Thursday 17 May 2012 | By: wicca

March 30 April 23 2011 Mercury Retrograde With Saturn And Jupiter In Opposition

March 30 April 23 2011 Mercury Retrograde With Saturn And Jupiter In Opposition
The restrictions and glitches we are experiencing are valuable!

It's time to challenge our reservations and hitch campaign, our deep-rooted beliefs and uncertainties, and these take as evils and blocks in our lives. That way, we can see them snooty clearly than in the role of they lurk in our deep-rooted minds.

So anything evils you happening in the later than month, explore what inner limits they symbolise. Afterward direct ladder to replace that antediluvian belief model with a snooty precious, divinely-inspired one.

Expectation confronts scepticism now, seeing that the fictional two wolves that existing and struggle within every at all - and the one that wins is the one you feed.

Stockpile alert on your goals, your standards, and direct newspaper ladder in the direction of them. This is the circle within that is reflected in the world at this time.

So don't fight the Rx. Mercury Retrograde is the drug for payment out unhelpful patterns and hidden beliefs. It's part of the work you are stylish to do, not an trap to it!

God Bless Mercury Retrograde! : )
