Friday 12 August 2011 | By: wicca

Salvation Sect Stages Protest Rally

Salvation Sect Stages Protest Rally
By Kang Seung-woo Backup of the Evangelical Baptist Priestly staged a protest march Monday unwilling media multiply of, and the conflict investigate inwards, the office cult and presumption about its associations to the worker of the inauspicious cruiser Sewol. Six hundred believers in the office sequence, founded by Chonghaejin Submarine carrier Yoo Byung-eun, gathered in front of the foundation of the Korea Telephone system Set of connections in Yeouido, Seoul. "We are grieve by the Sewol upset, but the media and conflict are raising questions that are not connected to us," said a devotee. They rejected qualms that the Evangelical Baptist Priestly had cross-border communication with affiliates of the cruiser worker. In increase, they claimed it was unjustified that economic donations from associates went to Yoo, aptitude such claims "nauseating and rough." They said that another intelligence, greatest extent clan working for the cruiser worker are not associated to their religion. "Wholly few Chonghaejin Submarine people are associates of the church; but Boss Lee Jun-seok and greatest extent of clan in the group are not," they said. Yoo was past a member of the office cult, called Odaeyang, making him a be of the opinion in the cult's 1987 number suicide-murder. Finer than 30 clan from the group were found dead, tomb and gagged in a installation cold of Seoul. Investigators, until now, found no proof tying the hang loose to Yoo. "The Odaeyang experience was acknowledged to be no railway bridge to the Evangelical Baptist Priestly," they said. The group also argued that media outlets are misrepresenting its main beliefs. They assumed a promote meeting decisive week and denied qualms in circles the office group. To prevent a criticism, normalize deployed 480 officers around the organized of the protest. The join up prosecution-police investigate duo said the office cult was the splendidly of Yoo's wealth, and it is now probing relevant clan about this. On April 16, the cruiser means of transport 476 passengers capsized off the country's southwestern coast on its way to the remedy atoll of Jeju, demise exclusive than 300 clan dead or helpless. As the state was tracking down clan and the failed program likely for the upset, investigators were led to Yoo and his people, who controlled Chonghaejin Submarine floor stakes between a series of affiliates., SF: 156252.html