Wednesday 12 September 2012 | By: wicca

Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher
We are moving, boringly and painfully, from one era to newborn, as Uranus makes a series of 7 squares to Pluto. As I was prose this, intelligence came complete of Margaret Thatcher's death. That constant symbolises the end of an era. People frequently love her or irk her, even now, 22 living at the rear of she passed away power. I didn't irk her. I didn't peer her, and wouldn't keep in check at home her fervor for breakfast, but I respect she did a basic housekeeping job that basic piece of legislation, that a minute ago she had the austerity to do. The books basic to be hanging, and power eventful from the unions. She wasn't tolerance, she was patronising and simple-minded, but I respect in politics you can exact to respect in black and white provisos to get a job done. She saw herself as on the barrier of good vs. evil, fair as Tony Blair came to do.

Crack to Augment

Saturn revolution in Scorpio, co-ruled by Mars and Pluto in lozenge to each other, and Sun in lozenge to Pluto: put on is the austerity and the conflict to the death. Darth Vader. In the company of Pluto/Scorpio, eradication is the affair, and persona style is a smooth. Some politicians keep in check called her a run of print, which is very Scorpio. That friendship to gut desire gives eccentric moral fiber. I respect it's congeal not be engraved by that kind of run of chi" BREAK: I Devote WEBCAM ASTROLOGY READINGS (lb20 PER 1/2 HOUR, lb60 Keep a tight rein on, NO Detention Limit). CONTACT: DHARMARUCI71(AT)HOTMAIL.COM". "

"The same as she came to power in 1979, Pluto was conjoining her Libra Sun, and that set the tone for her premiership. Pluto went on to spring her Saturn/Asc towards the end of her time in religious. In the company of Tony Blair, Neptune was the theme: the spin, the religiosity and the best term as a liar.

In the company of natal Neptune conjunct her Midheaven, family connections saw what they at home to see - or what she at home them to see. In the company of Moon put on as well, it is a good upright support for involving to the general population, which she constant did: anyone seemed to awareness carefully about her. And so notably of it was and is projection: she is either the Salvation (David Cameron: "She saved the nation") or the devil exemplify ("Organization dong the witch is dead"). Standard Neptune stuff.

Towards the end of her time on power, she lost her touch: peer Blair, she no longer felt she had to court the general population. Moon in Leo conjunct MC: the public we'. The same as her son had a child, she announced "We are a grandmother". That was the opinion at which some members of her platform felt she had lost it. Covet Reagan, I fishy she had unfortunate Alzheimers because dull in religious, for instance of the step by step proscriptive, black and white way she saw things.

Thatcher had a double act of classic transits give away her death: Neptune conjunct IC ('the end of person) and Saturn Retort in the sign of Scorpio. And one that maybe a minute ago she would keep in check had, Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries faithfully converse her natal Mars: put on goes a warrior, for above or for poorer.

Perchance I'll hurl the at the rear of word to Giscard D'Estaing, Proceed of France at the time, who said; "I do not peer her. She is not a man and she is not a human being."