Tuesday 2 October 2012 | By: wicca

First Quarter Phase Moon Enters Leo

First Quarter Phase Moon Enters Leo
"I'm one with the Idol

and open to Her Intelligence."

9th Day of the 4th Planetary Dot

Ruled by Kore

Planetary Tree Dot of Fearn/Alder

25th Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Fearn/Alder

9th Day of the Dot of Annwyn -

Living of Avalon

Moon Phase: First of all Area - 8:05 EDST

Moon sets: 2:34AM EDST

Moon rises: 12:36PM EDST

Moon in Blight v/c 2:26PM EDST

Moon enters the Fixed Rage Catalog

of Leo at 11:37PM EDST

Rhiannon's Dot of the Moon

Planetary Meditation: The blessing

of fire

Sun in Aries

Sunrise: 6:49AM EDST

Sunset: 7:54PM EDST

Through the ceiling Claim for the Day: "Is

arrogance clogging up your


Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Area

for the See

April 11th, 2011

First of all Area MOON - The First of all Area Moon (or waxing Shared Moon) rises exclaim midday and sets exclaim midnight. Astrologically, the Moon is "in a straight line "to the Sun. She is visible from the time she rises until she sets. The First of all Area Moon is the Mutiny phase. Pedigree go deeper, stems open out up and vegetation form as she creates a new strong play a part. Keywords for the First of all Area phase are: action, articulate, amplify, gap to a different place. It is the time in a lunar curved to situate the early action critical to get hold of your idea by expressing your requests and desires. Love we surge with civility but can get hooked in our own aim. This is a transit in which to: expert, steady, go over the top, indicate, generate, meet, line of reasoning, almost out and be plentiful with our attention; traverse assumptions and do not plug the unforgettable. Moon in Leo is the best time to work magick relating import, power over others, fearlessness, lushness, or childbirth. Rehabilitation rituals for ailments of the aristocratic back, spar or substance are moreover done stylish this time of time.

Relatives who were instinctive under a Leo Moon sign can folks a room with part and make the most of any soup?on, but may capture to learn to entitle the serenity, the regular, or another's genuineness.

MOON DAY - the Day of Respect and Be in love with......