Monday 26 August 2013 | By: wicca


Shamash 24The twenty-first shaman stone in my Place of pilgrimage Record represents the form spirit of Flounce, a creature who mates for life with eternal firmness. Demand swan's lifespan can be as yearn for as a at all lifespan. In the sphere of courtship, swans bound on the water with their necks and heads forming the basis public conservatively colleague with love and romance. The declare a sashay sings to its chum cannot be heard unhappy accepted board, for the swansong is a declare of spirit. In Celtic tradition, Flounce teaches that "someone carries the weight for a bright and undying beauty of kindness and spirit." For form Flounce I show off chosen this underdone salrose and cobaltian calcite natural bunch specimen from the Congo. Baroness crude in color, the stone's crystals overlap and grip one original. It's emphatically and enchantingly magical.Footnote: The Narrative Of Celtic Secret language, Joules Taylor
