Tuesday 7 October 2014 | By: wicca

Finnish Healing Spell

Finnish Healing Spell
"Redden OF THE DAY: Scarlet"

Madden OF THE DAY: "Maple "

The limerick poem, Kalevala, is celebrated by the Finns this day with parades and readings from the poem. The Kalevala recounts a row of wits in the midst of three wizard brothers and the witch goddess, Louhi. It is a significance trove of ancient shamanistic practices and the similar to healing spell.

For this ritual, stand in the east and celebrity in the element of air. Ask in all modesty for prop up. Explain a small candle and a notice of sandalwood incense as an exhibit to the element. Now say:

"Ill-health, "Close into the sky! "Twinge, fly up into the air. "Excruciating fog, "Get up up into the air! "So that the storm may defeat thee digression. "So that the storm may go after thee to far sitting room. "In which neither Sun nor Moon gives light. "In which no hot storm burns the flesh. "

Thank the element of air, and let the candle singe down. As with all magic, in accrual to this spell, it is essential that you suspend done everything achievable in the physical realm to aid the healing

Source: The Gay Mage