Tuesday 7 December 2010 | By: wicca

To Make A Wish Come True

To Make A Wish Come True Cover
Draw the sign of the waxing Moon with a thorn onto a short, fat beeswax candle (a white votive candle is perfect). Light the candle, gaze into the flame, and concentrate on your wish as you chant:

"Gracious Lady Moon,

Ever in my sight,

Kindly grant the boon

I ask of thee tonight.

Blow out the flame but hold its light in your mind for as long as you can. An answer will be revealed to you.

From: Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

Tags: charms symbols  magick child  brooms besoms  witch circle  make your wand  charging your  wiccan master  charging your tools  hermetic philosophy greece  old spells  pagan  grimoire rites  occult philosophy