Tuesday, 30 August 2011
"FOR WE Vacillate NOT Opposed to FLESH AND BLOOD, BUT Opposed to PRINCIPALITIES, Opposed to POWERS, Opposed to THE RULERS OF THE Obtuseness OF THIS Universe, Opposed to Blessed Spitefulness IN Excitement Seats".EPHESIANS Payment 6 Sonnet 12 WE READTHERE ARE 3 Innovative Reveal : the chief nirvana is the atmospheric nirvana on earth, the 2nd Sky's the starry sky in the fame of interstellar space, and the third nirvana is one everyplace dwell the highest high God, Creator of the Interval, and his angels.Demons dwell and hold their home trivial in the planetary regions of the 2nd Heaven, which is the high point sky, the life-size space is covered by the stars, solar systems and planets.FROM THE Rule OF Bygone ON Channel Defiant ANGELS-DEMONS OR GODS CAME Swig TO Channel AND Subjugated. And for 6,000 years, which is the age of secular beings on Channel were in addition trapped mankind.So the gods, demons, before ancient times, hold exercised their ascendancy wrecked all the planetary space, and in addition hold on the go the planet Channel rapt to its offending scenario.But is not that the demons hold their home stylish on Channel, far beneath the earth, in the Interior of the Notion Channel. Individual Hold back Taken THE Channel, BUT THEY Hold back THEIR BASES, THEIR THRONES, and powerful capitals situated in new parts of the planetary space.The gods hold no abscond wrecked demons Notion Earth; that's why expound lives a Even more Refined Everyday High society, free of squalor and evil degeneration. Put forward, in the Earth's within, yet Biblical characters predictable as the living Far-seeing ENOCH, THE Far-seeing ELIJAH, and all transferred and raised going on for secular history. As Scripture says that you can slightly die subsequently, to one side from the 2nd ultimate death in Gehenna or lake of fire, which spur go on for a interlude participating in the Conclusive Care.Demons move wherever, in new shape, staff relations everyplace keep information is prevented by the Creator. But if you hold to present about what is the pivotal capital of the demons within the life-size planetary space, or everyplace your pivotal secret trivial, as a result we would demote to the planetary quarter formed by theCONSTELLATION ORION and the triple star come into being SIRIUS. Orion is located beneath Sirius, each of touch on regions, and each are the extraordinarily planetary quarter, which the ancient Egyptians called the Duat.The sob Orion's Clobber is formed by the stars ALNITAK, ALNILAM, AND MINTAKA, predictable as "The Three Marys" and safeguard an constant calligraphy with the three pyramids of Giza in Egypt, as demonstrated by ROBERT BAUVAL in his book "The Challenge of Orion ". Giza was dazzling as in a mirror, the capital of the high point nature, according to Egyptian mythology. The benefit from of the pyramids, as a result, is religious; not Christian but worship to the gods demons.On December 24, Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, is associated with the three stars of Orion's Clobber. This combination is one that celebrates and worships the Catholic and Masonic paganism.As well as, in addition Sirius is actually a triple star set comprises 3 suns or stars, called SIRIUS A, SIRIUS B, AND SIRIUS C, the subsequent naked more readily honest, in 1995.The three stars, which is recurrent in each formations, refers in the mythologies of various cultures, the three-satanic pagan deities: BAAL, ASTARTET AND TAMU z shifting names such as language, Greek, Babylonian, Chaldean, Egyptian, etc...Orion, the Follower and the Twinkle Sirius in his hand. The belt stars of Orion is associated with the pyramids of GizaEgyptian Dream of of Orion (Osiris) and Sirius (Isis).In ancient Egyptian mythology and cosmogony, was acknowledged with the god Osiris Orion, Sirius and the goddess Isis, and describes each forming a sacred marriage amid ancient gods. According to the graphic form of the constellation, Orion (Osisis) is the Follower, and carries in his left hand to Isis, Sirius, the brightest star of the planetary sky as seen from Channel. Sirius can be seen in fulfilled date, with the sun aloof the horizon.The Dogon in Mali.Up your sleeve from the Egyptian figure to Sirius and Orion, the Dogon group of people in the African shape of Mali, in addition retains a earnest roots, are significantly in time, connected with the star Sirius. The ancient Egyptians and Dogon knew that Sirius was already a come into being that consisted of 3-star. Dedicated of these recruits, and others, traditions speak of the arrival of powerful beings that ax to Channel from Orion planetary quarter. Bizarrely, each the Mesopotamian and the Dogon group exact that these beings had a reptilian buzz. A portrayal believably tormenting.As you hold precise the capital and chief secret trivial of the gods hell is Twinkle Orion quarter, expound is fresh important combine informer of these outer space beings abject Twinkle Quarter of the Pleiades. Correspondingly in various references mystics, occultists, ufologists, professed ABDUCTEES, etc... nurse outer space humanity from the Pleiadians. For, indeed, expound is some truth in this. As the saying goes: "Where on earth there's haze there's fire".... To boot these two, expound are other planetary reasonably less important areas, such as Draco, Alfa, etc..., everyplace these horrible beings in addition hold been installed.The new races of aliens of which is habitually talked in circles of mystics, OCCULTISTS, AND UFO ABDUCTEES capability actually demote to new bases aliens gods demons that get to your feet going on for space, as all these weird beings can involve any buzz at spur.In the Bible sometimes advocate the Big Hollow out, Orion is ready, and the Pleiades, a write to all beings in the nature, that God is the Noble Yahweh, Property-owner and Creator of the Big Hollow out, Orion, Draco, the Pleiades, and all the planetary nature. And therefore, Orion and the Pleiades belong to him.JOB 9:9 HE (YAHWEH) Made THE Be inflicted with AND ORION, THE PLEIADES, AND THE Upper limit Frosty Seats OF THE SOUTH". Job 38:31 "Canst thou join the chains of the Pleiades? ? Slack the bands of Orion"Amos 5:8 "Track ye who ready the Pleiades and Orion, and turns firm doubtfulness fashionable the morning, and maketh the day dark as night; who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out upon the come into contact with of the earth: Yahweh is his name. Scripture refers to these two planetary regions not by back, but so these prophets, AMOS AND JOB, were wholly inhabit that strangely in these idyllic places the power of doubtfulness stanch.At any time the facsimile cites the Be inflicted with, Orion, and Pleiades, says perpendicular that the Creator can junction doubtfulness fashionable the morning, alluding to these places as the capital of doubtfulness, but spur one day be cleaned.Exposition reveals that rapidly, in the time of the end, expound spur be a Omnipotent War going on for the planetary space, formerly which the horrible angels spur be cast fashionable the Channel. And may not even involve refuge on the planet Mars, which spur in addition be emancipated. Astronomers seize an especially voluminous energy reformation, and considerable apprehension services that are plunder place in new planetary zones.All this leads us to keep a note that rapidly, in the support few years spur sure see dazzling flashes, explosions and planetary moves on these points, very in Pleiades and Orion, as it is about to break drifting the Omnipotent War to be in the Twinkle Sky, relaxed of in Revelation:"AND Put forward WAS WAR IN HEAVEN: MICHAEL AND HIS ANGELS FOUGHT Opposed to THE DRAGON; AND THE DRAGON FOUGHT AND HIS ANGELS; PREVAILED NOT, NEITHER WAS THEIR Position Flatten ANY Even more IN Heaven. AND I WAS At a loss OUT THE Omnipotent DRAGON, THAT OLD SERPENT, CALLED THE Sprite AND SATAN, WHO DECEIVES THE Fantastic WORLD; HE WAS Dash TO THE Channel, AND HIS ANGELS WERE Dash OUT With HIM."So revel, ye vent, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the population of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having dazzling wrath, knowing that he has tiny time. " Payment 12 Sonnet 7 TO 12 APOCALYPSE.The idyllic host of Yahweh are about to hideaway the demons of their secret bases Orion, Pleiades, and other places everyplace planetary became strong. As this planetary war takes place, the whole space spur be slack, among the planet Mars, the Moon and all the planets in our solar come into being. After that the demons, among Satan himself is, influence for place of safety dipping on Channel, and it spur be the irrefutable fortification of the nature everyplace they nevertheless keep alive to decree in the Sin Sophistication"THE Major BASES OF SATAN AND THE HOSTS OF Sin, AS SIRIUS, ORION, AND PLEIADES, Amid Previous Space REGIONS, THEY Preference BE ATTACKED IN A Pithy Predict BY THE Calm HOSTS OF YAHWEH OUR GOD AND Creator. " * "THE BIBLE SAYS "THE CHARIOTS (UFO) OF YAHWEH ARE TWENTY OF THOUSANDS OF MILLIONS." PSALMS Payment 68 Sonnet 17." * "THEY Spring FROM A FAR Land, (Several EARTH-LIKE Planet), FROM THE END OF Heaven, YAHWEH AND THE Missiles OF HIS Wrath, (On high CARS), TO Take it easy THE Fantastic Channel." ISAIAH 13 Sonnet 5. "After that THE GODS REPTILES AND HIS MINIONS ARE Leaving TO Force Calorific AND Entrench ON Channel AND ARE PREPARING FOR IT HIS Crushing Authority AND Run A cut above ALL THE Channel, In the course of THE Put together OF A NEW Universe Appoint. FROM THE Calorific POSITIONS THAT Preference BE DEPLOYED ON Channel, THE REPTILIAN First-class MASONS AND THEIR LACKEYS Preference TRY TO Cuddle THE INVADER'S Work stoppage AND Calm Armed forces OF YAHWEH. Where ALL THIS HAPPENS, Everyday BEINGS AND ALL CREATURES OF THE Channel ARE Approaching HOSTAGES OF THE Naughty. "BUT Exposition AND THE Sagacious BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Forewarning THAT First-class DEMONS REPTILES, THE Offer OWNERS OF THE Channel, Preference BE RAZED AND THE Omnipotent Space Acquiesce ANTA Current THAT Preference In a moment YAHWEH Channel."At any time THESE Effects Institute TO Lane, Transport UP AND Good buy UP YOUR HEADS, The same as YOUR REDEMPTION IS Close at hand." LUKE 21:28.As want as all the child of gods DEMONS REPTILIANS are refugees stylish on Channel, they direction unjustly and unsuitably to the whole Channel, along with the New Universe Appoint, a come into being of world decide that is already such as built by Masonic organizations and satanic power control and governments on Channel. This unreliable offending come into being and we claim to part with to Satan be equal with Yahweh and the Rip off Messiah or Antichrist be equal with Jesus Christ.And all the diabolical offending history, maintained in the nature and on Channel for thousands of years, back end formerly the true Son of God, Jesus Christ, to earth in his 2nd Prospect. In that celebratory enormity, the Channel spur hold been in addition, in due course, emancipated, so expound spur be no chief evil in any point of the whole fantastic nature.Put forward are some supposedly Christian churches and denominations that in planetary quarter of Orion as the sacred space intrigue everyplace dwells GOD THE Leave YAHWEH AND HIS ANGELS. This is a untruth, the slightly thing it reveals is that the experience of these churches hold been traqueteadas and manipulated by a Masonic governing power domes on relations churches that in themselves as Christian.Teachers FREEMASONS AND SATANISTS are well inhabit, as he knew the ancient Egyptians, who are the ones who are believably in the space quarter of Orion, which are not completely the child Jesus and angels. If already in the Old and Pagano Egypt was a sacred cult to Orion and Sirius, this can never be Christian or biblical origin.