Beginning a lot of leaders of other Golden-haired Crack of dawn instructions senior the vivacity involve traitorously claimed that "no suggestion" exists of any additional Golden-haired Crack of dawn Magick other than that published by Regardie, we invited our critics and their spies to come and interrogate the actual supplemental raw materials emancipated by the Covert Chiefs for themselves.
In fact, we even invited ALL Golden-haired Crack of dawn initiates of all Golden-haired Crack of dawn Temples and Short-lived, and even Self-Initiates and Unique Practitioners. Something like is what some of population who came and examined the suggestion for themselves had a moment ago to say: "To self who doubts the individual of the physical Covert Chiefs or the reality of their Golden-haired Crack of dawn teachings, if you would involve attended the Celebration, you would involve seen it for yourself. I downstairs with patronize others who did fulfil, ARE the endorse of its power and reality. The Celebration was open to self who looked-for to come, so no one who was not dowry can justifiably disclaim the reality or power of the new animal. I attended the whole week of the Celebration and I can personally corroborate to fair how powerful the more Magick just this minute emancipated by the Covert Chiefs really is." - Frater O.B., Alvin, TX"The spiritual practices imperceptible last-ditch the symbols of the Golden-haired Crack of dawn are in time being revealed. The Golden-haired Crack of dawn is in time becomming what it ought to involve been since the beginning." - Soror FL, Atlanta, GA"The new animal is out of this world in the seriousness of the techniques and the inviolability of energy. I may possibly really hint that this is what the Golden-haired Crack of dawn was predestined to be. If self of population release had their doubts about the reality of the Covert Chiefs, it very has been cleared out by the animal emancipated the moment day spellbound." - VH Frater K, Berlin, Germany
Frater ATLV, Houston, TX "A new total oral tradition and uncomplicated program moderately of fair the extraordinarily old stuff from books. I attended the common week of this year's Celebration. I very hint that the Conjuring animal just this minute emancipated by the Covert Chiefs brings the AO back to a happen of unprofaned wisdom and reality that has not been seen in the Golden-haired Crack of dawn since the fracture of 1903. To population who may chastise or disclaim these new teachings. You had the chance to come and you may possibly involve seen it for yourself. My experiences senior the week, whereas brusque was endorse of the forte of the new teachings. I hint admired to be one of the very few in the world who involve traditional this knowledge until now." - Frater ATLV, Houston, Texas "The tremble very monetary - clear, enthralling and invigorating. in brain wave." - Soror SKH, Montenegro"The supplemental raw materials for the Recruit sort hysteria worship hand in glove. Individual of it is advanced, but just the once you see it together with the rest of the animal it is simple and self-evident. You can see that the local animal is for learning purposes and the supplemental animal is for practical use of the old animal. It seems worship a natural overhang. It is an pertain to and a privelege to be a part of this gone import. This Celebration has been a page turner in my life." - Frater NTI, Gothenburg, Sweden "Just about, I felt the inviolability of the just this minute emancipated supplemental Magick and it not being ruined by past energy of others. It all feels so clean and horizontal. In commission with this GD Supernatural is a bizarre boast. As soon as working with GD Magick from published animal, you fair don't get that horizontal power." - Soror LET, Melbourne, Australia"The blessed new energy that shined indoors my being as we did the advanced Recruit meditation and the rectified In-between Funding touched my Being. Early on to ease, succession, and fulfilment and successive brought snuffle to my eyes. I may possibly really hint the stellar energy and the tact that it stayed with me."- Soror DSLO, Ostersund, Sweden
C.F. Boone, New Orleans, LA
"The Recruit meditation was everything that I evidence Magick would do. Every one boast that I had ever had in Magick was trumped by that. Better than Tantra, chief than Kundalini." - Charles F. Boone, New Orleans, LA "I involve been practicing Golden-haired Crack of dawn Magick for 25 vivacity and I involve never informed a meditation so bottomless and effective as the 2.0 copy of the Neophye Meditation transmitted to us this week from the Covert Chiefs. Luxury that this is fair the barest seer of what is to come, I am on cloud nine for the anticipated. Validly, a new day for the Golden-haired Crack of dawn. We involve been waiting and we involve been answered." - Soror PPAS, Amsterdam, Holland"J'ai resenti les effets sur le building block. Tres bons. On le resents immediatemnet." - Frater JR, Duola, Cameroon"I involve been practicing the Magick Golden-haired Crack of dawn for 11 vivacity. I was quite staggered today just the once I cultured the just this minute emancipated Magick. No one is grafting what on earth onto the Golden-haired Crack of dawn." - Frater C.F., Mexico Capital, Mexico "Fair reading some of the new rituals unveiled in the Neoophyte sort is acceptable to upgrade an asthonishing spiritual exaltation. I was so flabbergasted to boast this ahead of time even vigorously endorsement the rituals. Overdue some 26 vivacity of working with Golden-haired Crack of dawn ritual and basing magical operations on the structures of the Recruit sort ritual, it in time makes impression. I involve been always investigative towards this level of understanding and now it is as even as the light has been switched on. The world's extreme esoteric streams all use certain methods of blinding and encrypting teachings in their further than grades. Up till now we can boast this reality of lineage dowry in the furthest away sort of the Golden-haired Crack of dawn."- Frater IVIOL, Manchester, England
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