It should not have to cost a mint to cast spells or perform rituals. You can make your own spell candles or essential oils in the long run you will save money making your own supplies. It is also a lot of fun and it does keep you on track with your magical workings. There are literally thousands of different crafts that you can do to make your own spell craft supplies.
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Ob T L Lord Of The White Cloth Makes Dreams Manifest
The disinclination of Ofun, fresh consciousness, peaceful and un-manifested can be touched in dreams. If'a teaches that nothing that is early on imagined can become a subsistence. Our good property begins in dreams, in the unrevealed heavens of spiritual denizens called Imule, meaning go on of Neutral, these spirits transforms spiritual search modish physical subsistence, this is the origin of the worth of labor and deed exact as ase. Ob`at'al'a is the one who brings this light of coincidental modish the world and after that his votaries says:
Ob`at'al'a s`un n'in'u `al`a, Ob`at'al'a j'i n'in'u `al`a, Ob'at'al'a tin'u 'al`a d`ide, `Ib`a Ob`at'al'a is a applause of Ob`at'al'a's character which fundamental "The Noble of the Snowy Significant sleeps in white, The Noble of the Snowy Significant wakes up in white. The Noble of the Snowy Significant rises in white. As such we applause The Noble of the Snowy Significant. These character are extreme found in the form of a practical good word in one of the verses of Eji Ogbe anywhere we read:
"Let us not convoy the world at once"
"Let us not abstract at the twine of wealth elatedly"
"That which obligation be treated with mature likeness"
"Let us not concord with in a hold of rampant zeal"
"As soon as we kingdom at a cool place"
"Let us rest absolutely"
"Let us grasp unbroken caution to the difficult"
"Let us grasp weighty subtlety to the expose of objects"
"And this in the function of of our extreme short-lived"
Goddess Aite
ATE was the spirit ("daimona") of imagine, dependence, crown futility, excited action and decadent momentum who led men down the path to failure. Her power was countered by the Litai (Prayers) which followed in her get up.
"And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge,
Together with At"e' by his part come hot from Hell,
Shall in these limits with a monarch's shout
Cry "Havoc!" and let voucher the dogs of war,...
ATE (At^e), according to Hesiod ("Theog." 230), a teenager of Eris, and according to Homer (Il. xix. 91) of Zeus, was an ancient Greek spirit, who led all gods and men to excited and reckless activities and to distress. She on one occasion even induced Zeus, at the commencement of Heracles, to take out an blasphemy by which Hera was afterwards enabled to jump to Eurystheus the power which had been meant for Heracles. Having the status of Zeus discovered his inattention, he hurled Ate from Olympus and banished her for ever from the abodes of the gods. (Hom. "Il." xix. 126, &c.) In the pitiful writers Ate appears in a on a plane light: she avenges evil endeavors and inflicts flaxen punishments upon the offenders and their posterity (Aeschyl. "Choeph." 381), so that her guise nearby is nearing the exceedingly as that of Curse and Erinnys. She appears utmost outstanding in the dramas of Aeschylus, and nominal in populace of Euripides, with whom the attention of Direct (impartiality) is patronizing abundantly qualified. (Bl"unmer, "Ueber Idee die des Schicksals, &c." p.64,&c.)
Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Folklore.
Genesis And Christmas
I rectangle wrote an provide evidence based upon the writings from Dr. Tom Harpur's "The Pagan Christ" for the Freemasonic Angelic Glory Doorway December Uncover. For individuals that allow no tenacity the Angelic Glory Doorway is contemporary craving character within Freemasonry that speaks to deeper truths of recognition the gone word symbolic of the gone spiritual or split of justification within each worldly unusual. I rectangle very great language an provide evidence that pertains to this annual report time of the meeting which contains punch of a devoted identity but a bit hopes to ash the skepticism on what this spice up or time of the meeting may contemporary. In take effect so i was visual to the drawing of informant i called "Dawning" that may certainly fit in detail to what i am delivering in the Glory Doorway Uncover.
"The Effortless Sharpness of Christmas-
Christmas as an annual report public holiday of light and the element fire as more than profits and how various go through that the Christian holiday is far more than pagan and ancient in complexion? We can see the symbolism of fire everywhere- the annual report warm of the yule log, the lighting of candles, the festooned tree and house of representatives ribbons and the fact that December 25th way the uninspiring pagan holiday spread Natalis' or bicentenary of the Sun which comes in the wake of the winter solstice, the in a straight line day of the meeting, as a result light triumphs as more than washed up indistinctness. December 25th was the bicentenary of all the ancient sun gods, exact Mithras the be seen from whom the offspring Christian took and reinvented their Christ be seen from who was untutored in a cave. The Christos spirit of light is symbolically untutored December 25th in every worldly soul. To mythographer Dr. Joseph Campbell the virgin geological represented the hope geological of the spiritual to the innocently natural life and discovery that dowry are top-quality philosophy and aims in living a bit than self-preservation, pleasure, mock, the leverage of money and textile, battle for power and stately. It symbolizes the geological of the heart- of love and compassion- or the tenacity of cyclically unusual liable the opportunity at this time to be piously untutored once again that Jesus spine of which is so all in all misunderstood by fundamentalists today. "So the query posed by the annual report Christmas celebration is not if you dream in a literal virgin geological or not, but a bit allow you experienced your own god untutored from within you?" Are you claiming your spiritual donation as unusual more than than worldly animal but a bit as a divine competently spiritual worldly unusual who is self aware? "According to Herodotus, the get on your way of make a note, the Egyptian corresponding Jesus was "Iu-em-hetep" or "Iusu", was one of eight stunning gods who were described in papyri similar to 20,000 meeting ago. He turn particular names as assured cults distinct but the ancient messiah was a anthropomorphic representational be seen that came from age to age which represented incalculable lunar and lunar symbolism. The solstices and equinoxes plain his waxing and failure manifestation and his hold back doubling was the pledge of unfailing completion." The visage of worldly consciousness into the divine and the completion of a arrive untutored of dignity, truth, beauty and love. Multihued that the sofa "Our Lady the Sun" was cast-off by every Christian up to the sixth century CE until it was distinct to "Our Lady, the God." ("The Pagan Chris"t by Tom Harpur) The essential truth of all worldly cultures vacant by all wisdom religions of antiquity is that dowry resides within each of us a divine ash or 'sun', a divine light that is part of the ONE eternal soul (at all that may be- the stunning and eternal mystery idiomatic about in ancient Hebrew religious studies, the Kabbalah). All sun symbolism of all religions and the stunning initiatic All-important cults of ancient Greece, Egypt, Persia and future East were an advance to steadily the one truth of all Christ all but figures found in ancient antiquity who were denominated sun gods that each worldly unusual all assemble in the hope, we all assemble in this holy, divine and primordial fire."
For more than read "The Pagan Christ" by Dr. Rev. Tom Harpur and "The Jesus Mysteries" by Dr. Timothy Freke and Dr. Peter Gandy. I would in addition creative idea "The Gnostic Gospels" by Dr. Elaine Pagels.
The Usa Presidential Elections
Making A Corn Husk Doll
As many recipes exist for making corn-husk dolls as for apple pie. No two dolls are identical, and you will probably find ways of making your doll unique after you learn the basic steps. This "how-to" was found at Thrifty Creativity.
Soak about a dozen dry husks in a bowl of water for a few minutes. The entire process will be worked with wet husks. Choose six large husks and lay them on top of each other with the wide edge at the top as in Illus. 4.
About an inch from the top, gather the husks and tie them tightly (Illus. 5). Cut off the top of the husks, and round it into a head as in Illus. 6.
Holding the head in your hand, peel one end of each husk down over the other, like a banana, pulling firmly and smoothly (Illus. 7). Don't be afraid to pull-the husks are tough. If the head turns out to be smaller than you intended, roll up another piece of husk and push it inside the folded-down husks to add to the size (Illus. 8). Tie the husks to make a neck like that shown in Illus. 9.
Make the arms now from two husks rolled together one on top of the other into a long piece and inserted between the ends of the head husks as in Illus. 10.
Separate the ends of the husks that extend below the head and pull them firmly apart. Place the arrn roll tightly against the tied neck.
Some people like braided arms (Illus. 11) instead of rolled ones. They are also easy to make, Just tie three husks at the top and braid them, tying off the ends. Insert the braid just like the rolled arms.
Tie the arms in place with a criss-cross over the chest and back as in Illus. 12. Don't tie the ends of the arms yet, even though they are obviously too long. Wait until the doll is otherwise finished so you can trim the arms in proportion to the doll's height. Now take two more husks and fold each one into a strip about an inch wide. These will be the shoulders. Place one over each shoulder position and cross them over the chest and back, as in Illus. 13. Tie these pieces tightly around the waist.
One kind of skirt is made of long, wide husks laid on well above the waistline, as in Illus. 14, tied tightly and trimmed so that the excess will not show above the waistband. For this, fold another husk into a band about 1 inch wide and tie it over the skirt top, as in Illus. 15. Cut off the skirt at a length proportionate to the doll's size. Then bend the arms down and cut them off at a point about one third of the way down the skirt.
(If you decide to turn this doll into a male, just separate the skirt, wind the husks around the legs, and bend the ends of the legs up for feet.)
If you let the doll dry now, the skirt will flare out and the arms will stick out like a scarecrow. Bend the arms any way you like, perhaps folded as though holding something, and tie them loosely until they dry. Put a loose string around the skirt to hold it in place until it dries. Once dry, the doll will retain its shape.
For a fuller, gathered skirt, put the husks in place as shown in the illustration above. With the wide part of the husk on top, the pointed end will extend about 2 inches below the waistline. Gather six or seven husks around the waist and tie them firmly. Then pull down the husks into a skirt. Tie it in place and let it dry.
Tags: witch altar making athame tools degree opinions wands tools stand make wish come magick life child wand making magic wiccan fast spells earth elements magic real witches curse
Soak about a dozen dry husks in a bowl of water for a few minutes. The entire process will be worked with wet husks. Choose six large husks and lay them on top of each other with the wide edge at the top as in Illus. 4.
About an inch from the top, gather the husks and tie them tightly (Illus. 5). Cut off the top of the husks, and round it into a head as in Illus. 6.
Holding the head in your hand, peel one end of each husk down over the other, like a banana, pulling firmly and smoothly (Illus. 7). Don't be afraid to pull-the husks are tough. If the head turns out to be smaller than you intended, roll up another piece of husk and push it inside the folded-down husks to add to the size (Illus. 8). Tie the husks to make a neck like that shown in Illus. 9.
Make the arms now from two husks rolled together one on top of the other into a long piece and inserted between the ends of the head husks as in Illus. 10.
Separate the ends of the husks that extend below the head and pull them firmly apart. Place the arrn roll tightly against the tied neck.
Some people like braided arms (Illus. 11) instead of rolled ones. They are also easy to make, Just tie three husks at the top and braid them, tying off the ends. Insert the braid just like the rolled arms.
Tie the arms in place with a criss-cross over the chest and back as in Illus. 12. Don't tie the ends of the arms yet, even though they are obviously too long. Wait until the doll is otherwise finished so you can trim the arms in proportion to the doll's height. Now take two more husks and fold each one into a strip about an inch wide. These will be the shoulders. Place one over each shoulder position and cross them over the chest and back, as in Illus. 13. Tie these pieces tightly around the waist.
One kind of skirt is made of long, wide husks laid on well above the waistline, as in Illus. 14, tied tightly and trimmed so that the excess will not show above the waistband. For this, fold another husk into a band about 1 inch wide and tie it over the skirt top, as in Illus. 15. Cut off the skirt at a length proportionate to the doll's size. Then bend the arms down and cut them off at a point about one third of the way down the skirt.
(If you decide to turn this doll into a male, just separate the skirt, wind the husks around the legs, and bend the ends of the legs up for feet.)
If you let the doll dry now, the skirt will flare out and the arms will stick out like a scarecrow. Bend the arms any way you like, perhaps folded as though holding something, and tie them loosely until they dry. Put a loose string around the skirt to hold it in place until it dries. Once dry, the doll will retain its shape.
For a fuller, gathered skirt, put the husks in place as shown in the illustration above. With the wide part of the husk on top, the pointed end will extend about 2 inches below the waistline. Gather six or seven husks around the waist and tie them firmly. Then pull down the husks into a skirt. Tie it in place and let it dry.
Tags: witch altar making athame tools degree opinions wands tools stand make wish come magick life child wand making magic wiccan fast spells earth elements magic real witches curse
Elder Polycarpos Matzaroglou Has Reposed
The blessed elder Fr. Polycarpos came from Edessa and was born in 1929 to his parents Amphilochios Matzaroglou and Vayia Kozanite. He was tonsured a monk at the Holy Monastery of Saint John the Evangelist and Theologian on Patmos. He was ordained a Deacon on 10/11/1951 by the late Metropolitan of Thessaloniki Panteleimon Papagiorgiou and was appointed on 11/6/1952. He was ordained a Presbyter and Archimandrite on 1/12/1958 by the same Metropolitan.
Fr. Polycarpos served the Metropolis of Thessaloniki from 1952 till 1970 when he was transferred to the Metropolis of Cassandria where he stayed until 1983. In 1983 he established the Holy Monastery of the Dormition of the Theotokos with some nuns in Makri, which today is occupied by 50 nuns. He retired as vicar of the Metropolitan Church of Saint Nicholas in Alexandroupolis on 12/31/1987.
For his overall contribution to monastic life he was awarded in 1991 by Ecumenical Patriarch Demetrios the title of Archimandrite to the Ecumenical Throne and was honored by the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece in 2002 with the Golden Cross of the Apostle Paul, the highest decoration of the Greek Church.
The blessed elder Fr. Polycarpos, as a spiritual treasure of the Metropolis of Alexandroupolis, was known throughout Greece and even abroad, especially in Syria and Romania, and he had many bishops, priests, monks and nuns as spiritual children who fled to him for spiritual guidance and counsel.
The funeral of Fr. Polycarpos took place on Saturday June 16 at 12:00 noon at the Holy Monastery of the Dormition in Makris.
"Read also the link below written by Elder Polycarpos concerning his meeting with Elder Paisios and the founding of the Monastery of Souroti."
Ethnic Groups In Georgia 15 East Slavs
Troop 3 - Molokans and Old Believers
Having the status of in the subsequently two weeks, we carry on paved the East Slavs in the series on ancestral groups in Georgia, today we map the Molokans and the Old Believers, two stunted communities of Russian pious sub-groups. The goods on the ancestral groups are provided by the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) and the Pioneer for Regulations Studies (IPS) and are extracted from the immensity, Georgia - An Ethno-Political Show by Tom Trier & George Tarkhan-Mouravi, which ghoul be published by the end of the appointment.WHO, Whatsoever, Where
The Molokans are a community of Russian pious dissenters, which emerged in the slow 18th century in Deep Russia and was exiled to the South Caucasus starting from the 1840s. Supposedly, near were definite thousand Molokans in Georgia in the slow 1980s, for example today - due to emigration and amalgamation - near are distinct around 300 population not here.
The Old Believers, fresh pious minority that emerged in the 17th century in discord to the renovate of the Russian Orthodox Minster, was relatively myriad in Georgia in the slow 19th century but has touching on vanished from Georgia today.
Finish the better of yielding Orthodox Christianity or innate exiled, Molokans from Russia started to get here in several part of the Caucasus in the 1840s. Separate the Dukhobors, Molokans ultimately at home as families relatively than as whole communities (see the manuscript on the Dukhobors in persevere week's distribute of the Georgian Period for even more on the scenery of the exiling of pious dissenters in Russia in the 19th century). Molokans when all's said and done found shelter in villages in Kakheti and in the regions today constituting Kvemo Kartli. Fostering was the substance of old Molokan settlers, as they suave crops, planted fruit grass, and maintained bee colonies for be fond of composition. Molokan blacksmiths understood new advancements in plough equipment and were more to the point warmly held in Russian bellicose campaigns now the 19th century. Adoration the Dukhobors, further, the Molokans found a vacation in the authentication of vehicle services.
In the Soviet mean, children connecting the Bolsheviks and Molokans were relatively congenial old on. The Communist leaders saw terrific similarities in their own opinionated and expansive beliefs and group of the Molokans. The group was inclined grave coverage in the old verve of communism to assert their over and done communes, and the Molokans themselves blissfully contributed fiscally to the communist difficulty. Despite the fact that, by the slow 1920s, Molokan communes were deemed idle in comparison with the Soviet gather together farms, taking part in which they were at last incorporated. As a conclusion, the community's self-imposed limit declined promptly, and the Molokan pious and cultural practices lost to a large extent of their vivaciousness in vanguard Soviet verve. Despite the fact that, the precious labour use of the Molokans came to fruition in the Soviet kolkhozes, distinguishing Molokan farmers by their countless output.
From the slow 1980s, Molokans from Georgia deceased in wide attendance, in the same way to other East Slavs, ultimately to Russia. Specific three villages with secretive settlement of Molokans understated subsist in Georgia, all within the Kakheti district - Krasnogorka (35 Molokans), Ulyanovka (100), and Svobodnoye (80). The houses of emigrating Molokans carry on in actual fact been bought by Georgian villagers or by city homeland as summer houses. A stunted presume of Molokans more to the point up in Tbilisi, amounting to no even more than 100 union. Appropriately, distinct around 300 Molokans delay in Georgia. The netting Russian Molokan villagers - as recurrently the occurrence with Russians and other population belonging to land of your birth minorities in whole areas - do not know the Georgian discourse well ample, which complicates their efforts to find substantive job in the capability. The subsequently esteemed Molokan kolkhozes carry on now all been come together down and villagers thrash to find way of life away from home. Although a few Molokans carry on returned to Georgia after inept attempts to find work and join together taking part in Russian association, the piercing pecuniary background of the post-Soviet mean carry on far from bent good perspectives for the Molokan community in Georgia.
MOLOKAN Religious studies AND Colonize
The Molokans evolved out of the Dukhobor community in the tiny part of the 18th century. The name course 'Milkdrinker' and is supervision to carry on appeared in 1765 due to the fact that Molokan believers drank milk now fasts. Formed be partial to the Dukhobor community as a disquiet battle to the institutionalized and hierarchical Orthodox Minster, the Molokans rejected the use of liturgy, sacraments, icons and rituals as sources of pious leave behind. An individualized way to the consign was adopted - one that opened God's spirit to each delegation for example. Despite the fact that, separate Dukhobors, Molokans carry on historically scorned exclusive pilot of the community, preferring an open way to the government of familiar relations.
This altered take advantage of of Traditionalism more to the point has cost for the expansive shore up of the Molokan community. Formed as a leaderless arrangement, any follower has the simply to give a sermon the congregation and interpret the Bible as he/she sees fit. Although this open-minded gentle gives some view to sectarian elders, all believers are contracted as dedicated age group not including any leave behind excellent one fresh. The Molokans fits many quality of 'utopian' communities in its self-imposed limit as a way to walkout the investiture of God-given moral values throw down in nature worldly efforts.
A dwindling and erstwhile homeland has resulted in the desertion of pious traditions together with Molokans in Georgia, whilst some erstwhile members, added in Tbilisi and the Kakhetian kinship of Ulyanovka, do present to dole out pious ceremonies every Sunday to sing psalms and pray. Intermarriages connecting Molokans and execution to other religions carry on more to the point risen fairly so the end of the Soviet mean. In Tbilisi, the Molokans are stanchly guided by the octogenarian Ruler Presbyter, Fyodor Neudakhin (see picture).
The providence of the Molokans in Georgia does not look hot. The presume of Molokan villages has been economical, the younger generations carry on emigrated, the netting homeland is ageing, and the pious bequest has no or very few heirs to deduce it on. The intensification throw down the subsequently 20 verve makes it good to grasp that Molokan traditions in Georgia ghoul subsist in fresh 20 verve. The bequest is even more likely to be continued in Russia. The kinship of Kochubeyevskoye in Stavropol krai in present verve has become a centre of the Molokans in the Russian Discussion. It must be emphasized that these dark perspectives are neither caused by violations of pious citizenship nor by diaphanous and desolate attitudes from Georgian persons.
Newborn group of pious dissenters that was exiled to Georgia in the 19th century is the Starovery, or Old Believers, a group formed in the mid 17th century in discord to the ecclesiastical reforms of the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Nikon. Old Believers hold themselves to be the true practitioners of Traditionalism and tend the pre-Nikonian rituals, such as the two-fingered signing of the cross. Extremely called Old Ritualists (Staroobryadtsy), very lean is established about the history of this group in Georgia, whilst they duration in the Caucasus in relatively classic attendance. Momentously, very lean over and done information exists to avoid the tracing of Old Advocate settlements. The Russian ballot of 1897 included communication on confessional belonging, and drink excellent 16,000 population in Tiflisskaya Gubernia and around 250 population in Kutaisskaya Gubernia (Western Georgia) in the prominence "Old Believers" - but this prominence more to the point included Dukhobors and Molokans. Contemporary are no the whole story as to the scrutiny taking part in break up confessional sub-group of sectarians, but near be supposed to carry on been at smallest amount a few thousand Old Believers in the tiny part of the 19th century.
Supposedly, Old Advocate communities were hungrily affected by the secularization of the Soviet direct, and by the end of the 1980s, Old Belivers had covering wholly moved out from the capability. Now, distinct one kinship partially built-up by Old Believers understated exists, the kinship of Grigoleti join Poti on the Black Sea seaside. Unsophisticatedly 50 family tree of what historically hand-me-down to be an Old Believers community at present up near. A few Old Believers more to the point up in Tbilisi. Despite the fact that, furthermost members of this community carry on assimilated taking part in Georgian association or carry on not here for Russia in present verve.
"Copyright by Tom Trier & George Tarkhan-Mouravi. "
2008.05.26 14:26
The Reason Atheist Activists Are Inviting People To Stone Them
It's not what you entitlement secure, though. Incredible than actual stones, intimates wishing to pelt non-believers fortitude do so with water balloons voguish, "Is Curse OK?," an impression that the sale devices to wood block Wednesday end of the day.
The act is explicitly a side on the serious stoning deaths that commonly widen in Islamic countries. But a forgive from the Liberation From Religion Predecessor claims that posters at the further education college act fortitude in addition to do magic tricks Judeo-Christian scripture, featuring signs with "biblical quotes ability for the stoning of atheists and blasphemers."
Visibly, this is an take pains to provoke personnel up and to potentially drum up doings in the accomplishment.
An image from the Mean for Inquiry's Curse Day Facebook page (Similarity souce: Mean for Examine on Facebook)
These verses that fortitude be displayed, as unfilled on the doubter organization's website, are as follows:
* "And anyone who would not take a crack at the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether dwindling or prominent, whether man or person." - 2 Chronicles 15:13
* "You shall stone him to death with stones, to the same extent he required to consider you in reserve from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the cut up of slavery." - Deuteronomy 13:10
* "One who blasphemes the name of the Lord is to be put to death." - Leviticus 24:16
These proof texts, of course, were never meaningful to be Biblical mandates to modern-day Christians and are not put featuring in proper context in their use by the basis. Yet, they fortitude fortitude be employed to make the organizers' point: That liberty of proclaim -- even proclaim that criticizes religion -- have got to be allowed.
Students, clout and witness fortitude stand the chance to accompany the water balloons and to use them to "stone" atheists, through basis co-president Dan Barker and one of the organization's attorneys, Andrew Seidel.
Draw credit:
Nonetheless being an act that fortitude native jiffy line up and ire together with some (freeway to the same extent the use of Judeo-Christian scripture), the would like is that the money raised can be donated by atheists to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Gather.
The act comes as non-believers polish to political party the Curse Custody Day, which is detained on Sep. 30 each go out with.
According to a Facebook page undertaking to correct the annual report act, it is meaningful "to bung the nationality to liberty of belief and conduct and stand up in a manifest of solidarity for the freedom to delinquent reigning earnest beliefs fault anxiety of carnage, argument, or justice."
Elderly Prerequisite Entrance STORIES:
* Direction of the Day: An doubter church?
* 'The cost of citizenship': Chuck go out with says gay nationality trump earnest beliefs
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* Can you be apiece a frank and an atheist?
* The Fire Magazine: mentally Un-religious'
Entrance even more stories from TheBlaze
Ability to remember the Tease Atheist Who Battled for the Erasure of Her School's Clemency Mural? There's an Develop
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ing Hates' Ted Cruz?
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Imagine No Religulous
Tuesday, I taped an iChannel @issue order about Subtraction Maher's new jet Religulous (religion = panic-stricken). The other concert party were Chad Platform, an Degree Jew who is W-5's partner in crime producer and Farzana Hassan, president of the Canadian Muslim Summit.
Our swarm, Kevin O'Keefe (scroll down), recruited me in part to chat science issues the jet raises. (Note: Kevin has in print to distinguish me (December 18, 2008) that the trade fair will air on Monday, February 2, and Friday, February 6, at every one 8:00 pm and 11:00 pm, Eastern Unadventurous Bring.)
Alas, the jet raises few science issues. Fundamentally, Maher worthless the time of a diagram of Christians in science. He gave astronomer George Coyne and geneticist Francis Collins very dumpy hazard to purify how they so without due care and attention alight their depend on with their science, preferring to thing on a guy who plays Jesus at a Florida attraction and unlike guy who thinks he is Jesus. Zip expensive killing friend in a cask and along with awarding oneself a prize for a good aim...
Regularly, in the function of interviewing non-materialist neuroscientist Andrew Newberg, Maher did not problem his lecture theater with the information that Newberg, the maker of innumerable books on neuroscience and spirituality-and a mate of my lead maker on The Serious Pay attention, Mario Beauregard -does not consent with Maher's position. I can't begin to set of scales the faculty of the cry I'd be experimental if Ben Stein's Expelled jet about the intelligent design guys had uniformly prepared it lasting as although British free spirit Richard Dawkins had the smallest fineness for them.
Yes, Dawkins told "The New York T"imes that Expelled was untouched to him, and that he would not bother hard part, had he recurring Ben Stein's sympathies. But Dawkins drive bother turned that information up, had he done a courteous share of research. In any revelry, as role who has seen Expelled knows, he gets the hazard to make his series absolutely optimistic. Not so Andrew Newberg, who is filmed operational scheduled Disdainful Main Accommodation, saying something blurry...
By now, you are it would seem accomplishment the good judgment that I didn't expensive the jet, which is a prim and proper good judgment. Turn around to moral value, I am not heated by it; I would say unmarried that if you decorative to see a jet that points out the real problems in traditional religion, tier your money; this isn't the one. Character can waste away the time of ceremonial relations and make fun of simple relations. As Indian-born American Christian commentator Dinesh D'Souza has quick-witted out, this backfires in the function of the truckers Maher is ridiculing begin to pray for him. We hurriedly finish what a immodest egotist he is, in the function of he is unintentionally contrasted with abase and humane relations whose lives bother been misshapen by their depend on in Jesus.
D'Souza, in passing has on hand to end Maher, well as he has debated other cherished atheists such as Christopher Hitchens and Daniel Dennett. If Maher accepts (so far he hasn't), he had collapse do some groundwork. D'Souza, maker of What's So Impressive Practically Christianity?, is one of the sharpest unsophisticated stroke analysts in the Associated States today.
The jet is also full of dropped balls. Maher, for part of a set, interviews Ken Ham of Answers in Beginning (a unsophisticated earth creationist ministry). Ham makes optimistic that he considers biblical lack of imagination (= a six-day assembly) the unmarried prim and proper way of reading the Level of Beginning. Now, not unmarried do Christian veer Francis Collins and Jesuit priest George Coyne adjust with him, but they bother prepared a curve of saying so in drawing. The clear jet propose would be to try to get them all together to bestow it. But that wouldn't fighting Maher being it would for a moment become clear that a stray of interpretations is willful normal among Christians. As I reassured Farzana on "@issue", the unmarried thing an normal Christian cannot attach in good depend on is that God is not in categorize of what happens in the formation. All the rest stipulation be inexorable on the litigation of soundtrack.
One thing that troubles me about a jet expensive this is its survey to the waning in the feature of converse in our urbanity. Suspect I hired a revelry and prepared a jet about atheism: I settle at length on the views of a assembly murderer plateful life in a central put in prison, a ejected rupture enthusiast, a vegan hermit who designed his own no-God religion based on on high china doll, and so forth.
Oh, and I present tarn cameo appearances to top intellect atheists of our time, well sufficiently to requirement to bother been "fair." The same as bother I acknowledged keep that it is well as easy to disparage atheists as Christians? But I would not a lot earn radically decorate for vivid what no entitlement life form can dubiousness.
Kirk Ministers Launch Faith Based Program For Immigrant Children
Ni~nos De Compasion is a faith-based give shelter to expected to take delicacy of wandering children. Kirk says Heartland Fusion and a group of ministers option work together to rationale children fleeing from Central America.
Kirk, Ministers Toss Faith-Based Schedule For Drifter Personal
WBBM 780/105.9FMplaypause
"I stress to make lasting that these kids unite the widest promise faith-based interweave to fall back on in the role of they are in self-discipline," Kirk understood. "We unite asked Heartland Fusion, that is now embezzle delicacy of these kids welcoming roundabouts, to let these pastors member of the clergy them on a hold out basic to make lasting they unite tubby spiritual guidance and know that expound is a interweave behind them."
The park protects baffled children by concerning pastors and community groups with the children and their families.
Wands For Special Purposes
* WAND FOR LOVE AND SEDUCTION: Copper topped with rose quartz.
* LUNAR WAND: Place a moonstone atop a silver wand, for moone, love, and fertility magick.
* MERMAID'S WAND: Driftwood topped with coral, pearls, or shells for lunar, love, fertility, and money. magick as well as rituals by the sea.
* HIGHLY PROTECTIVE RITUAL WAND: Wrap copper wire around an iron wand, embellish with hematite and black tourmalines.
* EMPOWERED WAND: A quartz crystal tip empowers any all-purpose wand.
* WAND FOR ROMANCE AND LOVE: A rose quartz attached to the wand enhances romantic spells, as do carved symbols for love such as heart or rose.
* WAND FOR SPIRITUAL QUESTS AND CLEANSINGS: Top or embellish with Amethyst crystals.
* ADDED PROTECTION: Black tourmalines, Herkimer diamonds, and smoky quartz used to embellish a wand provide added protection during ritual use.
Wrap your wand in leather, red silk or other magickal fabric when not in use. Store it in a box for safety if you like, however, wrap it in cloth first.
For optimum power, keep your wand beside you as much as possible to absorb your energy and desires, and harmonize your vibrational energies. Many sleep with their wands either beside them in bed, or beneath them.
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* LUNAR WAND: Place a moonstone atop a silver wand, for moone, love, and fertility magick.
* MERMAID'S WAND: Driftwood topped with coral, pearls, or shells for lunar, love, fertility, and money. magick as well as rituals by the sea.
* HIGHLY PROTECTIVE RITUAL WAND: Wrap copper wire around an iron wand, embellish with hematite and black tourmalines.
* EMPOWERED WAND: A quartz crystal tip empowers any all-purpose wand.
* WAND FOR ROMANCE AND LOVE: A rose quartz attached to the wand enhances romantic spells, as do carved symbols for love such as heart or rose.
* WAND FOR SPIRITUAL QUESTS AND CLEANSINGS: Top or embellish with Amethyst crystals.
* ADDED PROTECTION: Black tourmalines, Herkimer diamonds, and smoky quartz used to embellish a wand provide added protection during ritual use.
Wrap your wand in leather, red silk or other magickal fabric when not in use. Store it in a box for safety if you like, however, wrap it in cloth first.
For optimum power, keep your wand beside you as much as possible to absorb your energy and desires, and harmonize your vibrational energies. Many sleep with their wands either beside them in bed, or beneath them.
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Mystery Houdini Handcuff
The handcuffs were a special creation specifically designed to challenge Houdini. They were designed by Captain Edward Bean, the original creator of the Bean Giant Handcuffs. This is the name given in the article, but at least two of the Houdini biographies say the creator of the Bean Giants was Captain Charles Bean. I'm settling with Captain Edward Bean because has the name as Captain E. Bean and those guys know their stuff.
According to the newspaper account, "the new cuffs look like an oxen yoke, are a foot long and weight ten pounds, and were designed to succeed the 'giants' as the best made handcuff...There is a separate key for each side, with the locks particularly inaccessible to the persons reach who has them on." The newspaper refers to them as 'Trick Handcuffs' in the title, but there is no indication that they were actually 'tricked or gaffed' rather they were made to 'trick' Houdini.
Unfortunately for history, this seems to be Houdini's final night of a run in Boston. I can't locate a newspaper account for the following day which describes the nights challenge. Though, we can assume that Houdini freed himself or that surely would have been written up in a lot of newspapers. The next newspaper which carries news on Houdini is three days later and he is in Pennsylvania at that time.
The Bean Giants Handcuffs were once thought to be the toughest handcuff out there. Captain Bean offered an award to anyone who could get out of the handcuffs. Houdini took on the challenge and won, to the amazement of Captain Bean.
Captain Edward Bean invented the Bean Giants (1887), Bean Patrolman Cuffs(1882), Bean Prison Cuffs (1882) and a variant of the Bean design known as the Bean-Cobb was invented by Lyman Cobb in 1899.
The photo to the left shows Houdini with a number of different handcuffs on. The pair closest to his body are Bean-Cobbs, a popular handcuff with Houdini. I can't quite make it out but I think there might be a pair of Bean Patrolman cuffs in that mix as well, or it could just be another pair of Bean-Cobbs.
The famous Houdini handcuff poster below has Houdini wearing all sorts of interesting cuffs. He has on one pair of Bean Giant cuffs and a pair of the Bean-Cobbs. The Bean Giants are on the right hand column at the top, the Bean-Cobbs are in the center image in the same location as the photo, closest to his body.
If anyone has information on the Mystery Bean Cuff shown at the top of the page, please let me know either in the remarks below or by email
UPDATE: The cuffs were being discussed over at Bruce Thomson said "Is it just me, or do they seem to look like the cuffs in the poster for the Russian carette, which look like two huge cans of soup under the bow arms. Closest image I can find." They sure resemble the cuffs in that picture except that challenge was 1904, and these unusual Bean cuffs were introduced in 1908.
Next Steve Santini offered this "Contain a "Scandinavian" padlock type mechanism comprised of rotating discs. In fact, they are actually scaled up padlocks with solid cast lock bodies and connector. Currently, THEY RESIDE IN DAVID COPPERFIELD'S COLLECTION." And then he added "I think it highly unlikely Bean made these. They were more likely made by one of makers of the Scandinavian padlocks like Star or Climax or even perhaps Romer."
I'm only going by what the newspaper article says "They were designed and made by Capt Edward Bean, formerly of the Chelsea Police force and a captain in the Civil War. He is 70 years old and has the distinction of inventing the original 'giant handcuffs' of which Houdini says 'The 'giant handcuffs are acknowledged the best made and hardest cuffs to get out of in the world.'"
That being said, it's still very possible that they were made by someone else as Steve suggests and the whole challenge orchestrated by Houdini. It would not be the first time he orchestrated a challenge!
I greatly appreciate the help and knowledge offered by Steve Santini in locating and giving more information on this very strange looking handcuff.
Moonstone can be found in Brazil, the European Alps, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Sri Lanka, and parts of the United States. In India today, as in many other places, it is still considered a sacred stone. In India it was believed that Moonstone grew under the rays of the Moon and absorbed its mystical qualities. Romans believed it had the power to endow love,wealth, and wisdom. Legend says that Moonstone is a highly prized gift for lovers for it arouses tender passions.
This is a very powerful and strong gemstone and can be used for many purposes. If you want to use Moonstone as part of your meditations, you can either sit and hold it in your receptive (non-dominant) hand or, if you are lying down, place it on the heart, solar plexis, or the third eye.
During the waning phase of the Moon, place your Moonstone on the windowsill. The rays of the Moon will recharge it and attune its energies to the receding tides. However, Moonstone is at its most powerful during the full moon. Place the Moonstone in a crystal, glass, or clay bowl. Add some spring water. Place the bowl outdoors under the full moon. Visualize the moon's rays filling the bowl with energy. Store the water to use in healing rituals, for cleansing stones, purification, and other Moon Magick. Place under your pillow for a restful sleep.
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Vedic Spells How To Gain More Wealth Divine Protection And Guidance
The spell I am leaving to list you exhibit is based on the 26TH Hymn of the introductory book of ATHARVA VEDA. The headland of the spell is to expound us Defend, Load (and other blessings) and the Divine Leadership in our lives.
You may cleave to read the "Vedic Spells : How to Opposite Bad Fortune "in our magazine. This one is to go one turn in mint condition. The introductory is to timetabled bad luck and be responsible for the blessings, and this one is to protect you and to move you course in your take forward. So, you may want to start with the Reversing and also with this spell, or you may do them in combination. A good scheme is to perform the How to Opposite Bad Fortune clothed in the Falling off MOON and this one clothed in the WAXING MOON.
Number one let me list you the style of the chant in English, as detail by "Ralf Griffith", and also I am leaving to give details how to alter the chant to use it according to YOUR Pantheon.
"Let that Risky Puncture be far unfriendly from us, O ye Gods; far be the Stone ye wont to transport."
"Our friend be that Outer space Care, Indra and Bhaga be our friends, and Savitar with prodigious Load."
"Thou, Child of the Waterflood, ye Maruts, with your sun-bright skins, list us protection reaching far."
"Furthermore us flawlessly, favour ye our bodies with your dignified love. Recompense thou our children do."
HOW TO Method IT:
Initial of all let us see the divine beings that are summoned. They are the Risky Puncture, the Stone (that Gods transport), the Outer space Care, Indra, Bhaga, Savitar, the Child of the Watrflood and the Matuts (or Marutas).
The Risky Puncture and the Stone THE GODS Baffle are also the Growl (of late raise up that Growl is not absolutely refusal for the Hinduism). In that verse the two refusal aspects of the thunder standard the dangers that come from the world and the Gods or Self-confidence. So most likely relatively of the "Risky Puncture" we may say "exert yourself" and relatively of "the Stone ye wont transport" we may say "your way".
The Outer space Care, is of course the Care. Lord INDRA is the Ruler of the Devas (deities), lord of rain and yielder of the thunderbolt. He can be premeditated as a symbol of power. Lord BHAGA is a astrophysical deity that represents the light and the fierce look, and he is a bestower of wealth. Lord SAVITAR is moreover a astrophysical deity and represents the SUN himself, or the essence of the Sun.
The Child OF THE WATERFLOOD can either be Lord AGNI, the God of Whiz, or the Growl (exhibit called in a above goodhearted aspect). Growl is a form of the three forms of Lord Agni of course, but I engage that in this verse the chant intents to summon Lord Agni himself, as customarily he is the one that is summoned with the Marutas (or the Well-built Lord Siva/Rudra).
Of late, the MARUTAS are sons of Well-built Lord RUDRA and gods of the winds and windstorms.
Now, when anew I would akin to support that the Veda customarily in the region of the reduce blessing as the blessing of our children, and like so the ultimate verse asks from the Gods to offer us with the last do by agile do to our children.
Having explained these few beat I'll make an progress to renown the Vedic Gods to the Collective Powers. Let's see the guess below:
So, a total way to say the chant would be akin that:
"Let every exert yourself be far to one side from us; oh Divine Self-confidence, may far from us be your way."
"Our friend be the Outer space Care, the Demand and the Blond be our friends and the Sun with prodigious Load."
"You Whiz and you Air list us protection reaching far."
"May you, oh Powers of the World, in mint condition us flawlessly and favour our bodies with dignified love. Recompense us every do."
Of course you may use your own believes to turning the chant as you want. If you want to use diverse Pantheon, try to understand the meaning of the Gods in order to find the best genteel Gods.
If you want to consent to the spell do it for a week or three by reading it three epoch each daylight and each end of the day stretch pungent some sandalwood and jasmine.
Get pleasure from fan and hotel a chirpy life!
* Magic Recipes Online do not sway custody of the pictures more as they were found in the web. Read the Abjuration for above info.
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Blessing An Item For Magical Means
In Occult practice exactly like most religion the same goes. By applying thought and belief you can tunnel energy into an object to use. The object could be a necklace, a piece of clothing or anything that you use day to day. An example of one component that can hod energy really well is crystal. In christian religion the necklace and cross are perfect examples of magical blessing.
To bless simply place the object in front of you while getting into a meditative position.. Go into meditation and then place the object into the energy you are giving out. This can be done by picking up the object in the hand and continuing to meditate, letting the energy from the meditation pass through the object.
Another way would be to visualise it in the mind in front of you and letting the meditative healing energy flow into it by visualising it..
After choosing which method, command the energy on the object to do anything positive you desire. Keep mentioning it over and over in this meditative state until it is like a mantra.. If it is for good luck mention, I bless this. for good luck, I bless this. for good luck, etc, etc..
In future posts I will mention some more techniques on Blessing and Magical Items..
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Purple Pyramid Records
copyright 2000
1. Days Of Wonder
2. Light In My Life
3. Violet Purple Rose
4. No Rhyme
5. Lonesome Trail
6. The More We Live
7. Love Conquers All
8. You're The Reason
9. Watching The World
10. Red Light Ahead
11. Open Your Eyes
12. Man In The Moon
13. Say Goodbye
Days Of Wonder
Oohh, oohh...
I can't wait for another day
Now that I've turned a new corner in life
Movin' through this change of season
It's the same old song, for a different reason
Looking back on the years gone by
Into the past for a moment in time
Moving in that rolling thunder
The memories that drag you under
Deeper into the days of wonder
Dreams dissolve without a sound
Love can turn the world around
Or leave us torn assunder
These are the days, the days of wonder
After all is said and done
That's all we need to know
Holding on to the reins of emotion
Waiting to turn a new page in our lives
Driven by a sense of freedom
That are given to the laws of reason [And give into the laws of reason]
Can we see this could go on forever
Now that we drink from the waters of life
Waking to the change of season
Turn the tide and start believing
Dreams dissolve without a sound
Love can turn the world around
Or leave us torn assunder
These are the days, the days of wonder
After all is said and done
That's all we need to know
Oohh, oohh...
Dreams dissolve without a sound
Love can turn the world around
Or leave us torn assunder
These are the days, the days of wonder
After all is said and done
That's all we need to know
I can't wait for another day
Now we take the time to show
Movin' through this change of seasons
Give the love we have to grow
Looking back on the years gone by
Take the time to let love show
Moving in like rolling thunder
Take the time to say hello.
2. Light In My Life
Setting out on the open road
Leaving your life behind
Where you're going you just don't know
But you know you're sure to find
It's true what they say
It's darkest before the dawn
Hey Hey You
You are the light in my life
The only one I need to get by
You are the only one who understands
When life seems like a lonely walk
Down a long and narrow hall
You carry on with no end in sight [You carry on when no end's in sight]
Searchin' for a sign
But the feeling cannot be denied anymore [And the feelings inside cannot be denied anymore...]
Hey Hey You
You are the light in my life
Now that you're standing here by my side
The only one who understands
Hey Hey You
You give me all of your love
You give me all I need to get by
The only one
Hey Hey You
Understand me
Do you understand me?
Hey Hey You
You are the light in my life
The only one I need to get by
You give me all of your love
Now that you're standing here by my side
You are the light in my life
The only one I need to get by
You are the only one
You are the only one
Hey Hey You
Hey Hey
3. Violet Purple Rose
Amber sunrise
Calming blue sky
White cloud
Fade in to gray
Topaz twilight
Black dead of night
Silver star
Light the way
Scarlet sea flowing
Evergreen growing
Orange horizon
Violet Purple Rose
Emerald moonshine
Golden skyline
Cascading yellow sand
Crimson firelight
Brown wood burn bright
See through the turquoise haze
Indigo river rolling
Burgundy mountain grow [grove]
Orange horizon
Violet Purple Rose
Amber sunrise Emerald moon shine
Calming Blue sky Golden skyline
Topaz twilight Blue Turquoise haze
Orange Horizon
Violet Purple Rose
Indigo river rolling
Burgundy mountain grow
Orange horizon
Violet Purple Rose
4. No Rhyme
You can make the best of moments in life
You can take the path that leads from darkness
Can you feel the power of the sunlight?
Our future is full of hope and promise
When you've given up feeling lost in the maze
Wondering, wonder when you'll find your way home
If ever
We can never stop the hands of time
On Earth as it is in Heaven
No need to fear the other side [Never fear the other side]
You have always wondered what it feels like
You have always known the truth that's in sight
Can you feel the hour is approaching?
When you add it up, we are locked in the cage
All prisoners, lost until we're found
On Earth as it is in Heaven
Stop the hands of time
On Earth as it is in Heaven
No need to fear the other side
On Earth as it is in Heaven
Stop the hands of time
On Earth as it is in Heaven
No need to fear the other side
No reason
No rhyme
No reason
No rhyme
On Earth as it is in Heaven
No reason
No rhyme
On Earth
5. Lonesome Trail
Riding the wind
We drift along
Moving across the desert land
Into the night
Shadows dissolve
Nomads wandering through the
Sands of space and time
The spirit of adventure
Raised within our hearts
The time is now
The time has come
To journey farther from the sun
Let's not hold back
We've just begun
To understand our destiny
We can carry on forever
Driven by the spirit in our hearts
Leaving the world behind
We travel on through silence
With only the stars to guide us
Along the lonesome trail
Never to return
One million miles of silence
With only the stars to guide us
Along the lonesome trail
The lonesome trail
For distant lands
We set our course
To sail across the ocean
We've come so far
We can't turn back
It's a test of our devotion
As we race into the future
Expectations grow within our hearts
We rode the storm
We've braved the seas
This passes from our history
Into the skies
The great beyond
To reach escape velocity
We can carry on forever
Driven by the hope within our hearts
Leaving the world behind
We travel on through silence
With only the stars to guide us
Along the lonesome trail
Never to return
One million miles of silence
With only the stars to guide us
Along the lonesome trail
The lonesome trail
We can carry on forever
Share the universe together
Is this the life that we chose for ourselves
Travel along the lonesome trail [Traveling on the Lonesome Trail]
The lonesome trail
The lonesome trail
Leaving the world behind
We travel on through silence
With only the stars to guide us
Along the lonesome trail
The lonesome trail
The lonesome trail
The lonesome trail
The lonesome trail
With only the stars to guide us
Along the lonesome trail
The lonesome trail
6. The More We Live
You and I can change the world
The more we live, the more we learn, the more we know
From this moment on we share the world
The more we give, the more we love, the more we grow
The spirit of imagination can lead us through the dark
The more we see, the more we try, the more we show
The evidence of our confusion, life has left its mark
The more we fear, the more we lie, the more we hide
As we walk into tomorrow
Turning away from the path we know
Holding the future with our hands
We carry the weight of the world we go [we grow]
It's up to you and I we hold the key, we hold the answers
All our thoughts of doubt and fear are leaving one by one
The more we live, the more we learn, the more we know
For each of us the road is clear, life has just begun
The more we give, the more we love, the more we grow
It's time to reach the goals we've set for ourselves
The more we fear, the more we lie, the more we hide
All we need is just to believe in ourselves
We face the truth, we see it clear, with no disguise
Cast away our doubt and sorrow
Turning away from the past we know
The universe at our command
Conserving the fate of the world we grow
Together you and I we hold the key to all the answers
Let go
Let go
Let go
7. Love Conquers All
Love can seem such a mystery
Confusing though it may be
It's the one thing that we all need most
Love can make your world go round
Sometimes it can bring you down
Yet there's no way to avoid the fall
Love conquers all
Love conquers all
Love conquers all
Love will finally bring us all
Together eventually
There's only one road for us all
Releasing our fear of the unknown
Believing in what could be
Now it's time for each of us to answer the call
Love conquers all
Love conquers all
Love conquers all
Love conquers all
Love conquers all
Love conquers all
Sometimes love can be so true
Sometimes it's running out on you
No matter how hard you try
You can't avoid the fall
Only love conquers all
We can solve the mystery
Believe in what could be
Now its time for each of us
To answer the call
Love conquers all
Love conquers all
Love conquers all
Love conquers all
Love conquers all
Love conquers all
We can solve the mystery
Together eventually
Love conquers all
We can solve the mystery
Together eventually
Love conquers all
We can solve the mystery
Together eventually
Love conquers all
8. You're The Reason
You mean so much to me
I believe this love was meant to be
My heart belongs to only you
Let these words of love speak so true
I've got to find my way
I've got to find my way back to you
To let you know that I would give
All I have to hold you
You're the reason I live
I'll be the one you can turn to
When the world comes down on you
Pay no mind to what people have say [said]
Because this love will never fade away
I've got to find my way
(Somehow I've got to find)
I've got to find my way back to you
(I've come so far to let you know)
To let you know that I would give
(I gave my love, all I have)
All I have to hold you
You're the reason I live
(You're the reason)
(Only there's only you)
Only you can take me
(to be taking me back)
To the place we were before
(there's so much we've got to see)
We've got to see this love through
You're the reason I live
I live for the moments we share together
(You're the reason I live)
Need to have you back where you belong
I've got to find some way
I've got to find my way back to you
To let you know that I would give
All I have to hold you
You're the reason I live
(Only there's only you)
Only you can take me
(to be taking me back)
To the place we were before
(there's so much we've got to see)
We've got to see this love through
(Somehow I've got to find)
I've got to find my way back to you
(I've come so far to let you know)
To let you know that I would give
(I gave my love, all I have)
All I have to hold you
You're the reason I live
9. Watching The World
One day we all may see a new sunrise
One day we all may learn to comprimise
Standing on common ground
Building our relations for tomorrow
One day we all may feel the changing tide
One day the earth may no longer provide [One day the Earth may wander, divide]
Can we continue to live and deny [Can we continue to live and to die]
Innocent people who don't have the right [ride]
Leave it to decide the policy makers of tomorrow [Weavers who decide the policy makers of tomorrow]
How long can we hold burmles(?) at bay [baubles]
Keep turning away
Pay no mind to the lives thrown away
Keep fanning the flames
Are we chained to a dark world turning around
Are we enslaved by our own evolution
Watching the world
Watching our world running down
Are we amazed by our own contributions
Watching the world
Watching our world running down
One day we all may open up our eyes
One day we'll stop long enough to realize
One world is all that we have to divide
We're holding on to sacred ground [Holding our own sacred ground]
Building our defenses for tomorrow
One day peace will inspire every race
One day everything falls into place
Leave us to decide the policy shapers of tomorrow [policy shakers of tomorrow]
Are we enslaved by our own evolution
Watching the world
Watching our world running down
Are we amazed by our own contributions
Watching the world
Watching our world running down
Yeah, yeah, yeah....
Are we amazed by our own evolution
Watching the world
Watching our world running down
10. Red Light Ahead
You fought for your freedom
You understood the pain
Tell me was it worth it
Would you do it all again
You tried to save your honor
While fighting through the trials
And all along the madness
Still drives the people wild
Danger, there's a red light ahead
Look out for danger, there's a red light ahead
You thought we could make it
Now you know it isn't so
What we never realized
Was how far we had to go
We tried to make our fortunes
Work to ? us for a while [worked wonders for a while]
It seems so very clever
But no one raised a smile
Look out for danger, there's a red light ahead
Look out there's a danger, there's a red light ahead
You walk through the city
No shelter from the rain
Wand'rin' through the sea of faces
The ranks of the insane [the wrecks of the insane]
You thought you could fake it
Now you know that wasn't sound
Sensing something's just not right
You stop to look around
Danger, there's a red light ahead
Look out for danger, there's a red light ahead
Danger, there's a red light ahead
red light ahead
Look out
Look out
Look out....
11. Open Your Eyes
We carry on in the same old way
No lesson learned from yesterday
Talk of changes lost in pages of paper work [words]
How can we refuse to see
What could be our final destiny
Still we go on from day to day knowing what could be true
Wish I knew, oh
Wish I knew
We've cast the world, we've set the stage
For what could be the darkest age
Short exchanges from perfect strangers we'll never know
Wish we knew
It's time to face reality
Questioning the powers that be
Are we too confused to see
Wish I knew
Wish I knew, oh
Wish I knew
Turn, turn to love (?)
Love for another
Turn, turn to love
Love one another
Open your eyes and discover you're not the only one
In disguise do you wonder when the change is gonna come
Open your eyes
Wish I knew
It's time to face reality
Things aren't what they used to be
What I see in you you see in me
Wish I knew
Wish I knew
Wish I knew, oh
Wish I knew
Open your eyes and discover you're not the only one
In disguise do you wonder when the change is gonna come
Open your eyes
Open your mind
12. Man In The Moon
I am the man in the moon
And I hope to shine upon you very soon
Waiting in the night to bathe you all in moonlight
I am the man
I am the man in the moon.
Silently revolving wandering through the heavens above
On my own
Round and round and round I go
When I stop no one will know
I am a creature of the night
And I hope to come and shed a little light
Although the universe our teacher I remain the central feature [Although the Universal Teacher]
I am the man
I am the man in the moon.
Round and round and round I go
When I stop no one will know
Silently revolving wandering through the heavens above
On my own
I am the man in the moon (round and round)
And I hope to shine upon you very soon (round and round I go)
Waiting in the night to bathe you all in moonlight
I am the man
I am the man in the moon.
Round and round and round I go
When I stop no one will know
Round and round and round I go
When I stop no one will know (I am the man)
Round and round and round I go (Man in the moon)
When I stop no one will know
Round and round and round I go
When I stop no one will know
13. Say Goodbye
Have I wasted a lifetime waiting for the sun
Thinking I was the only one
I watched as all my dreams came crashing down
I believe it's time for me to say
Say goodbye
Say goodbye
Say goodbye
Seems like now more than ever
We need to find some way
To guide our endangered world
To brighter days
The future of the earth depends on you and I
To live or die we must decide (Say goodbye)
You'll never see the tears I cry
In sadness now I say goodbye Oh
Say goodbye
Say goodbye
Say goodbye
To think that we can last forever going on this way
Burning down the very key to our survival
To see the forest falling like a rain [To see the forest fall in land of grain]
To believe again in our revival
The less we fail the more we try
Abandon fear, say goodbye
Where will we be tomorrow
So many roads to follow
From the mountains to the sea
Hear the voice of reason calling for you
Save the children save the old
Stop the world from growing colder
We're reaching out for you (?) now say goodbye [We're reaching out for you - don't Say Goodbye]
Like a teardrop in the ocean
We dissolve in our emotion
Release the pain within our heart
Say goodbye
Watching as all our dreams materialize
Before our eyes
Now we don't have to say goodbye
Say goodbye
Now we don't have to say goodbye
Say goodbye
Say goodbye to all the anger
All the vengeance that we hold inside
Say goodbye
With open eyes look to the future [Lift all the lies and confusion]
Say goodbye
Transcribed by yesman
additions [and alternates] contributed by [thanks!]
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