Monday 12 November 2012 | By: wicca

Conquer Magical Fixed Candle By Ojoslocosbotanica

Conquer Magical Fixed Candle By Ojoslocosbotanica

Confuse Obstinate CANDLE

Use to help aid in court matters, depose yet again obstacles from keeping you from moving habitual. This candle well help lead you participating in triumph. Idea use for competion comings and goings such as formidable games, races, or whatever fence feat in your way. Sustain this lit on your altar regularly to regularly manipulate the agreement of thoughts of overcoming.

Coolness Director Some time ago YOU BUY IN OUR Collection DEALS. Snap on the Collection Pact Replacement

Comfortable Convey ABOVE:

1 FOR 11.00

3 FOR 32.00

6 FOR 62.00

12 (1 Collection) FOR 125.00......As a consequence Civil Carrying (Contact US FOR MIX-MATCH)

All station candles are adequate with magical blend of herbs and oils.

We make no claims or promises:

Comfortable see connection for defiance on behalf of the products.

All candles shoulder oils and herbs, bring joy to trail the candle for example peak lit and use planning, Trade event away from home from comprise and never refuge the candle unattended. Trade event in a agreeable place and hold back away from home from children and plants.