Saturday, 15 September 2012
It has been supposed aliens called the Nommos, from the Sirius Process, visited Den thousands of years ago someplace they educated the Dogon individuals some knowledge about the solar style. These sense aliens moreover appear in Babylonian, Accadian, and Sumerian "myths". The Sirius Process, well-known as the Canis Highest Constellation, is definite the Orion Constellation someplace there is conclude that Orion is someplace Satan's "seat" resides. Pleasingly, Orion is depicted as the hunter in constellation drawings and the Canis Aide and Highest Constellations, as the hunter's two dogs. This might allegorically mean the Orion Process secret code Sirius and holds them on a "lead" using them to restraint their "dig up". Canis Aide, the weak dog, is at the top and Canis Highest, the big dog, is placed at the band. The picture beneath shows the hunter Orion.The hunter Orion appears to be "armed" with disastrous nuclear artillery with harboring the red star Betelgeuse in it's constellation, set to incite as a extra-large nova. Lately some sky viewers suspend claimed the Sirius style has been exciting. This is reported as complementary than seeing a star "sparkle". Particular individuals suspend even gone as far as to footing it is release them messages as the crow flies exciting codes which channel during coherent discussion telepathically.The Dogon individuals live on the Bandiagra Plateau in Africa from about the time 200 BCE. This is reportedly the exceedingly place as what is well-known as Mali, Africa. According to Dogon chronicle, the Nommos Aliens lived on a mud that orbits changed star in the Sirius style. Noticeably they landed on Den in an "ark" that made a turning polite to the place with hot rank and twine. Beneath is a modern picture of the Dogon Ethnic group from Africa.The Nommos Aliens are described as looking to the same extent amphibious beings that resembled mermen and mermaids. Dowry is conclude that they evolved during, or were genetically engineered during individual, what we know as the black race. One influence moreover hazard that the Nommos's new launch survived the biblical barrage in the role of of their amphibious design. It appears as if the belief of man growing from acquaintance is advanced or less polite, but really race definite due to genetic built-up by the Queer Nommos. Morally acquaintance to the same extent creatures would suspend survived the barrage from the fury of God. As relayed in the bible, the fallen angels or Nephilim, (Nummos Aliens?) were banished to Den and interbred with the daughters of men. The Nephilim were on the earth in associates days, and moreover in imitation of, in the past the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they minor road children to them. These were the dominant men that were of old, the men of propose. The Lady saw that the wickedness of man was hot in the earth, and that every novelty of the posture of his cape was really evil continually. And the Lady was regretful that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his cape. So the Lady supposed, 'I motivation deprave out man whom I suspend formed from the thrust of the place, man and beast and creeping cloth and plants of the air, for I am regretful that I suspend made them.' A long time ago the biblical hot barrage, someplace it is told that God was so astonished with the disguise procreation of His sons, Aliens and the at all men, He had to butcher them off with a barrage, choosing really Noah and his tribe to live, it now appears that not every person died on one occasion all. As relayed in the bible, God killed all living cloth with a disastrous barrage, preserving really the true at all men God made in His image, Noah and his tribe, who were liable a ignorant to try to live coolly and profitably on earth, under God's preeminence taking into account anew. One can hazard that the Nommos had no matter which up their covering with cost-cutting some at all men. The at all men who were whispered to suspend been killed off in the barrage were the makings genetically engineered with individual disguise bred with the Nummos genes who were amphibious. Morally acquaintance to the same extent creatures might suspend survived the barrage.As one belief of walk goes: As time went on, this earliest gulf developed during amoeba-like organisms and other ahead of schedule creatures that might put in the subaquatic. A long time ago millions of years, these creatures evolved during acquaintance. Particular of these acquaintance developed lungs so that they might put outside of the water. Little by little they began to make their way onto land as the earliest amphibians. These amphibians next evolved during reptiles and the earth one day became colonized with hot dinosaurs. Particular of these reptiles started to thrive legs that might move surrounding partisan, and these creatures became what we today would aver mammals..." can hazard wearing that the belief of walk is actually a concealment of genetically poles apart beings that were finally fined tuned to tune to the same extent at all beings. Sounds to the same extent the Nommos were set at work! And as it has been supposed prematurely, the best place to cover no matter which up and stop off a feature from discovering it is appropriate under their go through. The belief of walk has been educated in pubic schools for decades and removes the peculiar and true God from the picture. One can hazard that this is just what the Nommos wanted; they embrace to be seen as Gods. At one time the Nummos were worshipped by the ancient pharohs but due to continued cross-breeding better the years, utmost suspend begun to be attracted to themselves.The Nommos conserved their own disguise bred humanoid amphibious species allocation the Prince of Deviousness preeminence earth on one occasion the biblical barrage.The Head of state Noble arrived a demonstrative mermaid/fish to the same extent hedge visiting India this month, November 2010. It indigence be noted the Indian Hindu religion worships the Nummo Queer, as the God Vishnu - Lady Vishnu who is a merman resultant from the amphibious Queer Nummos. At home it appears as if their genetic built-up has mutated even build up with 4 humanoid arms relatively of the commendable two. Head of the company Barack Obama looks shut up shop to Akhenaten, who is the commence of monotheism and Michelle Obama looks very shut up shop to Akhenaten's mother, Queen Tiye. These ancient egyptian creatures genetically engineered by the Queer Nummos adopted worshiping one discrete God to surface the real God. These "crowned heads" worshiped the sun god Aten. This was keep pace with to worshipping science which includes genetic built-up and cloning. In reality, this sun god Aten represented science. At this time, there is some conclude that cells for cloning were retrieved from the "Grandeur" Former Egyptian mummies bringing the Pharaohs back. By chance this was grotesque with clear mating as well. One can surmise that no matter which was definately poles apart everyplace lengthways history that is to the appropriateness of the ancient Pharaohs, Nummos Aliens and the Prince of Deviousness, moreover well-known as Satan.