Saturday 26 May 2012 | By: wicca

Stones Of The Ancients How The Tarot Belongs In Older Practictes

Stones Of The Ancients How The Tarot Belongs In Older Practictes
Right I keep found for myself to be choice of a Celtic Reconstructionist. This is not a local thing, I keep significant, but a part of this crude path. I keep been really hollow to the choice "restore" and "elapsed" practices of the Celts, Roman diligent Britton and the Brittons and their earnest practices in whole pre- Sovereign Elisabeth I. This answer that some of my darling practices keep brought me some essence ach and offend.I keep of late seen spend time at residents "crystal bashing" or making fun of those that use crystals, critical them of original all "Woo Woo" implying that we aren't "restore" for using them in our practices. Accurate they couldn't be choice ignominious. The ancients keep consumed us statement of crystals original recycled about their Angelic wells, baths, and other sacred sites.

A Celtic Reconstructionist is (open from Wikipedia) "Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism (likewise Celtic Reconstructionism or CR) is a polytheistic, animistic, earnest and cultural drive. It is an trouble to re-erect and bar, in a modern Celtic cultural context, pre-Christian Celtic religions." Impart is so bit on the "pre-Christian" era that I keep had to reach my vacate and practice to allow up to the 14c. Impart was choice overstep after that, and spend time at of the practices were steady original recycled by the obey folk, or were tailored to fit in the field of Christianity. As my guru Mrs. Freeman has understood, it can come as a spontaneous to find how few pagan practices and traditions keep survived utterly by Christianity in the British Isles and Ireland. The truth is that these countries keep been Christianized for done 2000 years, and, as we all know, history was on paper by the winners! Expand to which, the Celtic Druids had an vocal culture - they unhurried their sacred knowledge too important to compose down - and so once the Romans devastated the Druid colleges and massacred the priests, very bit pre-Christian wisdom remained to be handed down. Yet the truth is that pagan and Christian stuff keep been interwoven in the field of magical traditions all over the centuries - yes, even traditional witchcraft practices are full of Christian references."

For me its not the Christian certainty that bothers me greatly, but choice the fact that textile fondness Tarot and Crystals were not recycled. I keep been harassed to price tag out their place in my practice. It was fundamental night that I was reading and saw a repeat to a crystal original recycled in Celtic period. So I do what I consistently do and stiffen out a heap up of books, and arm for myself with a pen and paper for proceedings. Early lets quarters the Tarot field. If you are a true Celtic reconstrucionist, you aren't separation to find the Tarot cards any somewhere, but if you are a bit looser fondness me and allow the Medieval spell in display as well after that you fortitude find a increase place for the Tarot. Recurrent dont know that we keep statement of the Tarot original recycled in a 16 card device in the fresh to mid 1400s.

Crystals are a divergent dealing. The Egyptians and Greeks recycled piercing stones to refinement their jewelry and art. They recycled stones fondness Agate, Carnelian, Lapis Lazuil and Quartz. It is to a certain extent reachable that spend time at of these stones were brought done in modification to the Celtic lands. Impart are spend time at other examples from antiquity, but we know that clearly the Celts and ancient Britons were using Quartz fundamentally sickening quartz, but bearing in mind the blessedness of "Smokey Quartz" at the time it is to a certain extent reachable they recycled it as well. I keep individually found crystals on the banks of Llyn y Fan Fach (supercilious) and keep seen them use a clutter of Quartz and Mica in their income Cairns. Further elapsed and archeological accounts keep found Quartz and Mineral shingle and marbles as well as chunks of Amber. It is no coincidence that the Ancients esteemed these gems for their beauty and healing properties. I am to a certain extent fixed they were wealth up on the energies of the stones, and using them as offerings, about their dead and as the cot for spend time at of their sacred sites, and wells.

So we keep statement of some stones original recycled in ancient practices, but not all. One newer stones fondness Larimar which keep of late been revealed in a trait not even versatile to the Uk would not be appropriate to work with in Celtic/Medieval Transformation. Beneath is a list of Primitive stones with modern properites that you can use in your practices

DIAMOND- Vim amp, provides a bond surrounded by the object and the better consciousness.

OPAL - Recycled by the Greeks and Romans the Opal enhances psychic and mystical visions

AMBER - Connects to our Relatives, absorbs pull, and bad energy

LAPIS LAZULI - Recycled by the Sumerians, Egyptians and Greeks, sacred to the God Nuit, Lapis alleviates pull, and migraines, it amplifies opinion, and stimulates the 3rd eye

QUARTZ- Ceiling powerful healing and amp, it absorbs, and thin energy, holds information, and heals

SMOKEY QUARTZ- Recycled by all the ancient civilizations it is recycled for research,and to sheep farm ambiance in meditation, lifts worry, and brings vivid quiet

Mineral - Distance downward, Calmness, master of opinion

CARNELIAN- Recycled by the Egyptians and Romans and keep up it make easier in the transition to the afterlife it likewise stimulates the metabolism, recycled in prosperity, and heals dent

AGATE- Recycled bye the Complex and Persian magicians it transforms bad energy, recycled to waste the vivid levels, and integration

ONYX - Blessed to Aphrodite (formed from her fingernails) provides violence, and centers your energy, promotes clout, and endurance

CITRINE- Recycled by the Romans the Citrine is associated with the sun and is recycled for cleansing and reawakening. Enhances originality.

Plum - Recycled since antiquity to deposit against drunkenness, spend time at goblets were prepared of this, and some even say the holy grail is prepared of "Plum" It protects, and guards against psychic attacks, healing and cleansing