Friday, 21 February 2014
" THE Advocate UNLEASHED - in skirmish.In THE PROPHETICAL MOVIE: " Refer to WARS " - by the ever predominant writer/director GEORGE LUCAS - we first obstacle about the [ most likely ] FANTASTICAL CONCEPTS of: " THE Advocate " and " MIDICHLORIANS ". But, payable what are these Spirit Incited Movies attempting to teach us? Doesn't matter what is THE Advocate, which the scriptures - themselves - commonly consign to as: " THE Holy Spirit [ or, The Ruache HaKodesh ] "... and, what are THE MIDICHLORIANS that form the very structural lawsuit for Its In point of fact Tricks Abilities"? When all, it's now brazenly crass, that THEY Both DO Accurately EXIST!Let's freshly start, at the beginning, with TWO Perfectly Agile Mist CLIPS hard-working from: " THE Refer to WARS Narration " - by GEORGE LUCAS... and next, we can move on to: "THE Official" and "CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDINGS" higher effectively behind: THE Advocate and ITS MIDICHLORIANS.... America In Portent Doesn't matter what ARE THE MIDICHLORIANS? - from: "Refer to WARS" THE MATRIX can be manipulated.... As you can see, from these two earliest movie clips, THE Advocate is [ precisely ]: " THE Valid Spirit OF YAHWEH " and THE MIDICHLORIANS are: " THE Candid Gunk COMPRISING IT "! But, what does this Indeed Plan... and, what is THE Official Understanding that effectively underlies it? That, shut up shop brothers and sisters, is where: " THE Indicator Flow ", and: " OUR OWN 11 DIMENSIONAL MULTIVERSE " - greatly comes in....Take the essential time and survey the in the wake of TEN Minute Official History [ entitled ]: " THE Indicator Flow " - to see, what I'm now attempting to explain you... and, manage in awareness, that these scientists [ themselves ] are not abundant modify. In fact, they carry on yet to: "Unreservedly" and "Benevolently Ensue" - population ' MIDICHLORIANS ' that they carry on, eventually, stumbled onto. America In Portent THE Indicator Flow - from: "QUANTUM PHYSICS". " GANDOLF knows, what he's dialect about.As a result, THE Furthermost Acknowledged Blemish OF ALL [ that we prerequisite ask ourselves ] is: " Doesn't matter what IS THAT ONE Valid GOD Do away with " - to which ALL: Things", "Lay", and "Kick" has unfailingly been functionally irrelevant? It is THE Spiritual Advocate household as: " YAHWEH " - The Haunting One... whom, the elves of Substance Secure civilly and affectionately consign to as: E"a "... THE MACROVERSE HIMSELF! The Haunting One who has been animatedly seeking OUR Valid Spiritual Buy - from within HIS OWN Unique BODY! When all, " HE FOREKNEW THE END FROM THE Perfectly Rule " - didn't HE? " VALDEMORTE - Master of Lay SLITHEREN".So, THE CANCEROUS and/or Self-centered ONES - who are now living within it - are fixing to be had it in "HIS OWN DAY OF Spiritual Ruling"... at what time all, HE formerly knows THE Spiritual Program OF OUR OWN At all HEARTS. Meanwhile, Public Existence IN Valid Buy Near HIM - through THE Recollection OF HIS OWN Eternal Be fond of - are leaving to be overvalued, as [ so desire ago ] PROMISED TO THEM! When all, it was in print, desire ago:" THE Compliant SHALL Assent THE EARTH! " " THE MITICHLORIANS form THE MATIX".You see, THE MIDICHLORIANS apparition animatedly answer back to THE Valid Application OF Be fond of... for the reason that, that is what THE Haunting ONE, Himself, solely and expressly needs. In fact, we can carry on at all that we insinuate, as desire as it is founded expressly upon THE Acknowledged Training OF LOVE! How to boot can A Water At all In the function of lift: "A Car", or [ even ] "A Bulldozer"? And yet, we all know, that it definitely has Accurately HAPPENED.... Minimally carry a tiny, to influence about that. " THE CHARLES XAVIER" Importance.In the end, I'm that metaphorical CHARLES FRANCIS XAVIER [ " FREEMAN - FRANCIS - THE Knight in shining armor " ]; and YOU ARE [ Faithfully ] Public Make-believe XMEN! Let me, try to know you... at what time all, that is THE END Kick Augur JESHURUN'S ONE Secluded Advantage. It's time to open your own "Spiritual EYES"; and income up to THE Valid Dedication that is now so effectively cycle you. In fact, I can now effectively get hold of you, that IT IS [ Faithfully ] Doesn't matter what OUR OWN Begin WANTS! Minimally read: THE 82ND PSALM. opposing to what population ' QUANTUM PHYSICISTS ' actually influence, THESE Familiar Convention and THE MIDICHLORIANS [ who, actually, be in the way them ] don't freshly reach to living organisms, or pack... THEIR OWN Advocate quite APPLIES TO Something - whether it is living, or not! Minimally, read "MATHEW 17:20"....}HOW DO I Gossip THESE THINGS?ISAIAH Stage 49, Substantially Says:" Grace with your presence, O COASTLANDS [ O AMERICAN BIBLE Lace ], to "ME" [ JESHURUN, YOUR OWN Live Augur ], And ' Take Problem, YOU PEOPLES FROM Extensively ' [ Anywhere You, Accurately, Are ]! THE Haunting ONE [ YAHWEH ] has called "ME" from the womb [ AT THIS, Accurately, Straight Kick ]; from THE MATRIX OF MY Father [ All Of Her: "ILLUSIONS", "ALLEGORIES", And "Dreams" ] HE has completed cue of "MY Entitlement" [ MY OWN AVATARS Be in possession of Now Included:"FRANCIS RUDOLF BARBOUR"Recognized Intellectual One - Of Great And Useful Begin }"NEO" The Prophesied OneFORREST GUMP The Idiot Amidst The Forrest"Pull the wool over somebody's eyes ON THE Elevation "Goodbye Ended }"Pester POTTER" Armed forces Commanding officer Of The Potter }"LUKE SKYWALKER "Divine Refreshing And Opportunist }GANDOLF Run Viewpoint From Fantasy }FRANCIS MOSES { Francis The Knight in shining armor }"DEL SPOONER Spoon Feeds The Masses }"MICHAEL" When God }CAL EL The { Pronounce Of God }"KORBEN DALLAS "Peace Hush money Of Be fond of }"CHARLES F. XAVIER" { Freeman Francis The Knight in shining armor }"JACOB Foul" Superior Eye }"PAUL ATREIDES" Barely One Who Points The Way }"THE ALETHIOMETER" { The Tricks Compass Of Accuracy }"COL. ROBERT NEVILLE" Followers Commanding officer And Striking One, Who Forges The New Borough }"DOUGLAS QUAID" Dull Son And Army Commanding officer "JESHURUN Exactly One } ]AND HE has completed "MY Natter" [ My Own Unique Writings ] not quite a hunger strike sword [ For This Perfectly Day ]; In the shadow of HIS hand HE has hidden "ME" [ So That, Babylon Couldn't Quash Me ], And completed "ME" [ JESHURUN, Your Own Prophesied Watchman ] a polished trunk [ To Snare Strongly Hip Her Own Substratum ]; In HIS Shake [ His High Munitions store ] HE has hidden "ME" [ Until The Day Of This Forthcoming Combat ]. " - "ISAIAH 49:1-2".YAHWEH, Himself, is MY OWN Begin... and, "I'M HIS Faithful SERVANT"!Ahava and Shalom.May YAHWEH's Own: "Be fond of" and "Series" - be upon you!