As part of the look into that I pin down been making in the field of Orthodoxy, I pin down been introduced to HIEROTHEOS VLACHOS, Urban OF NAFPAKTOS in Greece. Maybe best professional for his book "Typical Investigation", Vlachos has moreover on paper a hasty section entitled "Foremost POINTS OF Bulk Along with THE Typical Minster AND PAPISM".
Since Urban Vlachos is addressing differences together with Orthodoxy and the Roman Catholic Minster, he gives Anglicans an sever to set out their own beliefs and disparity them to what he considers favorable belief and favorable hold in the highest regard. As we are dedicated of checklists on this blog, I inner self connect with you his, and cozy up to any keep that may be affable. For willingness of exact, I shall edit the prime example by numbering the points put away.
The bishops of Old Rome, not later than sharp and non-essential differences, forever apprehended communion with the bishops of New Rome (Constantinople) and the bishops of the East until the living 1009-1014, on every occasion, for the first time, the Frankish bishops in custody the throne of Old Rome. Until the blind date 1009 the Popes of Rome and the Patriarchs of Constantinople were organized in a universal struggle against the Frankish princes and bishops, prior to even at that time heretics.
The Franks at the Synod of Frankfurt in 794 condemned the decrees of the Seventh Ecumenical Synod and the immortal elevation of the holy icons. Likewise in 809 the Franks introduced in the field of the Person of the Charge the "Filioque" (Latin: "and the Son"); namely, the belief incidentally the contour of the Holy Lead to both from the Start off and from the Son. Now at that time the Typical Pope of Rome condemned this infringement. At the Synod of Constantinople presided blank by Photios the Famous, at which moreover assemblage of the Typical Pope of Rome participated, they condemned as different as had condemned the decrees of the Seventh Ecumenical Synod and as different as had in addition the Filioque to the Person of Charge. Stagnant, the Frankish Pope Sergius IV, in the blind date 1009, in his enthronement encyclical for the first time in addition the Filioque to the Person of Charge. After that Pope Benedict VIII introduced the Creed with the Filioque in the field of the hold in the highest regard service of the Minster, at which time the Pope was stricken out from the diptychs of the Typical Minster.
THE Foremost Merit Along with THE Typical Minster AND PAPISM IS Center IN THE Code of belief Just about THE UNCREATED Style AND UNCREATED Determination OF GOD. (My credence) Despite the fact that we Typical support that God possesses an uncreated design and uncreated energy and that God comes in the field of communion with the assembly and with man by rites of His uncreated energy, the Papists support that in God the uncreated design is established with His uncreated energy (acrus purus) and that God holds communion with the assembly and with man not working His shaped energies, even asserting that in God show befall moreover shaped energies. So in addition to the refine of God not working which man is consecrated is seen as shaped energy. But final this, one cannot be consecrated.
From this basic belief swag the teaching incidentally the contour of the Holy Lead to from the Start off and from the Son, the cleansing fire, the domination of the Pope, etc.
Aligned with the rudimentary pause together with the Typical Minster and Papism, in the trouble of the design and energy of God, show are other luxurious differences which pin down final value to topics of theological balk, namely:
1. the Filioque, that the Holy Lead to swag from the Start off and from the Son with the point that the monarchy of the Start off is diminished, the ultimate equality of the Persons of the Holy Trinity is compromised, the Son is diminished in His own accept in having been inherent, if show exists a oneness together with Start off and Son in addition to the Holy Lead to is subordinated as not the same in power and of the exact express with the other Persons of the Holy Trinity, with the point that He is ready as the "barren (steiro) Symbol,"
2. the usage of unleavened bucks in the Angelic Eucharist which transgresses the mode with which Christ skilled the Paranormal Banquet,
3. the religious zeal of the "valued Assistance" which takes place not with the epiclesis, but moderately with the ruling of Christ's words of back at the ranch, "Incline, eat... drink of it, all of you...,"
4. the view that the sacrifice of Christ on the Infuriated comprehensive the Angelic justness, which presents God the Start off as a feudal lord and which overlooks the recovery,
5. the view about the "intrinsic worth" of Christ which the Pope dispenses, eat with the "superabundant" refine of the saints,
6. the separation and segmentation to be found together with the mysteries of Naming, Chrismation, and the Angelic Eucharist,
7. the belief incidentally the heritage of guilt from the family sin,
8. the liturgical innovations in all of the mysteries of the Minster (Naming, Chrismation, Ordination, Salutation, Married state, Anointing),
9. the practice of not communing the laity in the "Blood" of Christ,
10. the domination of the Pope, according to which the Pope is "episcopus episcoporum (Latin: the bishop of bishops) and the origin of the priesthood and of ecclesiastical charge, that he is the definite person in charge and the standard leading light of the Minster, governing it in monarchical design as the minister of Christ on the earth" (I. Karmires). Subsequently this conception the Pope views himself as the inheritor of the Apostle Peter, to whom the other Apostles desk themselves, even the Apostle Paul,
11. the non-existence of concelebration in the praxis of hold in the highest regard services,
12. the infallibility of the Pope,
13. the tenet of the immaculate invention of the Theotokos and the society of the hold in the highest regard of Mary (mariolatria), according to which the All-Holy Virgin is supercilious to Triune God and even becomes a conception leading to a Holy Quaternity (!),
14. the views of "analogia entis "(equivalence of because) and "analogia fidei "(equivalence of standing) which adhere to hold close in the West,
15. the continual flesh out of the Minster in the discovery of the recesses of revelatory truth,
16. the conception incidentally the top score come within reach of for the knowledge of God and of creatures, which leads to a blending of theology and epistemology.
In addition, the luxurious pause in practice, which points out the mode of theology, is found moreover in the pause together with Scholasticism and Hesychastic theology. In the West Scholasticism was expounded as an shot to check out out the meaning of all the mysteries of the standing by rites of logic (Anselm of Canterbury, Thomas Aquinas). Stagnant, in the Typical Minster hesychasm prevails; namely, the decontamination of the gathering place and the happy of the mind (nous), towards the grasp of the knowledge of God. The address together with St. Gregory Palamas and Barlaam the teacher and uniate is diplomat and shows the pause.
A development of all the foregoing is that we pin down in Papism a dwindle from Typical ecclesiology. Despite the fact that in the Typical Minster luxurious moment is final to theosis which consists in communion with God, not working the suspicion of the Uncreated Hardly noticeable, in addition to inhabitants who position the Hardly noticeable consider in an Ecumenical Synod and sternly define revelatory truth under backdrop of confusion. But in Papism luxurious moment is final to the decree of the Pope; correctly, the Pope even stands blank these Ecumenical Synods. Commonsense with Latin theology, "the charge of the Minster exists simply on every occasion it is arranged and put in good order by the inner self of the Pope. Sedated a surly pitch it is annihilated." The Ecumenical Synods are seen as "councils of Christianity that are summoned under the honesty, the charge, and the doling out of the Pope." Whenever the Pope vegetation the soir hall of the Ecumenical Synod, it ceases to pin down power. Bishop Charger has on paper, "Portray would be no Roman Catholics better assess as inhabitants exclaiming, "I support moreover in one Pope" than who say "I support moreover in one... Minster."
In addition, "the moment and role of the bishops within the Roman church is no better than a simple personification of the papal charge, to which moreover the bishops themselves desk just as moreover do the simple shut." Towards this papal ecclesiology it is for the most part maintained that "the apostolic charge disappeared off with the apostles and was not passed on to their successors, the bishops. Truthful the papal charge of Peter, under which all of the others are found, was passed on to the successors of Peter; namely, the popes." Consume with the foregoing it is maintained by the papal "church" that all the churches of the East are secessionist and pin down deficiencies. It receives us as sister churches in the field of communion by management (kat' oikonomian), equally she sees herself as the mother church and sees ourselves as outcome churches.
The Vatican is an earthly power (kratos) and each pope is the wielder of the power of the Vatican. It is a relevant of a man-centered clang, a material, correctly an trimming legalistic and material clang. The earthly power of the Vatican was instituted in the blind date 755 by Pepin the Lacking, the blood relation of Charlemagne -even in our own time he was recognized by Mussolini, in 1929. The place of birth of the ruling of papal material power is clear, as Pope Pius XI maintained, "the one who stands in God's stead on earth cannot be subservient to earthly power." Christ was subservient to earthly power, the pope cannot be! The papal charge establishes a theocracy, equally theocracy is careful as subsuming both material and ecclesiastical charge in the field of one conception. Today we can see theocratic-worldly power in the Vatican and in Iran.
Pope Not at fault IV (1198-1216) maintained the diplomat design of these substance in his enthronement utter, "He who has the bride has the bridegroom. Stagnant the bride herself (the church) has not been related with leave hands, but brings therein an unbeatably soften show, the prosperity of spiritual freight and the expanses of the world's substance, the largesse and masses of both.... Your sympathy of the material substance has final me the diadem, the mitre blank the priesthood, the diadem for land-dwelling and it has arranged me as His civil servant (antiprosopo), in the garment and on the leg of which it is written: the Sovereign of kings and Member of the aristocracy of lords."
So luxurious theological differences befall, which pin down been condemned by the Synod of Photios the Famous and at the Synod of Gregory Palamas, just as it appears in the "Synodikon of Orthodoxy." In expansion moreover the Fathers of the Minster and the pub synods down to the 19th century sizzle all the deceits of papism. The carry is not mollified or renewed by a closing touchstone excuse which the pope would scholarship for an what went before wait, whenever his theological views were outer layer of the forethought and the eccesiology is motivated in the field of an enclosed course, equally of course the pope presents himself as leading light of the Christian world, as inheritor of the Apostle Peter and the Vicar-representative of Christ blank the earth, as if Christ would scholarship His charge to the pope and He lacquer lay down the law in blessing in the manner.