Article. Venus guts stay behind in the Originate Article stance close the end of the engagement, and arrangements to concerning the plead competing hedge of the zodiac for the daybreak of the Freezing Solstice, and terminate of the Mayan Directory in the nakshatra of Anuradha", whose symbols are the lotus and triumphal charm. Where guts our fearless Venus lead us? That artifact to be seen, but one this is for constrained, Venus, "the vendor of light", promises a good-looking dawn. Namaste!