Friday 3 June 2011 | By: wicca

Question For Wicca Pagan And Any Who Cast A Circle For Protection

Question For Wicca Pagan And Any Who Cast A Circle For Protection
The following is a question asked on Yahoo Answers. The comments reflect the views of the individual and not the website as a whole. Question:I have a conversation ongoing with a friend and was looking for some input from the big group. I am Gnostic and my friend is Wiccan. 1. You cast circles for protection when working spells, to purify, cleanse, link to your elements or Deity, and so forth. 2. In the Sylvia Browne books she talks about white lighting yourself and placing a shield around you for protection. Both forms are orbs or spheres so are both practices casting a circle? Second part if you care to go ahead here: Then why do spell workers undo the circle when done and it is only good or stuck to the place they cast it, whereas the Sylvia Browne shields can move with a person for everyday protection from negative energy? Why not keep the protection all the time if a person can? Thank you for any and all perspectives. May you be blessed.Ha HaI know Jesus and go to church, not sure where that comes into playnot even close to what I was asking.LOL, Sylvia Browne was just an example since a lot of people have read her stuff. I found that she has some good info in there but like with any book on the spiritual or other side around us there are flaws. What most people do not realize is that there thousands of ways to do the same thing. So what works for one person does not always work for the next. There is no perfect spell. We all have our own quirks. You have to go off instinct and do what feels right. Accept what works for you and forget to rest.Why do you have to focus setting the circle with energy from within and not from around you? Or/And why can't you set one to build and multiply on itself to keep strong?
