Wednesday 15 December 2010 | By: wicca

Sacred Pentagram

Sacred Pentagram
The political being appeared in Vol. 1, No. 1 of NightScapes (a journal of Magick, Paganism and the Occult).

The Pentagram, the five hard star, is an icon of Magick and the Occult. It is a powerful symbol, and one understood sacred by plentiful.

The Pentagram is comprised by a proportional way called "The Fair-haired Raw." This rule states that an crossing point which divides a line, makes the two parts proportionately the actual length. To light up, a line is branched by up-to-the-minute line, making two parts. These two

segments determination be the actual proportional office to one-another as the not inconsiderable part is to the whole. The Fair-haired Raw is called "The Delightful Group." It is this rule that provides greatly activity to Occultists who respect the Pentagram.

Represent are two types of Pentagrams: The Upright and the On its head. Apiece symbols are sacred, and also carry been maligned by the unmindful. The Upright Pentagram conservatively symbolizes mankind. It is the plan of a man (or person) standing with arms and legs snowball, in favor of the Microcosm. Man and person are lesser universes within themselves, and are appoint of the Macrocosm (the not inconsiderable World, in which we inn).

All aim of the Pentagram stands for one of the elements: Earth, Air, Combustion and Tarn. The peak aim represents Spirit. So, followed by, the traditional interpretation of the Upright Pentacle is "Spirit over substance."

The Pentagram is sacred to plentiful religions and cultures. It is a vivid symbol. Alas, for individuals who are unmindful about the Occult, and who are especially biased adjacent to it, the symbol vital "evil." The other type of Pentagram is the On its head, sometimes

called "The Pentamorph." This symbol is regarded as in favor of evil to also the Occultist and the non- Occultist. The crack for this is that plentiful strain, seeing that the symbol is now inverted, perfunctorily accept that "Spirit," at the top in the Upright, is now at the stump, with the other elements reigning advanced it (substance over Spirit). This interpretation is in nature uninformed on the individual's part. The symbology of one does not repeatedly put into action to the other. An standby interpretation suggests that the On its head displays "power underlying poured back inwards the Earth."

Numerous aspect of the On its head is the motion picture of the "Sabbatic Goat of Mendes." Mendes is a metropolitan somewhere ancient Egyptians worshipped the Goat, which symbolizes luxury. By having the Pentagram in the On its head situation, one can contact a goat's overseer in its copy, with the peak points underlying the horns, the lower two points underlying the ears, and the lowest in favor of the fuzz.

Neither of the advanced representations of the Pentagram personage in an "evil" context by themselves. Oddly, Wiccans (and plentiful heavenly do) recycled the On its head to be a symbol of the 2nd mean of the Give rise to (measure the Upright symbolizes the Give rise to itself). Due to the healthy of modern Satanism, via Anton La Vey, and others, who carry adopted the On its head Pentagram as their symbol, it has now in a meeting on a chief dim aspect. What is exhilarating about non-Occultists is their inability to sagacity the contrast concerning either symbol.

To the run of the mill, also describe "Satan" or evil, whether Upright or On its head. It's as if they are "unsighted" to the harmony of whether the symbol is Upright or not. All they see is the "evil" star, and that perfunctorily conjures up all the other connotations floor with it.

It's ominous that due to the healthy of Satanism, Wiccans are uncertain to use the On its head Pentagram, in nervousness of underlying well-known with that religion. The On its head Pentagram is a sacred symbol, in favor of luxury, and underlying a luxury religion, Wicca is underlying certain not to use a matter icon.

Numerous apparition that may begin vast to some is the best guess that the On its head Pentagram is actually the perfectly "banishing" Pentagram. If the Upright is recycled to "Invoke", wouldn't it make cut that its reach be recycled to "banish?"

Yes, the Pentagram is a sacred symbol. It represents power, protection, mankind, and a establish of other definitions. If someone has a ask to the substance of the Pentacle as a symbol to respect, plus characteristic to the American deteriorate. Represent are fifty of them on it! (By Jay Barrymore)

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