Monday 2 January 2012 | By: wicca

The 2012 Astrotheology Calendar

The 2012 Astrotheology Calendar
The 2012 Astrotheology Reference book

"The 2012 Astrotheology Reference book serves as a basic introduction during the world of astrotheology and planetary mythology. In extra time to selection lunar phases, this calendar tourist attractions the solstices, equinoxes and fire festivals with a match color for each of the eight useful days. In our pursuit to flames an entertain in astrotheology, mythology and archaeoastronomy, we shoulder to boot provided out of the ordinary information about the towering alignments and astrotheological meanings of approximately archaeological sites and ancient artifacts from on all sides of the world. The calendar make better explores the mythology surrounding the end of the Mayan calendar, as well as correspondences amongst the Mayan religion and biblical traditions."

Amazon: 1 7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1315080881&sr=1-7

Barnes & Grand

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The Pagan Rural community Clan
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