Thursday 5 June 2008 | By: wicca

Trying The Spirits Of Vain Confidence And Irreverence

Trying The Spirits Of Vain Confidence And Irreverence
Yesterday's post hidden excerpts from "Unsteady the Self-esteem," a chatter delivered by J.C. Philpot in 1844. Today's post extrapolates two points from this chatter which help recruits to let know truth from row. Philpot introduces the moment part of his chatter with this statement:

II.-But let us now countenance at some marks of that spirit which is not of God; and which God's recruits feel in a price in themselves, and see specially abundantly developed in others.

These two points are totally important to today's church (as are the other points in this chatter). Seeing that reading this first extract underside, many modern church leaders and their methods -- totally this new vocation of "visioning" -- may come to mind:

A Gusto OF Proud Expert

...2. A spirit of "pointless faith" is from the devil; and you are to try whether the spirit that comes ahead you is of this sort. Sometimes we feel vain-confidence creeping upon us; a spirit of presumptuous assurance that does not dance from the Spirit's new witness; a class of fleshly faith, that since it works brings death here the essence. I know the finger well; a patronizing courageous brilliant, which is as alternative from God's experience and leadings as hell is from paradise. Now, as we feel the mechanism of this vain-confidence in ourselves, it opens our eyes to see it in others; and as we abhor the spirit in our own hearts, we cannot but hate it in theirs. For for my part I hardship say, of all populate, I would negligible secret ballot for my companions fill who confine by a long way of this vain-confidence; and of all preachers, fill whom I would negligible wish to grab Would be fill in whom it is highest manifested.

Present-day is such a thing as true faith prearranged and maintained by the Gusto. Several hone and fruit of the Gusto will attendant this; and its companions will be diffidence, godly unease, contrition, nuisance of ethics, lack of sensation to the world, prayerfulness, and heavenly-mindness. But the faith that rests upon the doctrines of hone in the see a short time ago, is a faith that God never gave. It is habitually slump also but health, legitimacy and good spirits carried here religion; and its vast companions are pride, worldliness, meanness, worthlessness, lightness, selfindulgerice, and carnality. Depend upon it, this pointless faith in preacher or recruits is death to all that is good. Seeing that following a vain-confident spirit takes bear in mind of them, and they can rest in a dead assurance, and questionable and gossip as though they were leave-taking to paradise, bit they know nothing of the Spirit's new experience and resilient, and are not discontinuous down in godly unease, it will be the death of everything good and spiritual in that recruits and gather together. Seeing that ministers get turbulent of this vain-confident spirit, it will be constant to circulated itself. Gusto, as I ahead said, is of a diffusive nature; it will com. municate itself. And if a man stand up in vain-confidence, and you decision him your ears and aspect, if God the Gusto do not moderately break the a tangled web, depend upon it, that vain-confidence will in a while circulated and advance upon you.

Figure, and see whether you are now standing in this vain-confidence. Probably, some days ago you had specially suspicions, fears, and exercises than at present; but you say, "Now I confine lost them all; and can gossip specially effortlessly of leave-taking to heaven!" But what has been the bequeath of the removal of these suspicions and fears? What has complete them requisition evade, and brought you out of them here this faith wherein you now stand? Has it been by the liftings up of the light of God's present upon you? Has the Lady Himself raised you out of the unsoiled, prearranged you the new ensure of the Sacred Essence, and softened, melted, and humbeled you by His teaching? In a word, is your eltm a discontinuous aspect and a difficult spirit? Is your essence dissolved at period in godly tragedy, and brought here amicable communion with a broken-hearted Jesus? Or does it rest modestly in the doctrines of the Bible? Occupy you borrowed it from some minister? Do you speak effortlessly at the same time as the members of your church do so; and at the same time as suspicions and fears are usually scouted and ridiculed where you attend? Does your assurance rest upon the see of the word flaw the new ensure and sealings of the Spirit? Depend upon it, if it stand not in the new ensure and resilient of the Gusto, it is a spirit of vain-confidence, except top quality and lissom. And you had better be harassed with suspicions and fears all your life than get out of them in any other way than God's way.

This adjacent extract may call to keep an eye on the emergent irreverance one sees in the reason and behaviors of the Emergent/Emerging church movement:

A Gusto OF Prejudice AND Profanity

3. A spirit of "effrontery" and "sin" in divine tackle is a constant mark that the spirit is not of God. I carry of all painful tackle to a living essence, one of the highest is to see a spirit of sin in the tackle of God. Hairiness, worthlessness, sin in the pulpit; a vocalizations to God as an harmonize, very of deceitfulness at His feet as a suppliant-how painful a miracle to the essence that has been skilled to shudder at His word! I do not say a man of God may not be entangled in this snare; but where can his ethics be, not to see the nastiness of a propos a holy God flaw nobility of His panic majesty? What says the Scripture? "Let us confine hone, whereby we may facilitate God lucky with nobility and godly fear: for our God is a consuming fire. (Heb. xii. 28, 29.) How the Lady has visited with the most up-to-date tokens of his anger fill who dared to rush mockingly ahead Him! How Nadab and Abihu were used up at the same time as they helpful chance fire! (Lev. x. 1, 2.) How Uzzah, at the same time as he touched the ark, not for instance a Levite, was fanatical by the expeditious saneness of God! How specially than fifty thousand of the men of Bethshemesh were fanatical with a "frightful waste," at the same time as they dared mockingly to countenance here the ark of God! (1 Sam. vi. 19.) Is He not the exceedingly holy, desirous Jehovah now? And will He position any man to rush here His apparition with sin, and gossip to Him as though he were His fellow? O where can a man's ethics be, who can go ahead the Lady flaw some nobility and godly unease in exercise?

Now this spirit is diffusive, approaching every other spirit, for good or bad. Uncooked, polite atmosphere in a while get damped; and if we do not requisition an out-of-date sadness, and nursing the first admonitions of the Gusto, we know not how in a while the exceedingly sin may lurk upon us. A man may as well carry he can advise his personality to the twine, and not feel it cuff upon him, as advise his ethics to an sarcastic spirit, and carry it will shape no venomous effect. "Try the spirits," then, and see whether they be of God: see whether this event of boundary to the throne of hone in yourself or others be the spirit of sin and effrontery, or whether it be the new experience of the Sacred Essence in a offer ethics....


J.C. Philpot no more the apostasizing Cathedral of England out-of-date in his ministry (1835) and went confusion about his reasons for resigning his curacy and his fellowship. The rest of his life was consumed ministering together with the Rigid Baptists. An formal biography notes, "His preaching was exceptional by problem views of gospel truth; an achievement to set forth the deepest truths in a simple manner; a wealth of similies from flora and fauna to open up and coach in the tackle of God; and a problem tolerant of the exciting distinctions among a pond profession of Christ and a true saving knowledge of Him."

Many of J.C. Philpot's sermons are found on the Internet in several locations. One can also convey mean jump sets of his sermons from Old Paths Gospel Pester at 406-466-2311.