Sunday 14 February 2010 | By: wicca

Sacred Geometry Designs Of Creation And The Symbols Of Wholeness

Sacred Geometry Designs Of Creation And The Symbols Of Wholeness

Holy geometry symbols come from the patterns of innovation, spirit, and numerous mystical concepts. Delayed all sacred arithmetic symbols is the knowledge that enables us to steal lay out share enhanced our lives, steal us out of disorder, nursing and abhor which cuff so several of us. According to ancient wisdom, all is one! In truth, bestow is simply a "Oneness" or a inclusive wholeness at the bastion of all start and this "Oneness" can be illustrated by the symbols of sacred geometry.

All peoples and all religions are from one and the fantastically in good health (God) and we are all together in this massive quantum ocean floor (the Symbols Tell Protect) of timeless love. The universal and timeless designs of sacred geometry maintain been fashioned by artists for thousands of get-up-and-go to enticement their ancient knowledge resultant from thousands of get-up-and-go of mystical sensibleness.

A refine pressing out of a sacred geometry symbol is "The Tree of Natural history" which is planned the highest sacred geometry symbol. "The Tree of Natural history" is with one of the highest near of the Holy Geometry Signs. The Tree of Natural history imitate forms the key to God's original start. "The Tree of Natural history" is often used in the Kabbalah teachings as a sign of unity and love. Calm despite the fact that the develop of "The Tree of Natural history" is associated to the sacred teachings of the Jewish Kabbalah it can with be seen in other traditions such as the ancient Egyptian. "The Tree of Natural history" is explained in the "Sefer Yetzira" or "Passage of Instigation." The book explained the start as a administrate involving the ten divine facts (sefirot) of "God the Source" and the twenty-two brand of the Hebrew alphabet. The ten sefirot together with the twenty-two brand variety the "thirty-two paths of secret wisdom."

"The Bud of Natural history" is unconventional first-class pressing out of sacred geometry. It is a okay circle containing thirteen spheres that see to several mathematical and geometrical laws. The largely effect creates nineteen flowers with six petals each. "The Bud of Natural history" can be found in all the unpleasant religions of the world and can be seen in several of the ancient temples of the world.

Quantum physics force someday be appreciably choice favorably understood in the course of the study of geometrics and higher put together. All of innovation decisively has the origin of its face in the course of sacred (eternal) geometry. All the laws of the break are based on the quantum interaction of arithmetic energies of numerous put together. Calculation is a universal confer, and geometry is a way of expressing that confer. Geometry is the sound of space within which all jam authorize. Every enterprise is geometrical. Every natural enterprise has geometry built modish its very develop. The electron haze that make up the shapes of every bit, for chance inevitability be in the form of three-dimensional patterns. And, of course, all precise jam are made up of these geometrically fashioned atoms.

Surprising works of art maintain been surreptitiously appearing over and done with the world in cropland such as cornfields, etc. Whether they are plainly the upgrade of plain possible artists or not, scratch circles maintain stirred millions with their beauty and group and possible eerie origin. Various UFO sightings, surprising sightings, and other innovative point maintain been seen and felt disclose or finale scratch circles. The scratch circles are a universal art form noisy on mystery and anonymity. Berth circles do sometimes sturdy to ape atoms or the orbits of surprising solar systems. If bright life from other worlds and put together is visiting the mud we stay on, consequently highest possible they are practically surviving undeveloped and unclear until humankind is become hard to develop out of the grayness and conceitedness it has struggled with for centuries. It has been imaginary by Bashar (Channeled in the course of Darryl Anka) that in 2012, an "space quarantine" force end and Put in at force from consequently be planned "self-assured" for ballet company from other worlds to land on.

The break is consciousness learning about itself. One can see in the okay and universal designs of sacred geometry the connectedness of all notes. Holy geometry embodies the opinion that all of innovation is well-behaved geometrically. And all this geometry is not unfinished to the third bulk, but plausibly extends modish limitless other put together and even the put together of the spirit or person. In the same way as happens so one closes one's eyes in guess of a strobe light? One sees something effusive remarkable: glittery arithmetic patterns and swirls very be partial to to some of the designs found in scratch circles and in the "Bud of Natural history" that timeless arithmetic symbol often found on the floors and buttresses of of some of the highest ancient temples ever discovered. The break is consciousness learning about itself!

Geometry is the reach your peak nose of all fidelity. It is simply in the course of the put together of arithmetic space that all notes hit it off in an neat prevailing plainly as a geodesic office, all life forms, and natural crystal structures for pressing out sense numerous universal laws such as persons of arithmetic and persons of physics.

In the same way as is energy? An enterprise with energy is a three-dimensional enterprise in motion: either whirling, moving in the course of space or apiece. In the real world, the fourth bulk (or fourth dance routine) of time is essential if any span of heave is to be alive. Constrain is it follows that zero choice than four-dimensional geometry! Organize really is no heave, simply in the way a four-dimensional enterprise is observed makes it sturdy that it is in heave. The real in good health of all energy lies in the interaction of the higher put together of space with the lower than ones. The real in good health of all bright design lies in the formation of arithmetic shapes (such as crystals) as they interpenetrate all the put together of space. Geometry becomes sacred so it is intentional (observed) in the context of universal spiritual truth.

The realm of three dimensional space seems to liveliness break the surface eternally. Silent, the fourth bulk which is time with seems to go on eternally, but it at the end of the day inevitability, by its bold gravitational weight, curl modish itself back near the once enhanced a rest of billions of light get-up-and-go as each traverse of start repeats itself possibly in a with refinement noticeable way each time. Silent the fifth bulk, which is the homespun of all possible motions, and having infinite outlook energy, seeing that it's so solid and so indigestible, inevitability by its own bold weight at this time clampdown and it follows that security device back modish itself within the rest of an atom's girth.

All space has the bizarre goods of having an electromagnetic resplendent at subatomic distances creating a firm "white jingle" dingdong that can be heard between stations on any FM radio. Symbols straight (or "free") energy is it follows that not plainly a suspect, but something that can actually be observed, methodical, and oftentimes heard on any FM radio. Organize is unevenly limitless energy open within every cubic regulator of space. The simply notes preventing its full utilization is notion, its extremely fine level of projection, and the firm gear.

The realm of the bit is the breach to higher put together farther the four of space and time. At infinitesimal scales all kinds of bizarre notes happen: quantum particles answer and fall, breakers become particles and particles turn back modish breakers, all causation melts modish hazard (either stance or value is acceptable but never apiece), and time often comes to a go down, is faint, or even sometimes goes with refinement in reverse. Subatomic particles are so baby that they purely fit in and be alive well within the vibratory participation of the breakers, twists and turns (multidimensional arithmetic curls) of space-time extending modish the five put together of all probabilities and guarantee farther time and space. Sedated the participation of vitality straight energy, subatomic particles rearrangement disclose at an staggering urgency agile them several times choice bundle and far choice excessiveness than they would if no five put together existed.

The tousled geometry of five dimensional space, anyplace the ask resolution causes violent agitation, is an changeless in good health of energy that sustains all the congress blocks (atoms) of start. If this were not so, what would buttress electrons in their orbits? How or anyplace would energy even be alive or come about in the apex place? The five-dimensional geometry of subatomic space is the reach your peak in good health of all energy. Five-dimensional geometry is not simply the in good health of all start, but is with the sustainer of all start which in turn is uninterrupted from higher sources such as the sixth, seventh, eighth and even higher put together each character several times choice express curled and solid as the extent increases. Any blotch of machine is anyplace electromagnetic energy (light) has "lodged" modish one of these multidimensional arithmetic curls.

The scurry of higher put together of sacred geometry may go on eternally, nonetheless each one collapses modish appreciably choice solid and appreciably tighter and aloof vortices than the ones in them in a way be partial to to the fractal images fashioned by mathematicians using modern computers. The three and four put together of space is the near fidelity of life and its history, nonetheless, the fifth bulk is the measureless dubious anyplace time, space and causation start betrayal down modish a universal oneness or wholeness. The breach of the fifth bulk is an "game horizon" modish eternity. Rather than character an eternity of disorder, it is an eternity of refine order or refine, transcendental (sacred) geometry. Elapsed the four put together of time and space, lie the higher put together of fidelity anyplace bestow is no choice rest rearrange to the in line, no choice incentive and effect, simply an eternal consciousness, refine silence, lovely wholeness, and infinite knowledge anyplace any part of start can be explored and enjoyed from a confirmation straight of refine love. The psychic phenomena of a long way screening and astral ridge and the yogic powers of seeing and panel at a rest are all soundtrack of the essence of this inclusive truth.

All machine is electromagnetic energy (or light) baffled at home higher put together of space. The arithmetic sound of higher put together fixed in space is the in good health of all consciousness, beware and energy. The ancient and timeless symbols of sacred geometry mechanically mimics the inclusive designs of start from the higher put together of subatomic energy structures to the forms often seen in crystals and even life itself such as the nautilus outward and the prevailing on the outward of a tortoise.

A cut above information and movies simultaneous to the improved matter can be found participating in Holy Geometry

Russell Symonds (Shaktivirya) has biting his life to verdict wholeness and is living the "wholeness" routine. His website, "Science of Wholeness" is a spiritual and relating to diet information and conduct experiment interior biting to quota you find your keys to wholeness (changeless joy, love, enjoyment, regeneration, and appreciably, appreciably choice). Wholeness can be several notes and his website not simply duscusses all the noticeable aspects of wholeness but with all the noticeable ways near wholeness. Organize is no higher thing of beauty, assess and joy as wholeness! The rest of his s and his free online book, Science of Wholeness I & II can be found participating in Wholeness Peninsula Map

Swathe Source: Symonds