Tuesday 11 November 2008 | By: wicca

Making Your Own Magic

Making Your Own Magic Cover
Life isn't always easy... and most of the people feeling the "pain" are desperate for anyone to help. This usually means they want someone to "fix it" for them by casting a spell for them. They don't BELIEVE that Magick inside them exists... and/or they don't BELIEVE they can use it to change their lives.

It sounds corny, but it's true. You've got to BELIEVE in yourself and the Magick energy you were born with in order to bring miracles into your life... and transform your situation into one you've always dreamed about.

But you can't just go to some online spell caster, or have someone else say a chant, light some candles, and have everything change.

YOU'VE got to do it... it's the ONLY way. And it is VERY easy, and things can change EXTREMELY quickly. But you've got to believe in yourself and the power your Magick energy has to bring miracles into you life.

Tags: feeding broom  tool wrappings  making wand  altar ostara  make fairy  introduction making  make besom  tool ritual  fashions religions  pagan wiccan  kitchen witch  raziel hamalakh  reuchlin pythagorean modern  transcendental magic