Friday 5 February 2010 | By: wicca

Make A Wishing Sack

Make A Wishing Sack Cover

You will need the following:

* small piece of paper
* wishing incense (bay leaf, cinnamon, ginger)

Write your wish on a piece of paper and put some wishing incense on top. Lift the corners of the paper and tightly twist them together to form a sack. Light the wish sack while visualizing your wish coming to fruition.

If the paper burns entirely, expect wishes to come true immediately. Having to re-light the paper once or twice signifies positive results but only after obstacles clear. Having to re-light the paper any more than twice is an indication that either your wish won't come to pass or that what you wish isn't good for you.

Tags: making altar  basic poppet  making magic  wiccan tool  consecration tools  making altar  tool wrappings  witch personal tools  short egyptians being  wicca witch  witch england  spirit guides  magick