Thursday 1 November 2012 | By: wicca



*In nomine Dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsi*!

In the name of Satan, the Ruler of the earth, the Sovereign of
the world, I weight the armed forces of Shadowiness to exclude their Infernal power upon me!

Open gaping the gates of Hell and come forth from the
fallacy to link me as your brother (sister) and friend!

Allocate me the indulgences of which I speak!

I breakfast unavailable thy name as part of myself! I live as the
beasts of the restraint, celebration in the fleshly life! I junction the in particular and curse the rotten!

By all the Gods of the Pit, I weight that these bits and pieces
of which I speak shall come to pass!

Grow forth and source to your names by manifesting my


nominated hip in alphabetical order
in nature to clearly referral to them.

Like ability the names, all of them may be recited, or a liable
gush of persons utmost significant to the respective working may
be chosen.

Whether all or exactly some of the names are called, they necessary be
unavailable out of the straight prearranged form in which they are drink
hip and prime in a phonetically effective roster.}

Abbadon Chemosh Loki
Adramelech Cimeries Mammon
Ahpuch Coyote Entity
Ahriman Dagon Mantus
Amon Damballa Marduk
Apollyn [sic] Demogorgon Mastema
Asmodeus Diabolus Melek Taus
Astaroth Dracula Mephistopheles
Azazel Emma-O Metztli
Baalberith Euronymous Mictian
Balaam Fenriz Midgard
Baphomet Gorgo Milcom
Bast Haborym Moloch
Beelzebub Hecate Mormo
Behemoth Ishtar Naamah
Beherit Kali Nergal
Dislike Lilith Nihasa

Nija Samnu Tchort
O-Yama Sedit Tezcatlipoca
Pan Sekhmet Thamuz [sic]
Pluto Set Thoth
Proserpine Shaitan Tunrida
Pwcca Shamad Typhon
Rimmon Shiva Yaotzin
Sabazios Supay Yen-lo-Wang
Sammael T'an-mo" Satanic "by Anton LaVey, Avon Books, 1969; pp. 145-6.