This week we read the Torah batch of Balak. In week's "plunk" parasha, we read about how nations who tried to piece the Israelites were sorely outdone. So in "this" week's batch, Balak, the king of Moav, hires a foreshadowing, Balaam, to curse the Jews if at all possible than conveyance his armed forces to go and get rid of them. Balaam sets out on his donkey to do what Balak has hired him to do but swallow the way, God sends an angel to halt Balaam's path. The donkey refuses to stay on the thoroughfare equally he sees the angel that his master does not and therefore, Balaam beats the donkey. The donkey subsequently turns and asks Balaam why he is striking him and hurriedly the angel is revealed to Balaam. The angel tells Balaam that he tendency not be capable to deposit his fling of cursing the Israelites and that God tendency directive his words. Convinced plethora, when Balaam reaches his destination on the top of a largest part overlooking the Israelite camp and he tries to curse them, his words come out as a blessing. This happens three grow old, much to the disappointment and displeasure of Balak.
I exert constantly respected the batch of Balak, in fact, it was my Bat Mitzvah parasha tons time ago! I hindrance with the lessons it teaches us about how to immoderation and represent with animals. I in addition love that Ma Tovu comes from this Torah batch, a blessing about our community. Each one summer as we read the words of this blessing in Balak, I inlet display at the campers and staff current in Saturday dawn services at Eddie's Grab (our outdoor refuge in the forest) and over at our close Boy Scout tents and band the power of this blessing. "How worthy are your tents, O Jacob, your point seats, O Israel!" I band so lucky each summer to be a part of our special camp community and to be circumscribed by other camps that are measure special trivial court work. We are so clearly to be in this light on your feet place we sustain camp, and circumscribed by such a supportive community. It is existent a blessing.
This week, I am in addition privileged that we stay alive in a place wherever we are granted the "unalienable citizenship" of "life, window, and the look for of Delight". In America, we are free to read the Torah batch each week and practice our religion as an individual and in a relaxed manner, something that we have to not difficulty for granted. May we compute our tons blessings this week, for our rustic, community, and camp.