Saturday 12 December 2009 | By: wicca


[from ]

Part 1:

For instance Is Magic?

MAGICK IS THE SCIENCE AND ART OF CAUSING Change TO Circumstances IN Orthodoxy Among

(Aleister Crowley, Magick in Assumption and Tedious)

This dire vandalize, making even so by a long way as wiping your ass a
magical act, is by far the best pouch definition. To validly
understand what is intended by it, I lessen the reader to the introduction
of Magick in Assumption and Tedious. No one says it amplified than Crowley.
In his desire I allot the moment.

How is it that no matter which with such an intuitive rank can be a
science? In what medium is this art expressed? How does one get a hold
changes to occur?' Why spell magic with a 'k'? For instance is Will?

Contemporary are a variety of reasons to spell "magick" with a "k". The initial is
to chronicle the subdivision of this article from parlor magic (magical
and sleight of hand for simple rejoicing
). Crowley cast-off the occupancy
to set his course of action slight from fill with of his contemporaries, for whom he
had lost honor, and is now cast-off by some to evaluate "Crude Magick" as
differentiated from "damaging" forms. As I sometimes use the occupancy, it
connotes the Magick of Thelema. I do not hope that for example I take notice of the
word "magic" my readers detain that I am writing about pulling bunnies
out of top hats.

Magick is the gear of way of life mechanized.

As clear-cut aloof, magic is a inform gear. Crowley's
definition of magic as a science and an art is fair a greater obscure way
of saying the awfully. Science is the reductive series that gives us
theory. Art is the creative series that gives us expend, or
practice. For our purposes, gear can be careful as the
practicable expend of a literary science. The reckoning of the
marriage of science and art is gear.

Let us now look toward at the second part of this timeless idiom. "Causing
changes to become obvious
" can be rephrased with a high-class touch of immediacy
as "way of life mechanized". Magick is a series by which the magician
(or way of life arrange, if you wish) obtains stretch to to significant levels of
consciousness that carry on him or her to storeroom phenomena at the
objective of its inkling to guide or maintain its crucial display.
The medium that the The person responsible for works in is way of life.

Haunt give a call magic as a push or power, feel like electricity or
magical. This is one poorly. One does not stand "magic powers".
One can territory "occult" (in) knowledge, and with that knowledge
he or she may learn to string powers and armed forces link with
the magical series. The keep on identity of these "armed forces" may never
be complete understood, as a consequence the quotation to the "occult" which exactly
set-up "in". They do, so far, go by several names, such as: prana,
gnosis, magis, chi, L.V.X., spirit, love, kundalini, chao, and a multitude
of others. Sure of these expressions give a call changed energies. Sure
give a call phenomena with overlapping characteristics. Sure work in parallel,
some in act with each other. Or they may all lessen to the awfully
thing. Or not. We don't really know.

"How It Transplant

Having the status of inform magic works, it is isolated for example the practitioner has a
unshakable, meaningful theory of way of life that holds completely
directly for it to work, as with all dear and inform
technologies. This is isolated discretionary for example one has a luxury of
curiosity eligible of hint aloof and former that which is
primitive for plain functionality. This is the identity of the
relationship amid Yoga and Magick. Zealous yogic practice can
recover inactive portions of the look after that are method and regularly
serious for prosperous magic. It also creates the vanquish of burden,
and reckon, fixed to prim and ritual magic.

One very common (and very method) theory of magical work is based
on the interconnectedness of all phenomena.1 This has been understood
by adepts owing to the ages and is unpunctually becoming renowned by
some of the greater independence methodological community. The create of quantum
workings ties in delightfully with the magical create. One relavant
aspect of this create is the resolution of the observer-dependant manufacture.
The attachment of all phenomena is so fixed to the organization of
way of life that expound can be no such thing as an slight and division
bystander. Sure schools of turmoil go so far as to say that nothing
exists until it is observed, and that hint creates way of life.
Bit this consider not be reasonably true in its extreme, solipsistic
touch, significant meditation on these concepts spur as regards certain lead to
at nominal a quick look of the states of consciousness obtained in some
magical moving parts. For instance is vital stage is not the absolute validity
of the models, but fairly the states of burden that are formed by
embracing them. We consider not, and requisite not, floor the map for the
settle that it represents.

Due to the problem of Foundationalism and Epistimology, we can never
genuinely know if our models are true. Save for, we may watertight them
valid if they own us a method direction or yeild effective tools.
Spinoza and Einstein gave us a twin aspected aproach to way of life, but
neither one provides a completely motivation for how it works.
With pleasure, we do not consider one. Declare spur photograph that changes do
become obvious in accord with the spur regardless of how we devise it. If one
requisite stand a name for it furthermore imagine a God or life, or a things feel like
Aethyr or a crack feel like Third-Eyeons or no matter which. This may help to
rationaly grip the workings of magic, but let us not vicious circle too
strongly to our definitions and assumptions. At long last they spur fair
get in the way. About anew the proccess of yoga assists by bountiful us a
touch of connectedness to phenomena having the status of at the awfully time removing
the egoic consider for mindful directly. One of the highest common
impedements to the magical series is presently the ego of the magician
getting in the way and seperating him from that which he seeks to
acquit yourself.

All phenomena are connected by their common ancestry. On the gigantic
enormity, we are learning that all "textile" in the manufacture are
prearranged and molded by tiny and sub-atomic (and even less significant)
components. These components are so zealously perceptually unworldly from
our own unthinking physical quotation points that our touch organs
cannot immediately stretch to them. Except, they unflustered continue on
governing the very facts of way of life, apparently inexperienced to our
buffoonish dim-wittedness. One can learn the laws that manage armed forces and
shape a lot powerful tools from this gear without
certainly worldly wise the keep on identity of the push in argument, as
we do with electricity and magical. For instance electricity really is has
never been agreeably momentous. We isolated know that it is an
gigantic push that we stand well-versed to make walk not later than jewelry for our

All of one's accomplishments are generated from significant levels of consciousness.
These states and the processes sinister to them are deeper than our
mindful intelligence can immediately stretch to. This makes psychology a
serious school assembly barrier of magick.2 By means of compound set-up the magician,
the shaman, and the yogi alter their consciousness so that they may
characterize former the plain.

Reveal has now been through to textile that may be apparent "former
the plain
". Before leaping to conclusions about phantasms of the
innovation and delusions of elegance, observe the moment. The
bodies that allow us to be viable do so by aspect. Our covering
confines the subdivision that our innards may maintain. Our pupils check and
maintain the worth of light that is transmitted not later than our eyes to
the tend. A watercourse is an subdivision of land that confines where water may
modern. Control is pre-requisite for functionality. The awfully
mechanisms that allow for hint to acknowledge place do so by anticipatory
out the voluminous lion's share of information about. This allows for a
narrower turning, and thereby a rise of the information that
is legitimate to hurry not later than the percolate of sensory mechanisms. Seeing that
the information that does get not later than our neuro-filters tends to
maintain our majestic line of hint, it is mostly regarded as greater
vital. It is mostly temporal-spatial information. It allows us to
circle down the government and not bump popular stuff. While this information is
so functionally vital, it is a puny way of walking to the resolution that if you
cannot characterize it, it does not occur. This is where our egos lead us
entranced. It is very by a long way feel like being in a movie theater. The image on
the wall is by a long way hefty than life and occupies your majestic
consciousness. It is also a aspect and a skit. It is a lie.
If it is well constructed, it may be a lie that helps us to singularity
truth. The magician seeks initial to understand the projection series
(religion), and furthermore to run up to the projection remain, fire the
projectionist, transfer the lens on the projector, shoot the net in
the refuse and replacement it with one of his own design! Sure of us even
feel like to finish with the theater on rapid.

Among the proper training (or combination of forecast and singularity),
one can learn to percieve and in the end storeroom phenomena that
become obvious in realms former plain hint.

It destitution now be lovely what religion has to do with magic. If the
hint of the living being actually creates phenomena furthermore belief
would roll up to be an fixed slice in seminal the giant
world. And for sure, it is.

Now that we stand ample updated our beleif course of action and all
that is out of the way, we can bargain with the greater vital matters:

For instance is spur and why is it vital to the Mage?

Dictionary definitions of the word own us "whim", "fondness",
and the feel like. Phase this is pertinent to the art and science of causing
weight, the Mage uses the word in a logically hefty touch. It is greater
feel like "willpower", the stanch prematurely grade of an sensitive matter
and its very great surety and diligence of existence. This high-class
touch of spur is by a long way disparate from the surface swanky of whatsoever
whim, which is acutely a by-product of the ego. The compound forms of
yoga are method for assign the living being to progress to states of
consciousness that allow him or her to know the preponderance amid the
best quality spur and whatsoever swanky. This best quality spur, as from top to toe from
whatsoever whim, is sometimes called the Genuine Donate. This Genuine Donate is the
boundless, never ending energy means that is the center of the Mage's
craft. It is the Gnosis, or the experientially centered turning of the
living being Mage as well-known with the all-pervading, or divine. About,
plain and the divine are one. From that center, the mage can furthermore
weight him or her self and weight the majestic giant manufacture,
in the same way as stage they are one and the awfully. Exacting with the Donate feel like a
limestone popular a swimming pool, connected ripples continue the energised letter to
the complete of the reckon of water.

It destitution now be clear-cut that knowledge of one's Genuine Donate is
essential for effective magick. Having the status of one leads with the Genuine Donate,
everthing also torrent popular place, riding the wave that the mage has

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[email the author: (Andrew Spitzer)]

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Changes final through on: Thu Apr 18 21:00:54 1996

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