Sunday 14 June 2009 | By: wicca

He Hands Over Each Rune

He Hands Over Each Rune Image


by Julia Phillips, Matthew Sandow, Janet and Rob Ferguson

Part 1: The setup

In view of the complexity of the Norse creation myth, and different interpretations that can be made, this ritual has been written to express a particular theme, rather than being an attempt to incorporate every possible aspect and interpretation. Some things have been simplified, for dramatic effect, and other things incorporated which may not be explicit in the original myths. Eg; we have included the Nornir, (even though they are not mentioned in the myth) because of the presence of Mimir's Well, and their association with the Well and the Tree.

The ritual could be enacted indoors, or outside in a suitable clearing. This particular one will take place in a large room, with an archway entrance, hung with two curtains, which can be drawn aside to allow entrance/exit. The room is in darkness, and a small candle is alight, but hidden from view. In North and South are two large, unlit candles; one red, one white or silver. In the centre of the room is secured a tree trunk (in our case, a candlestick pine),
and some black crepe paper, cut into ribbons, placed somewhere handy (but out of the way).

A cauldron (or other object to symbolise the Well) is within the Temple, and contains two sets of runes (one must be in a bag). Another smaller cauldron (or similar) is required, plus a third cauldron or large container full of mead.
These are placed within the Temple, but well out of the way, to avoid becoming obstacles during the ritual.

The solar disk (a large copper disk) and the lunar disk (a large highly polished stainless steel disk) are placed on opposite sides of the room, leaning up against a wall.

"Chaos" music - this is a tape that was created by an initiate of Julia's, who happens to be a record producer. He cut recorded tape into 2" pieces, threw them in a bag, shook them around, and then re-spliced them. The resultant
"chaos" music is incredible effective in ritual (it has been used a number of times). The musical "cue" for Fire and Ice is three strikes of a deep bell, and then the rest of the tape is non-intrusive background music.

Odinn (Rob) has his long hair caked with white and silver spray so that it stands out from his head. His face and beard are painted with white, black and red. None of the participants see Odinn before the ritual. He wears a long cloak, with a hood, which is able to hide his face and hair.

Heimdall (Matthew) has his hair sprayed with white and silver, and his face is painted white. He wears a white robe, and through most of the ritual, is covered by a white veil. None of the participants see Heimdall before the ritual.


Heimdall takes his place inside the Temple, without being seen by any of the participants. The others gather outside, apart from Odinn, who remains hidden in another room. Heimdall begins a tape of "chaos" music, which is the cue for everyone to enter the Temple, and begin to bump aimlessly around, as "primordial atoms" (after the last has come in, Heimdall closes the curtains). It is the time before all things, and there is no purpose or direction. Heimdall is present, but "apart" from the general Chaos.

Once the ritual begins, Odinn leaves the room where he has been waiting, and takes his place outside the curtains.

Primordial chaos continues until a musical "cue" of some kind, whereupon Fire and Ice - (Julia and Janet) light one candle each to symbolise the creation of Fire and Ice. (They each have a taper, and take a light from the hidden candle).
The others continue to bump around the Temple, and Heimdall continues to be a
"hidden presence". The music changes from "chaos" to a more ordered style. This continues quietly throughout the ritual, very much in the background.

One (either Julia or Janet) then grabs Laurence from the Chaos, and he is held between Julia and Janet at the centre. He breaks free and shouts, "I am Ymir - the Roarer". He stands still and waits.

One (either Julia or Janet) then grabs Jenny from the Chaos, and she is held between Julia and Janet at the centre. She breaks free and shouts, "I am Audmilla".

Ymir and Audmilla then stand together at the centre, and spend some time alone at the centre of the Chaos. Heimdall passes around them, but they are not aware of him. Ymir then grabs Bestla (Kattrina): she says, "I am Bestla - Daughter of the race of giants"; Audmilla grabs Borr (Steve): he says, "I am Borr - who will father the gods".

Once this happens, everyone else forms a circle, and once formed, stop moving around, and leave a space in front of the archway. Heimdall is apart from the general circle, and continues to move slowly around the room, not touching or speaking to anyone.

Borr and Bestla go to the archway - each takes one side of the curtain, and opens it. They reach out, and each take one arm of Odinn, who is waiting outside. They pull him in to the circle. He is hidden by his cloak and hood, and says nothing.

Odinn and Ymir clasp hands, and circle together - then Odinn kills Ymir. Ymir is dragged away by Janet and Julia, and his role is over. Everyone huddles around him, and as the huddle separates, there is no body, for the person playing the role of Ymir becomes "himself" again.

Odinn stands with his back to the Tree, still hooded and cloaked.

Janet takes Laurence to Odinn, who names him Midgard.
Julia takes Jenny to Odinn, who names her Hel.
Janet takes Steve to Odinn, who names him Asgard.
Julia takes Kattrina to Odinn, who names her Vanaheim.
Janet takes Craig to Odinn, who names him Alfheim.
Julia takes Barb to Odinn, who names her Nifelheim.
Janet takes Nikki to Odinn, who names her Muspelheim.
Julia takes Tracy to Odinn, who names her Jotunheim.
Julia then takes Janet to Odinn, who names her Svartalfheim.

As each world is named, they move and stand in a semi-circle around the Tree.

Embla (Janeena) and Ask (Klaus) lie on the floor in the centre. Odinn gives them life, and as they become alive, they move around the Temple, expressing their life and creation.

While this is happening, the Norns tie Odinn to the Tree, and then place the Cauldron containing the runes at his feet. Heimdall now stands before the cauldron. Craig takes lunar disk, and Barb takes solar disk; they walk slowly around the Temple 9 times, with Heimdall counting the passes out loud.

After the 9th pass, they replace the disks. Odinn breaks free of his bindings, and bends down to the cauldron (Well) to collect the runes. He takes both the pouch, and those which are loose in the Cauldron. While he is bent down, he undoes the clasp of his cloak and hood, so that it can be thrown off to reveal himself as he stands up. At this point, Odinn throws back his head, and roars (LOUDLY!) several times to express both the pain and release.

Heimdall removes his veil, and stands before Odinn - they speak only to each other, and then Odinn hands Heimdall the pouch of runes, keeping the others for himself.

Heimdall then walks slowly around the Tree. He gives out the runes, one at a time, to all those present. As he hands over each rune he says: "I give you......", and ALL vibrate the name of the rune. When all the runes have been handed out, Heimdall walks around carrying a smaller cauldron, and everyone places their runes within the cauldron (Well).

Odinn now takes a cauldron of mead to the centre of the circle, and each person walks forward in turn to drink of the wisdom and blessings of Odinn. When all have drunk, Odinn and/or Heimdall speak anything which they are inspired to say.
When silence falls, Odinn walks to the curtains, which he parts, and leaves the Temple. All follow in procession.

The feast begins!

Tags: wiccan rituals for love  wiccan sex rituals  wicca rituals  witch craft wicca  book of shadows spells  spells from the book of shadows  gardnerian book of shadows  love spell sortilegio  ritual magick