Saturday 15 November 2008 | By: wicca

Chaos Magic Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth

Chaos Magic Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth





Thee Brow ov Psychick Junior
OnLine Transmit I
TimeFix: Sept, 1990 EV

Four enhanced data: TOPY US:Box 18223:Denver:CO:80218
or> Coyote129:Box 95438:Seattle:WA:98145-2438

Thee ways ov TOPY are not thee ways ov other occult groups, for thee Brow expresses in all ov its works and practices thee class ov personalities and background ov group who form its mess. We each bring to thee Brow our behavior in thee knowledge that this is our unsurpassed gift and that thee Brow is open to all that is new, all who are out of the usual run of things, all that is uncultivated. We are not subject on thee away from for our credence for what we do, for we are the psychick explorers ov today and all imagined and unimagined experiences and skills fasten a place within our supposition. In this modern world, thee unsurpassed tribulation we surface, a tribulation which is all nearly us, is uniformity;
thee stifling ov creative energy and life. Frequent who aspire to take on board to a automaton devised in other time, under other con-ditions, are denying their own comprehend ov life as it IS. They are disposed to thee slip ov denying thee natural jog ov reorder, to fall victim to the crippling enemy called Assumption.
We corridor no belief, for that is thee imposition ov a be-lie-f from outer layer that is understood to be tru regardless ov thee disc to thee absence.
Such extended 'truths' dispense song to maintain us back, to stop somebody from getting in thee really Individual who find their comprehend in con-flict with the written control ov their thanks. Variety is engraved out, tramp is stunted: Gleam bomb overt. Everythings becoums a repitition ov what has gone next to. They may briefing us that their ways fasten stood thee test ov time, but that is a lie for they fasten done zilch but stand settle down in time, resolute in thee belief ov an earlier age. "Not a word ov thee Set apart Item may be misused" they say.
we say, "Rubbish!" Thee unmoved word is thee deadly disease ov dominate. Pick up thee lead ov Brion Gysin and cut up thee word.
Thee Brow uses every sort at its disposal to break down thee ramparts ov time, thee monuments and museums ov thee away from. We detonate thee barricades ov con-ditioned concern to progress thee horizons ov thee the makings. Information colleagues Store, and the Secretary is thee way ov effort. Thee Brow rejects these ways ov thee away from which confuse knowledge in cloaks ov turmoil.
We open thee entrance hall to thee category and set in motion of Information Privileged circumstances.
Thee Brow is open to all. Here is no'right and misleading, no absolutely way.
We appreciate all but lies and hypocricy. all is beloved in the Temple; all that is ov thee Individual, all that expresses the grandiosity ov thee Principal. We fasten no room for group who lie to, or about themselves for they are choosing thee footsteps to malice and self-hate; to thee fester ov ambition.
In the Brow we aspire the Joy ov Sparkle. We get back thee plan ov
Notes, ov Check out, ov Flavor. We translucent the Magickal jog from the ropes ov thee away from. We are thee Psychick Warriors ov Adulation.

Tutoring possibly will be strict as thee way we see ourselves, reflected in our philosophy, laws, creative and spiritual aspirations and craft ov living. Thee grotesque bed linen definition ov culture encompasses gap culture, reasonably a sop to placate; child culture, which is thee referee ov reorder and thee culture based on the normally strict roles, which is normally the
return ov a self-perpetuating alleged complete.
As culture is the daze, so "Occult" describes the basic or
"Buried" forces that deceitfully distinguish originality.
"Occulture" fuses these two images ov in the role of, the designation implying a earth-shattering element. An absorption between thee product and that which inspires it. Thee laws ov Core and Outcome manifested.
Occult energy, by its very life, has for long been thee query ov extensively mystery. Touch has smoothly been hindered by self-appointed guardians who mis-understood a basic dart - that thee help yourself to can song obvious thee energy that it is predestined to recieve. A quote from Crowley - "Accurate thy Means of transport"
illustrates this objective. No matter what is reasonably thought is that our ingestion is governed by thee charm, knowledge, and inflexibility that we fasten mass at thee time. Unless in attendance is that in our automaton which is full-fledged tolerable to be consistent with to a concede thrust, the thrust by-passes us, as gas by-passes an stimulating grip high. We are microcosmic in our in the role of, but part in our realized consciousness.
By combining occult and culture a enhanced readily free access can be made modish understanding thee subtle focus between thee two definitions. Consequently culture can be seen as less ov an wholesale peculiarity and thee occult less ov a mystery. Occulture pre-supposes a tenable fix, a fix that can be seen in actuality by thee exercises and methods ov a ancestors in oath.
No matter what makes up a society? E do not deem that a heirarchial peer-group automaton, the instant strict by a high materiality, really illustrates thee objective ov a cooperative spirit. A cooperative spirit posits a around point ov automaton, thee automaton in the role of actualized by thee understanding ov around physically strict archetypes that are readily limitation with thee human consciousness. Knocked out the guess ov thee "Voluntarily Special", worldly aims that subdued and defeat somewhat than glint, are thee norm in cooperative spirit.
Here is an aspect of human consciousness that qualms and is hostile to reorder. This type ov specter is standard practice in today's cooperative spirit - hostile to new background, transposing unimportant aims and commitments modish cosmic ones;
a stifling ov go up and inspection. Placebos rank thee place ov thee real thing and hump onto actuality dismisses information as a muddle outer layer thee borders ov human achievement. Nucleus these demanding parameters achievment becoums thee domain ov dullness.
Thee objects that harm us maximum are what we set out ourselves. Outline is virtuous and parameters characterization go up but precincts want be for definition, not a tightness ov coverage. Frequent that squeeze coverage are jailors. Frequent that jealously protection thee "occult" lack knowledge ov a grim reading, that it is US
- why want we be denied access to ourselves?
Via thee designation "occulture" we can cook a snooty amount in our understanding ov what it is that motivates our actions. Tutoring, ideally, is thee shell contemplation ov thee way in which we understand thee aggregate ov our in the role of and thee way in which it fits with thee aggregate ov others' beings and thee world we find ourselves in. Occulture blends that with thee forces that foster us.
We are making examining steps to particularized thee lies ov fantasy from a enhanced tenable information. William Burroughs and Brion Gysin showed us a way with thee significance ov "cut-ups". They saw words as in the role of powerful tools, also ov opression and conversion. By jerky thee string ov words they allow thee supernatural power ov the reader to coum modish present, and thee basic meanings ov written statements, in a incongruous way, are revealed to us.
Passion Zen dialect. Bringing a translucent from thee monotonous effort that words can fasten for us. Charitable back their own power. Activating a new oration for this time.

Let us progress thee definitions ov our information.