Friday 20 January 2012 | By: wicca

If They Only Exist

If They Only Exist
"I can't help nomad how it would be if I had a unicorn or pegasus for a pet? I authority it would be great! And subsequent to you come voguish my garden show would be three heads from one coffer barking at you...Because a pitty they're acceptably myths. But, let's shed light on a earlier manner to some of those myth creatures that are limit fascinating!"1. PEGASUSMy individual love and one of the best unambiguous fantastical creatures in Greek mythology. In their mythology, Pegasus is a winged steed, son of Poseidon and Medusa (a terrible female on whom subsequent to gazed upon would turn onlookers voguish stone). Pegasus is joined originator for transportation thunderbolts for Zeus. He is generally pictured in white, sometimes in golden wings. The Pegasus was a zealous public notice and so beautiful! Parable says that Pegasus wasn't immortal; for his good and long lasting service, Zeus gave him a place in the sky everyplace he misshapen him voguish a constellation.Right of entry more >>
