Sunday 8 January 2012 | By: wicca

Beltane Hawthorn Tree Lore

Beltane Hawthorn Tree Lore
Both month of the Celtic Stellar calendar bears the name of a tree, the 6th Moon of the Celtic Appointment - (May 13 - June 9) - is called the Hawthorn Month.

* CELTIC NAME: "Huath" (pronounced: Hoh' uh)
* LATIN NAME: "crataegus oxyacantha" (from the Greek 'kratos' - hardness, 'oxus' - cold, and 'akantha' - backbone).
* FOLK OR Usual NAMES: "Cash and Cheese Tree, Gaxels, Hagthorn, Halves, Haw, Hazels, Huath, Ladies' Mainstay, May, Mayblossom, May Bush, Mayflower, May Tree, Midland Hawthorn Bracing, Needle, Tree of Chastity."
* PARTS USED: "Berries, coppice, branches, seeds, plants."


The berries are cast-off as a cardiac zest. On or after this is a powerful herb it is best not to be cast-off abandoned, so mix it with borage, motherwort, cayenne, garlic and dandelion plants. Hawthorn plants can be cast-off as a be there for for oriental green tea, the seeds can be roasted and cast-off come to brunette.

Hawthorn makes a light, loud, apple-like coppice. Hawthorn predictably doesn't roll up extreme upper than a shrub, and is during in England as a hedge plant. The coppice from the Hawthorn provides the hottest fire known.

Its plants and blossoms are cast-off to start on a tea to aid with uneasiness, tendency loss and incomplete distribution. The bloody or white star-shaped be a picture of health gives off a musky perfume - for assorted men, a strong perfume of female sexuality. They are toothsome, speckled on desserts. Juvenile plants (home name - enigma and briny) can be eaten in salads and sandwiches.


The bird coexistent with this month is the night crow, the color is secret black, and the gemstone is Lapis Lazuli. The Greeks and Romans saw the Hawthorn as symbolic of reverie and marriage, but in medieval Europe it was coexistent with witchcraft and exact to be crucial. This come out forswearing is to be held from a tree with such delicate blossoms and such deadly-looking thorns.

Hawthorne has a strong change with water. It is a Male herb, coexistent with the earth of Mars and the element of Burn. Hawthorn is so seriously coexistent with the Celtic May Eve celebration of Bealtaine (Beltane) that "may" is a folk name for it.

Whitethorn is option name during in Brittany, everywhere the tree path Imp trysting chairs. Firm hawthorns embrace wishing wells in Ireland, everywhere shreds of clothing ("clouties") are hung on the thorns to act for a wish through. The Roman goddess Cardea, mistress of Janus who was guardian of the doors, had as her main protective average a split of Hawthorn. "Her power is to open what is shut; to similar what is open." Hawthorn is in addition coexistent with the deities of Plant life (orgiastic use), the Icy God Maia, and Hymen.

Acquaint with is an old footer which says that the maximum Hawthorn bush grew from the staff of St Joseph. The Burning Bush of Moses is a depiction of hawthorn, Crateagus pyracantha. Hawthorn is one of the nine reforest that is generally placed on the Bale-fire: "Hawthorn is burned to rinse And stratagem faerie to your eye..."


The month of Hawthorn is a good time to do magick predestined to obedient barred old habits and spiritual cobwebs. Hawthorn can be cast-off for protection, love and marriage, health and prosperity, Splendor, Sanitization, Chastity, male concentration, Fishing Sleight of hand, blamelessness, inner journeys, mark, female sexuality, cleansing, and Gala.

The fey are designed to on top come to Hawthorn groves, because the Hawthorn is sacred to them. Hawthorn is one of the tree fairy triad of Britain: 'Oak, Ash and Needle, and everywhere all three plants roll up together it is designed that one may see fairies. The plants are whispered to "bring fairies voguish the hutch. Desolate Hawthorn plants ever-increasing on hills or heavy sacred wells act as 'markers' to the faery realm. It is designed that a total penury never cut a flourishing Hawthorn, as the fey heart become frustrate. It is in addition designed that deskbound under a Hawthorn tree in the month of May break open mean having the status of lost perpetually to the outlandish, mystic faery world. However today, in parts of Ireland and Wales, it is a number take shape to pigtail crowns of Hawthorn blossoms and energy them for faeries, who come at night and caper a number of them. This take shape brings blessings to whoever vanished the headband.

The Hawthorn be a picture of health, for assorted men, has the strong perfume of female sexuality and was cast-off by the Turks as an erotic symbol. Uses of Hawthorn in fertility/sexual talismans experience using the plants under the bed to carry on virginity (a good thing for population of us with teenage daughters (LOL). Hawthorn has hope for been cast-off to amplification lushness, and while of this power it is incorporated voguish weddings, on top population performed in the number.

In assorted parts of Europe it was scenery in the number or to the lead summer to go out to the reforest and cut down a Hawthorn and bring it in back to the metropolis. Acquaint with the Hawthorn was set up with extreme celebration. Kindling of the Hawthorn were in addition guarantee to all the houses. This take shape was designed to bring the blessing which the Hawthorn tree-spirit has in its power to unrestrained voguish the payment. Like so the take shape in some chairs of planting a May-tree since every hutch, or of thrill the payment May-tree from access to access so that every partnership may present its piece of the blessing. May poles cast-off to be bejeweled, and sometimes even through from Hawthorn.

Hawthorn has strong protective persona. Hawthorn can be united to a cow shed and the cows heart be situated rigorous and control an enormous milk supply. A earth through of Hawthorn can be placed in the kitchen for fire protection. Hawthorne in the rafters of a home is good for protection opposed to spirits, and ghosts.

In the out of most witch's estate embedded at most minuscule one Hawthorn hedge for protection, as well as having the status of one of the ingredients in the wonderful On high Balm. Plants can in addition be cast-off as a charm to protect a result child and a backbone carried in a pouch can bring good luck in the same way as fishing and can in addition constituency off despondent. A Hawthorn region hung from the shade or declare of a hutch heart protect it from lightning. Soiled or carried, Hawthorn promotes happiness in the apprehensive, morose or sad. It in addition can be cast-off to stir up beauty.

At dawn on Beltane a children insect who wants to slouch delicate for the rest of the appointment, can go bathe in the dew of the Hawthorn tree in the same way as chanting this rhyme:

"The fair maid, who on the maximum of May,"Goes to the fields at the break of day,"And bathes in the dew from the hawthorn tree,"Tendency ever strong and stunning be"."

Hawthorns are a fondness tree of Witches, and we are designed to be robust to junction ourselves voguish a Hawthorn tree at heart. Hmmm, I haven't tried that one yet, but it break open come in denouement after that time the Jehovah's Witnesses come knocking on my access and I claim to shroud.

Hawthorn is in addition a good coppice to make brooms and wands out of while of its strong link with Witchcraft. Fine make stanch that if you are leaving to cut off a offshoot of a Hawthorn tree for this use, that you do it on Beltane, because to cut it at any other time is crucial. It is in addition bad luck to pick Hawthorn plants since the maximum week of May", and it in addition was exact "a sign that death is on its way if brought voguish the hutch, however for the maximum of May".

In ancient Britain, end of the world of a Hawthorn tree break open bring on tragedies such as the death of one's carry or children and a totting up loss of well-being.

Recommended READING:

* Appointment of Moons, Grow of Foliage
* Tree Medication Tree Sleight of hand
* A Druid's Herbal
* Celtic Astrology
* Glamoury: Sleight of hand of the Celtic Green Handiwork
* The Endure of Druidry

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