Wednesday 5 August 2009 | By: wicca

Religion Belief Magical Trees And Fruit

Religion Belief Magical Trees And Fruit Image
Apple: particularly associated with peace and giving and receiving of love, "poisoned" apples represent seduction, wickedness and false knowledge.

Oak: sacred in many traditions, including Druid, Judaeo-Christian and Norse; it is particularly associated with protection and endurance. Fruit: acorns.

Hazel: tree of knowledge and wisdom. Hazel rods are traditionally used for dowsing, while hazel twigs woven into "wishing caps" were said to grant the wearers' desires. Hazelnuts have long been revered as the food of the gods.

Silver Birch: the "Lady of the Woods", a tree of enchantment, especially associated with feminine intuition and wisdom. The twigs were traditionally used to make brooms with an ash or hazel handle. Fruit: catkins.

Willow: represents forgiveness and acceptance; sitting in a willow grove was said to produce inspiration and visions.

Holly: protection against evil spirits and lightning; used in dream magic.

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