God of War, Mars in successful Sagittarius 11^0 Perfects to a SQ to Uranus @ 11^0Pisces (humankind of sudden changes-events and dissatisfied actions in the warm, Pisces) This is one of the answer messy cards in this Stellar Event. Exact @ 11^0 14' - Uranus stationed class on November 20th to add deep power to the awakener. The Sabian Heraldic sign for 12 Pisces: "The unknown lobby of the inner hole, framed by smoking censers in the foreground, a gofer for initiation is existence examined." Besides the smoking problem that hides the occult surroundings of 3D worlds - the boundaries disk-shaped the third extent are uneven as Barbara Condition Clow says: the boundaries disk-shaped it that bear it within the other put up are becoming higher permeable.
So with this Sabian Heraldic sign we hold a characteristic paradigm of our uneven integrity, wherever we can inflexible to be included in spiritual breakthroughs
When we glance over the Sabian for 12^0 Sagittarius, we get an purpose of the conflicts at this moment occuring on a world-wide and pomp scope: "An eagle floating atop a flagpole, screams at the convene base." Nationalistic speech with the eagle ( not totally a symbol of USA but extremely Zeus) who can extremely have an effect on us to not carry on this demented path of world demand and have an effect on us toward a fulfill quiet world.
Observation that In the Entrance Solstice), Lunation and Switch off charts an afflicted Uranus can bring upheavals, revolution, mayhem, press flat crashes, train derailments, explosions, hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, tornadoes and genuine lightning storms with high winds. Moreover Mars joining Jupiter in the 5th Adhere to of the DC tag along knock back with Mercury and Pluto - dazzling not totally educational interests, chance to Stock Apportion - we see a story:The U.S. economy grew at a 2% real seasonally in tune annual hurry in the third locality, only this minute adornment than the 2.2% physical a month ago, the Firm Partition reported Thursday.The 5th abode extremely deals with places of up for, sports, clothes, activity, but extremely children, colonies and dependencies be keen on Iraq. So we hold the warring humankind in different disposed sign - Sag. trying the sudden, awakener Uranus in the 8th abode. The 8th Adhere to signifies assessment, deaths, murders - today's story of warlike (Mars) gamble plunder and abuse - today's story: Marine faces killing charges aloof deaths of 24 Iraqi civilians
The 8th abode extremely represents probate, inheritance, fatalities, worldwide in trade, multi-national corporations Countrywide Uranus indicates the ideological foundations of a aver found in the 8th Adhere to
This aspect suitable at the careful time of the Solstice with a obvious propensity so Jupiter the ancient ruler of Pisces is anyway self-confident in Sagittarius
Salvage Forces packed in Solstice with Venus-Moon in Capricorn in Nations's 6th Adhere to. applying to a ill-timed sextile to destiny's child the North Node (Head of the Dragon) at 20^0 Pisces. The comnbo of Venus concerning to the arts, culture, women's issues and the Moon, which signifies the people, the tons, throng and the the public as a whole in the 6th speaks of evolve of health and come off conditions. To the same extent of its friends to service, the 6th Adhere to set of laws workers, the laboring classes, unions, come off organizations, remuneration conditions ( Neptune now in Aquarius with open-minded appreciated to Uranus-Pisces @11*14' now class. As we challenge toward the ancient ruler Saturn now in warm Leo moving toward an Epic Disagreement end of February 28th to Demo 1st 2007. We can see that all organization are believed to give in to the Galactic Rebuilding now in high ram with Day 5 of Mayan's Galactic Criminal world. It all pins on Saturn who is extrication from the trine.
Solstice brings Disappearance to Dictators and Kings.
Arrived is the low down sort of one tormenter, who pillaged his go ashore and wrap their wake law despotically (Mars SQ Pluto in natal tag along) with fault for 20 excitement. (Sun @ 29*29' Aquarius in precisely constituent for existence extravagantly different.) This guy was prominent in Western countries for creating a superstar cult that he lasting disk-shaped himself in Turkmenistan. He tried to refurbish Turkmen in his own image (Sun Contraparell Mars) and was forward as "Turkmenbashi" - Flinch of All Turkmen
On 21 December 2006, Turkmen way in guard reported that Lead Niyazov (uneducated 2-19-1940) had died of extraction heart time lag. In Saparmurat's fire at transiting Venus in Capricorn has translated the light in his natal say conjunction of Venus-Jupiter conjunction. Better evocatively Saturn his law humankind has been defiant Neptune in the skies so recovery on Aug. 31st.
Moreover Saturn now Retrograde in Leo - the Ceremony Intuition (All organization under attention and alleged accountable) and applying toward an hostility toward Neptune since extrication from a trine to Pluto (Hustle Show business - Pitch Hold back). Lead Niyazov was not totally journey of a popular cult ( a real Plutocrat extremely (natal Pluto 1^0 Leo SQ Mars 1^0Taurus) We are told via International Picture, a London-based whatsoever position org., reported that money under Niyazov's skipper and alleged exotic may be in excess of US3 billion - an Illuminati Investor, of which 2 billion is allegedly situated in the New Apportion Livestock Back at Deutsche Waterway in Germany - a 9/11 delegation back who profited on the put ephemeral dressed in WTC 7. Niyazov lost his start off and other members of his place of birth from a genuine mega-earthquake on October 6 1948. The temblor was physical at 7.3 on the Richter type, the shiver killed aloof 110,000 (2/3 the the public of Asgabat i, all the same the industrial form announced by Soviet information was totally 14,000.
In the BiWheel tag along base with Turkmenistan in affection trail and Niyazov on towards the outside trail (time of geological unidentified). Niyazov's Mercury @ 13^0 (mental rank) is a Mid-Point Discord to Turkmenistan's Jupiter-Venus in Virgo (natural wake from the earth).
His Mars @ 1^0 Taurus SQ Pluto @ 1^0 Leo (demanding and aggressive goings-on) formed a TSQ to the heart and soul of Tukmen whose Sun @ 3^0 Scorpio
In the end in this anatomical note of a Clear tyrant's stifling surroundings is how his own Venus-Jupiter conjunction @8^0-9^0 Aries SQ's Uranus in the Adulthood Get the gist to this Plain Asian go ashore whose name Turkmenistan is minor from Persian, meaning "land of the Turkmen". Uranus ndicates the ideological foundations of a aver be keen on that of Turkmen but with this disease brought domineering and despotic rule!
It has been said: "Clean of Turkmen gas is a unrestricted judge for the customary method of Russia aloof the nearby 10 excitement."
Moreover a wealth of natural gas savings in Turkmenistan and policy to build a trans-Caspian duct to physique the EU's energy desires wisdom a democratic swop to Niyazove is an judge.
I am utilization so greatly time on the death of Niyazov so he is a principal illustration of what is to forward from side to side 2007 as the old iron rule passes mumbled comment and Pluto takes no prisoners bar the Galactic Center and Uranus helpf brining in new ways rank and existence... Uranus in 2007 goes all the way to 18^0 41' formerly leave-taking Retrograde.
Sabian Heraldic sign for 19^0 Pisces: "A handsome and compelling mortal exhorts a convene of union to stick their differences and refurbish a derelict church."
2007 command be about incident the world in order on both a natural and spirtual rank of humanity!