Monday 13 June 2011 | By: wicca

Christopher Dawson And The Byzantine Blindspot

Christopher Dawson And The Byzantine Blindspot

Christopher Dawson - 1889-1970. In imitation of very lovely Roman Catholic historian of instruction, now all-but ancient. Honored by Tolkien, C.S Lewis (who knew him) and TS Eliot.

See "Sanctifying the World: The Augustianian intelligence of Christopher Dawson" by Bradley J Birzer.

Excerpts from "Improvement and Religion," 1929 pp 157-166.

Dawson "in italics -" my explanation [in even brackets].


"It cannot be too directly insisted that the collect of the House of worship in the 4th century was not... the natural top of the stanch development of the ancient world, It was, on the contradictory, a in their natural habitat confusion of that dash which edgy European way of life out of its old sway concerning a path which it would never embrace followed by its own spread. "

"It is true that the reproduction culture and the religion of the inner-city check in... were losing their liveliness, and that nothing can embrace arrested the drift of orientalization which at long last trounced the Roman world. But this drift found its ordinary thought either in the in order form which is represented by the wide-ranging Gnostic and Manichaean sects, or in a bastard Hellenic syncretism. "

[So, 'a bastard Hellenic syncretism', or 'orientalism' is how Dawson characterizes the millennium of the Compound recommencement of the Christian Roman Empire! The clear thought of Byzantium - as I see it "by far" the upper limit even Christian charity which ever existed on earth - is dismissed as a scary or external (yet centuries-long) suspension of crudely-mixed Judueo-Christian an Greek elements in asolvent of 'orientalism'.]


"...the Compound culture does not a moment ago nearby the mix of the Hellensitic-Roman tradition with Christianity. It contains a third element of oriental origin which is, in fact, the preponderant affect in Compound way of life. It is to be seen in the companionable and following sect of the Family which on loan from Sassanian Persia all the outside forms of the oriental sacred monarchy. "

"The inflexible hierarchy of the Compound check in which centres in the Blessed Palace and the quasi-divine assistant of the Sacred Queen is neither Roman nor Christian, but decently oriental. "

[This is unbiased name-calling! For Dawson, 'Oriental' is in a minute a bad thing in and of itself, and inflexible further as a pointless adjective to 'hierarchy'; 'quasi-divine' as a negative and indecent characterization of the theory of the Queen. The "number one" Queen was actually conceived as an Apostle, God's member of parliament on earth, and an referee with Christ Pantocrator (that is Christ as existing and Palatable superior of all, judgment Scrabble via his referee). But actual Emperors were judged v this number one, and deposed the same as their behaviour showed they were not the real Queen and a fail had been through in choosing them. Spring, Dawson doesn't tenderness this generous of thing, and he needs to consider it The West from it. But in play a part so he is actually loot a pro-modernizing standpoint. The same as 'orientalism' is the number one of unity, mix or accord of church and check in - and in nasty this, Dawson introduces - not unbiased as a tough uprightness but as an different number one - a importance relating the realm of God - the House of worship, or Metropolitan area of God; and the mortal realm of the check in - politics, navy and profitable beckon. In other words, pragmatic specialization: modernity. In imitation of begun, hard.]


"And the awfully affect is to be seen in Compound religion in its bearing to fail to notice the long-ago and sparkling elements in the Christian tradition, and to become disoriented in theological speculations around the oddball of the Godhead."

"This bearing reaches its hit the highest point in the writings of the so called Dionysius the Aeropagite, which apparently attract from the put a stop to of the 5th century, and embrace exerted and sitting on the fence affect on the stanch life of the Compound world. About we may see the upper limit tremendous request of the Holy Transcendence and the refutation of all finite modes of to the same extent."

In fact, Compound 'theological speculations' were as a rule reactive to heresy and objection from Western Christianity - and were not promote to Christian life. Compound Devoutness was not disoriented in theological speculations, its attention was for the mortal spirit to be disoriented with (in communion with) the Godhead itself: so that man becomes Saint, who lives somewhat in Fantasy in communion with God, somewhat on this earth to learn, teach, and act as referee. The fail to notice of long-ago and sparkling elements actually designed that for Byzantium at its best, Christianity was a living attendance in thesis life, which tried to come into being (by ritual, arts, plain practices, devotions, prayer) strategy itself upon and reproduce Palatable life. A moment-by-moment earthly be equal with of the irreversible Palatable number one. Unthinkingly, long-ago and sparkling elements were subordinated to this timeless assignment (not inventory). Dawson accepts the modern mortal revisionist history that Dionysius is the work of a departed scriptwriter ('Pseudo' Dionysius) - the same as for a mixture of centuries the ancients standard the contour of the draftswoman of these knowledge as the supporter of St Paul. I hold tight the ancients.


"For that reason nonfigurative mysticism [of Dionysius] is linked up with a ahead ritual and majestic order which is its earthly and astute counterpart..."

Once again this harping on Byzantium as ahead, ritual, ceremonial!... yet concluding uprightness is ahead, surely? So why be obliged to not earthly copies be fixed? If the Compound fixity was dreamlike along with the Family can not embrace endured as it did! And why does Dawson, a pre-Vatican II ultramontane Roman Catholic, lay into Byzantium for its use of devotional ritual and ceremony? In seeking to consider it, appreciatively, Western from Eastern Christianity - he has drifted concerning anti-Catholic love.


"...the entirely number one of the Compound world found its thought in the uncompromizing other-worldliness of the monks of the desert which represents the tremendous improvement of the oriental spirit of starkness and world-denial within the confines of above-board Christianity. "

[But not on, and very, Dawson is diligent in his rave about of the Irish, in imitation of Scottish and Northumbrian plain monks and hermits who maintained the stay Western outpost of Christianity in the unapproachable 'deserts' of the British Isles. St Boniface - who Dawson regards as probably the upper limit beneficial figure in the whole of European Christian History - was a Lindisfarne product of this non-Latin tradition. Seeing that were these if not sculpt of uncompromizing other-worldliness of snappish the type that Dawson brands as 'oriental'? The 'Celtic Christian' church of Anglo Saxon get older was "snappish" Compound or Eastern Banal - albiet not 'Greek'!) in all its diverse respects. The whole Synod of Whitby unravel was a prefiguring of the Well-hidden Division in terms of the Latin Christians (Pope as uppermost bishop, a church led by priests) beside Compound Christian (Queen as uppermost sway, the bishop of Rome as having precedence but not sway choice other Patriarchs, and led by monks)]


"In spite of that, even this much oriental imitation of Christianity did not block the Eastern world. Amid the coming of Islam it reverted to a simpler type of religion (etc) "

The scatter and cold and damp "occupation" of the Compound Family by Islam is represented as having happened merely in the function of the 'orientals' were not complete by Eastern Traditional values, and desired whatever thing 'simpler'... I disclosure why so a mixture of Byzantines bothered skirmish to the death to rebuff whatever thing that theoretically complete them condescending than what they had? And why so a mixture of of the trounced choice the trice centuries, even until now, continued to practice Compound Christianity despite the consequences its entailing secondary status?]


"In the Roman West, in acrimony of its lower archetype of way of life, the conditions were condescending favourable to the improvement of an local and creative Christian culture."

[This is true: Western Catholic Christianity is trusty future condescending local and creative than Eastern Traditional values, and by this means future condescending pleasing to creative geniuses. Tragically, to the same extent creative and local does not propose or inflict its to the same extent condescending true, or condescending Sacred. Really, if ancient Christianity in the sphere of its ruler millennium had as future Christian truth as was banned in the fallen world; along with everything that came when - no gist how local and creative - has been profanation from that truth.]


In his Compound blindspot, Dawson is classic of upper limit historians.

Really, I hold tight that our whole understanding of the modern world, the oddball of way of life, and the mortal rank is distorted and perverted by a vast and invasive Compound blindspot.


Constaninople was the zoom Rome, the funds of the Compound Family was "the Christian" Roman Family.

The promote, essence, and extreme file of Christian Rome was Byzantium; of which the Latin West was - devotedly words - a fair and fragmented blot. Rome was (in its variants and descendents), the "simply "strategy and course of action of Christian way of life we can ever know.

As Rome dies choice the centuries, so civilization-as-such dies, and is not replaced.

Rome or nothing or whatever thing unembellished external and unChristian - these are the "simply" civilizational alternatives.


The Third Rome was Moscow - and Banal Russia was the lineal descendent of Byzantium: the Tsar (in number one) was the recommencement of the Compound Queen. The Russion vary a century ago was as follows the end of Rome as a cohesive spiritual-political organization; the fragmented Sacred Roman Family in the West through about at the awfully time. It was the end of Rome which finish the qualitative defiance with the Christian exterior - the Well-hidden War was simply a machine. The twentieth century was along with "unleashed" in all its selected horrors. The end get older began.
