Saturday, 8 August 2009
" THE Amalgamated STATES OF AMERICA: aka, CANAAN", or "TYRE."THE Amalgamated STATES OF AMERICA [aka, Subsequent Day Tyre, or Canaan ] consists of five original bloodlines. The physical kin of: "TYRE", "EDOM", "MOAB", "AMMON", and "ISRAEL". Rule as, THE BIBLICAL SCRIPTURES have space for prophetically certified us. In the picture to the dead, I have space for separated them up based upon: When I have space for been comatose in my own visions, and When I [ myself ] have space for closely real from "THE SCRIPTURES".In "ISAIAH 23", It Says: " Inspect, THE Home OF THE CHALDEANS [ THE ROMANS ], This children which was not [ until others brought them together ]; ASSYRIA [ people ARYAN NATIONS ] founded it [ provided its unqualified inhabit ] for unruly beasts of the waste disposal site [ for THE TRIBES living within "Melancholy ISRAEL" ]. They set up its towers [ BABYLON AND ROME funded its world ], They raised up its palaces [ BABYLON AND ROME banned its governments ], And they brought it to annihilate [ BABYLON AND ROME in pieces it - open upon their own pre-planned timetable ]. - ISAIAH 23:13."I. - The Children Of "TYRE":NEW ENGLAND was steady by the kin of "TYRE" - who for a time, lived among their kinsmen and allies in ENGLAND [ or, "SIDON" ]. They were a strong nation of: SHIPBUILDERS, NAVIGATORS, and TRADESMEN... and have space for provided "AMERICA" their earsplitting talent in this aquatic arena. AMERICA'S Aquatic Control has resulted from these skills, which they brought with them! " 'NEW ENGLAND': Children of TYRE".The ILLUMINATED: " Fed up BLOODS OF TYRE " - have space for been ' THE KEY Side ' in stock and deep the whole nation. As "THE Moving" and "Upper limit Opulent Inhabitants" - within THE Amalgamated STATES OF AMERICA, dressed in greatest of its flaming history - the kin of "TYRE" have space for more often than not dictated its appointments. Largely, among the care of FREEMASONRY; and the separate organizations, which totally hold it. For that reason, their scriptural term as: " CANAAN'S Authentic Vanguard."In fact, in Early AMERICAN Lineage, it was the freemasons who lent their: expand followings and fiscal coffers - to "THE FEDERALISTS", in their goad towards ' NATIONALIZING THE REPUBLIC '. However, FREEMASONRY, and "Trap SOCIETIES" [ in general ], never enjoyed the identical hardiness of voters within the nations of: "EDOM", "MOAB", and "ISRAEL". Thus, THE Composition - in due course array to - was a far cry from what they had attentively called for... and they've worked program, ever past, in order to fearful this elementary of diplomatic failures!II. - The Children Of "EDOM":AMERICA'S HEARTLAND was steady by "EDOM" - the physical kin of ESAU. Different very powerful people, which entrenched THE LANDS OF ISRAEL. Moment in time the kin of "EDOM" have space for historically followed "TYRE'S" own diplomatic lead, they have space for at some epoch rejected their control. Meanwhile, their soundtrack prime be about of declaration has ever been TYRE'S Not level Sumptuousness and Supporting Strength. This was luxury true dressed in our turn appearing in "THE TWENTIETH CENTURY". " 'AMERICA'S HEARTLAND': the people of EDOM".The AMERICAN Work hard Clash was an blot of "EDOM'S" expanding diplomatic might. Amid the launch of modern industrialization, AMERICA'S MASONIC Controlled INDUSTRIES were beleaguered by precisely hordes of these largely "EDOMITE" processing plant workforce - in their goad towards border in the new wealth because shaped. Meanwhile, with the realization in AMERICA'S HEARTLAND, the disenfranchised of "TYRE" itself sooner or later followed their lead. For that reason, THE Work hard UNIONS were after that born!Thus, A NEW Supporting Standard was after that quickly experienced - within these two northern regions. "THE Get out of bed OF Wages" and "Minister to" - upon the part of AMERICAN Big business - was watered down by "THE Supplicant Intermingle", and "A Silent Approach OF TAX BREAKS". For that reason, distribution out ' THE Authentic Board ' blank the wide-ranging nation; and minimizing THE Fiscal Effects. Stuck-up considerably, however, "TYRE" had obtained a highly-valuable hit in its own diplomatic artillery.III. - The Children Of ISRAEL:AMERICA'S BIBLE Work stoppage was steady by THE TEN " Directionless TRIBES " OF ISRAEL. A nation that was never closely lost; but had so closely "ASSIMILATED" and [ even ] "INTERBRED" appearing in their own ASSYRIAN CAPTORS, as to be sharply GENETICALLY and Ethnically Synonymous. Offer are, however, some highly-significant differences surrounded by them! For job, ISRAELITES are: "Shorter", "Bearded", "Stretch", "Ethnically Gentle", Perfectly "Ethereal", and "Attractively Fit". In fact, as 146 kick [ past their keep on navy bring down ], their ' RALLYING CRY ' is still: " THE SOUTH SHALL Send out AGAIN! " And that ought to description you everything, about them. Rule, see for yourself.... America In Prophecy The Ten Directionless Tribes Of Israel! Now you may experience, considering looking at the in the wake of map, why: "TEXAS", "LOUISIANA", "OKLAHOMA", "ARKANSAS", or "MISSOURI" - aren't comatose in it... as all, they were part of: " THE Merger "... weren't, they? Assured, they were... but, sorrowfully, they've never been "A Subsection OF "ISRAEL"! As you'll see, in the upcoming locale, they are the kin of "MOAB" - who, for a time, STAKED THEIR Fiscal Imminent UPON ISRAEL. At that time, "TYRE" and "EDOM" were a ache ways away; but "ISRAEL", on the other hand, was inactive adjacent to their own brink. " 'THE BIBLE BELT': or Ten Tribes of ISRAEL".And, what of "VIRGINIA"? Wasn't it once: ' THE Capital OF THE Merger '... and a state from wherever many: " Great ISRAELITE STATESMEN " - more often than not arose? Certainly! But, "Secular POPULATIONS" and "Gel "TRIBAL Confines" transport blank the go of time... and THE Stickiness OF WASHINGTON, has necessarily in use its boom upon the children who, considering, so ache ago dwelled existing. Virginia shall make its own collect, for in the end standing with "EDOM".It was THESE Children OF Melancholy ISRAEL, that gained the maximum hand in ' THE Amble Reserve '; and fought very emotionally for what the scriptures call: " THE Trade OF BROTHERHOOD " - "THE Amalgamated STATES CONSITUTION" - which is even now because profoundly kaput asunder.In AMOS Segment 1, we read:" For that reason SAYS THE Authoritative ONE:FOR THREE TRANSGRESSIONS OF "TYRE" [ AMERICA in general; and NEW ENGLAND completely ], and for four, I tendency not turn absent its give authorization to.To the same extent THEY DELIVERED UP THE Total Self-possession TO "EDOM" [ their Central Construction ], And did not speed up ' THE Trade OF BROTHERHOOD '. But I tendency send a fire upon the wall of "TYRE", which shall stuff its palaces [ their weighty homes ]. - AMOS 1:9-10."And it has been THESE Inhabitants OF THE BIBLE Work stoppage, that have space for equally fought for: " Dwell in Sparkling Sense of right and wrong " - which it, considering, so superciliously stood for. Soft now, as THE Amalgamated STATES OF AMERICA is so momentary straightening out and: " THE On the dot GRAPES ARE RIPENING IN THE Flush " - they attacker to work and look upon decisively onto her... absurdly believing, that ' THE Destiny ' muscle then again be found in it! But, sorrowfully, YAHWEH - The Authoritative One - has yet other procedure for those: " TEN Directionless TRIBES OF ISRAEL. "IV. - The Children Of "MOAB": " AMERICA'S SOUTHWEST: The People of MOAB".AMERICA'S SOUTHWEST was steady by THE Children OF MOAB - whom you muscle speed up from "Information Segment 22", in the scriptures. These are the following day kin of people who: " FOR Anxiety OF THEIR Palpable Information " - With Sought after TO Enchantment ISRAEL, among "BALAAM "the prophet. Is it any experience, that they in the end sided with ISRAEL, dressed in AMERICA'S First Civil WAR? Undeniably not! While all, these two nations of children have space for a idiosyncratically entwined and endemic history.However, the kin of "MOAB" tendency not stand together with "ISRAEL" again! For, now: * MOAB CONSIDERS ITSELF TO BE Clear. - THEY Positively POSSESS: ' ONE THIRD OF ALL AMERICAN Big business. ' * MOAB Desires A Diverse General public OF ITS OWN. - THEY'VE Otherwise BEGUN ' THE Lawful Surgical treatment OF DIS-UNION ' - Amid "TEXAS" loot their lead. * MOAB'S OWN Dreadfulness HAS Whichever Spoiled IT. - THEY'VE BOUGHT In the sphere of ' THE LIE ' - OF: " A Not real AMERICAN Lineage. " * MOAB BELIEVES THAT: " THE Crack OF CANAAN " - CAN BE DEALT Amid.- For ' Their Open Blunt Expanses Amid Cities ' - yield them a navy buffer. MOAB'S voters may sound absolutely measly - considering compared to some of the other tribes - but they are an" Wonderfully Steadfast" and "Well-organized Inhabitants". However, repudiation to their own posture, THE Crack OF CANAAN isn't [ really ] their prime defense... for, BABYLON THE Great tendency be celebration this starve yourself unfolding conflict; and waiting for the very best update to watch over its own ' Personal DEATHBLOWS ' upon ALL OF THE NATIONS OF CANAAN - good as "THE SCRIPTURES" have space for conclusive promised.Moment in time some from "MOAB" shall escape, it tendency totally be people who have space for joined-themselves to: " THE Estate OF ISRAEL. " - for it was written:"ISAIAH 27", says: " Dwell in WHO Make your mark [ FROM ALL THE TRIBES OF CANAAN, or someplace as well ] He shall stimulate to elevate core in "JACOB" [ The Estate of Israel ]; ISRAEL shall blush and bud, And wad the character of the world with much fruit. - ISAIAH 27:6."AND" AND IT SHALL Make your mark TO Endorse IN THAT DAY [ THE Destruction OF: "TYRE" AND "CANAAN" ] That The Authoritative One tendency thresh from the trough of THE Great Ditch [ The Authoritative Mississippi ] to THE Brook OF EGYPT [ The Nile ]; And you tendency be gathered one by one, O YOU Young OF ISRAEL. SO IT SHALL BE IN THAT DAY [ THE Destruction OF AMERICA ], THAT THE Great Utter tendency be blown; And they tendency come, who are about to expire in THAT Home OF "A"SSYRIA" [ Tyre, or Canaan ], And they who are outcasts [ Ephraim and Manasseh ] in the land of "EGYPT", And shall exalt [ YAHWEH ] The Authoritative One in the holy well at Jerusalem. - ISAIAH 27:12-13."V. - The Children Of "AMMON": " THE Pacific NORTHWEST: People of AMMON".AMERICA'S Pacific NORTHWEST was steady by the kin of "AMMON" - similarly regular as: " THE AMMONITES." Honey "TYRE" and "EDOM", the children of AMMON have space for ache imaginary a stanch antagonism for the children of: "ISRAEL" and "JUDAH". Go like a bullet would make them happier, than that every FEMA Site in "AMERICA" muscle be filled to overcrowding capacity... and they shall, in fact, handover all of their own captives to "EDOM"! And, that's why it was on paper...In "EZEKIEL 25":" SON OF MAN, SET YOUR Side On THE AMMONITES [ The Children Of Ammon ], and predict vs. them. Say to THE AMMONITES, ' Hitch The Tale of YAHWEH The Authoritative One! ' For that reason says YAHWEH:BECAUSE YOU Alleged, ' AHA! ' On MY Harbor considering it was profaned [ The Not real Churches Of Ethereal Babylon ], and vs. THE Home OF ISRAEL [ The Promised Home ] considering it was doubtful, and vs. THE Estate OF JUDAH [ The Jews ] considering they went appearing in confinement [ in service to Babylon ], Clearly, subsequently, I tendency lecture to you AS A Get [ appearing in oppression and whatsoever slavery ] to THE MEN OF THE EAST [ who shall invade from the west ], and they shall set their encampments among you and make their dwellings among you; they shall eat your fruit, and they shall eat your milk. And I tendency make Rabbah a enduring for camels and Ammon a inactive place for flocks. For that reason you shall know that I am The Authoritative One [ existing is no other god ].' FOR For that reason SAYS YAHWEH, The Authoritative One: ' To the same extent you clapped your hands, engraved your feet, and rejoiced in nitty-gritty with all your coldness for THE Home OF ISRAEL, Clearly, subsequently, I tendency string out My hand vs. you [ IN YOUR HOUR OF POOREST JUDGEMENT ], and experience you as spoils to the nations; I tendency cut you off from the peoples, and I tendency stimulate you to expire from the countries; I Fortitude New idea YOU, and you shall know that: ' I AM ' The Authoritative One! ' - EZEKIEL 25:1-7." Of THE Children OF AMMON, what treat can be [true] supposed, than what has facing been oral of by YAHWEH? Moment in time not a person in the nation of "AMMON" is specifically evil, the permanent spitefulness of this CANAANITE children tendency totally develop junior as the leavening dash is because complete. For, they tendency brashly and briskly assist: "EDOM" and "TYRE" - in the kill in cold blood of millions of YAHWEH'S OWN Ethereal CHILDREN!My counsel, to everyone living in "AMMON", is: " GET OUT OF Offer, Injudiciously.... " Not totally do the children of AMMON detest people who are "SPIRITUALLY-MINDED", but Ammon's ' Unrepentant Locate ' - blank thousands of kick - has deeply driven YAHWEH vs. them! Extremely few other whatsoever nations have space for motivated YAHWEH to admit clearly that: " I Fortitude New idea YOU! " Enough said?VI. - The Native AMERICANS: " INDIANS: The Native AMERICANS".THE Native AMERICANS were state ache before any of the others in vogue... and I would corresponding - because, in part, "Native AMERICAN" myself - to say that they'll be state ache as the rest of us are ache gone; but I [ precisely ] cannot say this! For, THE Intact CONTINENT OF NORTH AMERICA - in the midst of "CANADA" and "MEXICO" - tendency be: "SCRAPED TO THE TOP OF THE ROCK; AND Chance A Property FOR Dispersal NETS IN THE MIDST OF THE TWO SEAS." - according to "THE SCRIPTURES".For instance their intentions headed for THE General public OF ISRAEL have space for ever been absolutely good - as the hand out of their own reserved afflictions - I have space for been instructed by YAHWEH, The Authoritative One, to extend ' THE Wet behind the ears Arm ' of disorder companionship. If you'll: Associate YOUR OWN TRIBES unto "ISRAEL", and elevate upon yourselves " HIS Celebratory GARMENT " - existing is a place for you at the flat terrain of THE Authoritative ONE! However, you too requisite move ' EASTWARD OF THE Great Ditch ', at the same time as you then again can... or you shall work, a greatest horrifying asylum.VII. - The Multitudes FROM ELSEWHERE: "Understanding via Wikipedia We are home to countless Older IMMIGRANTS".And at the same time as AMERICA [ or "CANAAN" ] consists of THESE FIVE Primary BLOODLINES - other than the "Native INDIANS" - it is very cumbersome to idea, that it is also: " THE WORLD'S History MELTING POT! " Nor, have space for THE SCRIPTURES unpopular brashly commenting upon this fact. In "EZEKIEL Segment 27", we visibly read about this weighty whatsoever range - which has ended "CANAAN" a very sturdy nation. Rule maintain equilibrium, THE Watch Line...."EZEKIEL Segment 27": " O TYRE [ O AMERICA ], you have space for said: ' I AM Unquestionable IN Clemency, ' Your borders are in the midst of the seas [ THE WORLD'S TWO Great Mass ], Your builders [ THE FREEMASONS ] have space for perfected your beauty.THEY Ready ALL YOUR PLANKS OF FIR Vegetation FROM "SENIR"; They took a cedar from "LEBANON" to make you a mast. Of oaks from "BASHAN" they ended your oars; The business of "ASHURITES" have space for inlaid your planks Amid ivory from the coasts of "CYPRUS". Piercing overstated linen from "EGYPT" was what you augmentation for your sail; Fed up and purple from the coasts of "ELISHAH" was what covered you. Inhabitants of "SIDON "and" ARVAD" were your oarsmen; Your own wisemen, "O TYRE", were in you; They became your pilots. Elders of "GEBAL" and its shrewd men Were in you to caulk your seams; All the ships of the sea [ ALL THE FAMILIES OF Mud ] And their oarsmen [ THEIR Talented Workforce ] were in you To publicize your goods. - EZEKIEL 27:3-9."Not totally does YAHWEH believe "OUR Inventive NATIONS" - for who they closely are - but, HE is similarly in detail shrewd of "THE Abiding Clash" among all of our own whatsoever families... and that, my friends, is: ' THE Illustration OF A HIGHLY-INTERESTED Inventor '... And [even] treat considerably, " HIS Drudge IS NOT Shortened, THAT IT CANNOT Comply with TO THE Crowning, ALL OF Dwell in WHO FULLY-PLACE THEIR Amount owing IN HIM!"At that time, let people of you who will: "Swing TO ISRAEL", and "Request UPON YOURSELVES", " HIS Celebratory GARMENT " - before it's too too late. THE Civil WAR starts in: " THE SUMMER " OF 2012... and that which tendency robotically stimulate it, IS Opportunity Far-flung SOONER! Rule maintain equilibrium, THE Obedience OF THESE -At home 2011 BIBLICAL PROPHECIES: * THE PROPHESIED Snag IN EGYPT. * THE Authoritative Ditch OVERFLOWS ITS BANKS. * THE JAPANESE Wobble AND TSUNAMI. * AMERICA'S TROOPS Make your mark Home FROM JAPAN. * HIS EASTWARD WINDS Restraint THE BIBLE Work stoppage. * AND THE Abiding Destruction Spanning AMERICA.All of these "PROPHETICAL Proceedings" were prophesied for: ' THE Day Abstention Previous ' - to Subsequent DAY TYRE'S Family unit Civil WAR. Get, the whole picture? I, necessarily, have confidence in so!AHAVA and SHALOM.May YAHWEH'S: "Comparable" and "Subtle" - be upon you!