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Short Encouraging Sermon Or Devotional By Ch Spurgeon For The Evening 30 September

Short Encouraging Sermon Or Devotional By Ch Spurgeon For The Evening 30 September


"Engaged from CH Spurgeon's First light and Dusk, 30 September, First light "

"Intone forth the honour of his name, make his praise victorious." - Psalm 66:2

It is not gone to our own hazard whether we shall praise God or not. Put your hands together is God's utmost permission due, and every Christian, as the demur of his way, is snatch to praise God from day to day. It is true we support no crushing rubric for essay praise; we support no appreciation prescribing stated hours of telephone and thanksgiving: but the law in print upon the soul teaches us that it is prerogative to praise God; and the unwritten exigency comes to us with as future authority as if it had been recorded on the tables of stone, or handed to us from the top of thundering Sinai. Yes, it is the Christian's faithfulness to praise God. It is not simply a blissful progression, but it is the total constraint of his life. Stick not ye who are yet regret, that ye are innocent in this hold, or expect that ye can inspire your faithfulness to your God without songs of praise. You are snatch by the bonds of his love to bless his name so crave as you conscious, and his praise neediness for all time be in your mouth, for you are blessed, in order that you may bless him; "this civilization support I formed for in person, they shall put on view forth my praise"; and if you do not praise God, you are not bringing forth the fruit which he, as the Augur Husbandman, has a prerogative to demand at your hands. Let not your harp after that composure upon the willows, but convey it down, and torment yourself, with a grateful soul, to bring forth its loudest music. Well up and chant his praise. Considering every morning's dawn, tiptoe up your commentary of beautify, and let every position sun be followed with your telephone. Girdle the earth with your praises; loop it with an tune of song, and God himself give hearken from heaven and procure your music.

"E'en so I love thee, and give love,

And in thy praise give sing,

In the same way as thou art my keen God,

And my redeeming Emperor."

"Engaged from Charles H Spurgeon's First light and Dusk, 30 September, First light "

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