Thursday 13 September 2012 | By: wicca

Relentlessly Faithful And True

Relentlessly Faithful And True
"Attempt Of "Blodeuwedd"' "Blodlessing 3"Rosh Hashanah 2"The fourth shaman stone in my Forehead Throng is represented by the Celtic dark goddess Blodeuwedd (complete "blode-ae-wehd"), the tint woman. Blodeuwedd "was made out of 9 plant life by two male magicians, Gwydion and Math, to be the bride of Llew, " yet behind made, she had her own thoughts on the subject of the path her life would take. And fake her own path she did.In the minds of furthermost men, Blodeuwedd is restrained the epitome of the untrustworthy woman. Untrustworthy Blodeuwedd is not. "On the willful", Blodeuwedd epitomizes "single-minded Possibility" in her own inner show of the Prefigure and the heroism to run through one's own inner "Truth".Catrin James ("Doorways To The Otherworld") writes of Blodeuwedd:She calls to you to take heroism, not to keep your mind on to the smear or denigration of others, to do what is acceptable for you. Out of oppression. To see stopping at the suspiciousness of other popular opinions and the shadows of the ordinary world in the field of the crux of the thing. You came to earth for a place but it is not the place imposed upon you by others. Focus to your crux, keep your mind on to that peaceful inner originate. It impulse not con you."Blodeuwedd, Blodeuwedd, Blodeuwedd"... oh, how I am made decorative you! My truest patroness, my own path I fake too!I've special witches' amber (jet, a black fossilized copse), correlated with the earth element, for the shaman stone agreeable to Blodeuwedd, the tint woman.Possibility () and truth () in Hebrew impulse affront the shaman stone, as impulse Welsh similar ("ffyddlon") and true ("gwir") in Ogham inscription, Gaelic similar ("d'ilis" complete DEE-lish) and true ("fior") in Bardic runes, and Potawatomi truth ("de'bwe'wIn") in English inscription.
