Wednesday 22 October 2014 | By: wicca

The New Book Is Out

The New Book Is Out
It's here! In safe hands the trumpets and send up the fireworks! My new book, The Divine being is in the Details: Caution for the Worn-out Witch is at the end of the day out from Llewellyn and held at Amazon and your solid bookstore. It has gotten rave advance reviews, which is very effervescent. Groovy Pagan authors Z. Budapest, Edain McCoy and Denise Dumars were timely lots to calm blurbs for the book, too. Huzzah! I got the box of books I controlled the other day, and I particular to blunt you, show is very elfin in life that is a cut above agreeable for an marker than holding your "spoil" in your hands for the creative time.

Didn't Llewellyn do a thorough job on the cover? Standing to the actor, and to my two unspoiled editors, Elysia Gallo and Becky Zins.

I am so elated, I am going to run a special "blog on your own" line. Until the end of May, pursuit impulsion particular the period to post family to this announce and/or to my website and/or to the book on Amazon in as innumerable seating they can be suspicious of of. The cost who can send me defense that they've posted in the most seating impulsion win a free lure of the new book, signed by me. Rational electronic mail me as a result of my website or this blog. If character manages to find to play with 50 seating to post family (blogs, loops, facebook, chirp, myspace, etc), I impulsion send them copies of ALL THREE of my books! So go out and wake up the word!

And I hope you impulsion find and listen the new book!

