Sunday 28 August 2011 | By: wicca

Vomit And The Perfect High Elf Unit

Vomit And The Perfect High Elf Unit
Mentality Troll King Throgg And His Bilious Collection - They Don't Mix Correctly Sooner than Silky-smooth Relax Elven Armour ! Everything To boot Came Out Of Handle Weekend's War... I Signal I May Bring into being Discovered The Charmed Relax Elven Guard And I'm Not Words Roundabouts Swordmasters Or Pasty Lions !

King Throgg through a very not needed tune on the elated Relax Elven field (violently at my pad) a two of a kind of weeks ago and I possess since installed a King Throgg detector (Tyrion's big brother) on the forerunner way out to pause his return.

My Relax Elves did not lean any dishes toilets or splendid buckets wearing disagreement and so were not well in shape for the Troll King's rampage. He literally puked his way to subjugation put away with 5 of his cronies experiment from unspeakable "gut rot". I can purely play a part that at the back of night doner kebabs and 10 pints were the order of the day on the sunset as a result of the disagreement.

The Relax Elves through a adequate start by plunder out all of the enemy's run units (warhounds, and 2 robber horsemen) with some tone down, regardless of it resulted in a niggle... one of the Burglar units was lead astray ! (at lowest possible that's the way it turned out). Here's what happened...

The Dragon Princes dispatched one mounted robber unit to find themselves a bit too piece for comfort to a unit of 6 trolls including king Throgg himself. It basic be imaginary that the Trolls essential to charge 10 inches so it wasn't a foregone finale but what time they rolled the 10 they essential death proceeded on a mega important.

The Trolls dispatched the Dragon Princes in 2 engagement rounds and even survived (what turned out to be an sin) charge in the bring to somebody's attention by a Pasty Lion chariot (which rolled 1 sway hit !). I don't sum the chaiort caused even 1 sting on the trolls. With the trolls had owing to puking their way to subjugation in opposition to people two units they stimulated on my back line which consisted of 15 Swordmasters shielding 2 repeaters and 2 units of archers and Teclis (who astutely decided to start moving out of the way). The rest of my violence had stimulated unimportantly advertise to lean the confidential charges from marauders and warriors.

The Swordmasters were my purely consortium for my back line. They fought confidently and caused a few wounds but Throgg shy rising and falling high for his insincere throw up terrorize and they were literally dissolved to death by rostrum sarcastic.

The archers were next-door and consequently the repeater, seemingly none of them managed to do furthest check to the Trolls. Teclis, who was now well out of the way, managed to find a few wounds with his Lore of Galvanize spells but impart were stopped about 3 trolls as soon as they met up with my unquestionable unit of archers who determinedly caused a sting as a result of human being puked to death.

It was one heck of a Troll test. They had under enemy control out 5 Dragon Princes, a Lion Chariot, 15 swordmasters, 2 repeaters and 2 units of archers distinctive handedly by using nothing other than throw up attacks ! Entirely the Swordmasters and Teclis had managed to even out any of the bulbous monsters.

My back line had been busted and the game was purely slogan in one bearing - wholesale elimination !

Strike looked absolutely one and the same calm down in the mean of the disagreement obtain wherever Pasty Lions and Phoenix Resistance fought determinedly on and were cutting splendid swathes completed the marauders and cutting down far advanced Affirm warriors than I smidgen they would be virtuous of. The Relax Elves magic had been poorly shared by the loss of a wizard that, due to a miscast was now a level 0 non-spelllcaster and the loss of the Typical of Sorcery (carried by the Dragon Princes) which had contracted the elves an brand new +d3 power upset.

Even now, Teclis remained very furthest part of the game. He in actual fact cast Pesky Sword of Rhuin 3 mature on the Phoenix Resistance which contracted them +1 to sting for 6 engagement turns and he had through a load a few fireball kills and wounds on the trolls. He was calm down, not really import his 475 points excise in lexis of check but he was import the points in lexis of fun (from my perspective !)

The Pasty Lions were eventually enclosed and cut down regardless of they stood until the very think elf and were import their points excise.

The Phoenix Resistance were the real heroes of the disagreement (from my consequence of view) and caused physically as furthest check as the trolls had. I had "tooled up" this unit a bit and it included not purely the BSB but a distinguished and some a noble magic item combo (to make confirmable they hung violently). This is probably the best acquit yourself I possess ever seen from a Relax Elf unit. Here's what the unit consisted of:-

Tall (Conqueror) with Topmost of Own [Determined, judge 9], on your doorstep armour, awe-inspiring flak

Tall (Conqueror) BSB with disagreement touchstone [+d6 engagement res], on your doorstep armour, awe-inspiring flak

13 Phoenix Resistance + Bring to an end Own

Sooner than everlastingly strikes foundational and get-up-and-go 6 they were physically everlastingly going to re-roll missed hits and with a force 4 terrorize (and +1 to sting, due to Pesky Sword of Rhuin), they were going to find a lot of check. List purely that but due to their neighborhood bring, judge 9 and incurable and with the BSB for judge re-rolls they were not going to go someplace either.

The Phoenix Resistance through a real mess of the marauders and avow warriors and the opposing lost their usual who was cut down as soon as he turned to drip the bombard. For instance it was high that Affirm had under enemy control the day purely the Phoenix Resistance and Teclis stopped stood (and the Trolls were hot on his heels !). For a bit of fun we put the Phoenix Resistance in the mean of the field and enclosed them with all of the take avow units (some warriors, marauders and two depressed units of knights). Get this... if the Phoenix Resistance had rolled a 3 on their War Typical junction, they would possess won the engagement ! Unhappily, they rolled a 1 and consequently ruined their judge test (and I forgot to re-roll for the BSB) so they were cut down wherever they stood.

My summary:- Trolls are bad (in a good way) but, with the cut out for edge, Phoenix Resistance are enlarged !

Metaphors are (c) Participate Conceal. All job withdrawn. Second hand not good enough accredit.