* Ra is the eagle god of the sun and,he has a falcon lightheartedness.
* Anubis is the god of mummification
* Bast is the Cat goddess.
* Sehkmet goddess of fire, war and press
* Serqet is the goddess of scorpions
* Nut is the goddess of sky and stars, mother of gods.
* Geb is the green god of Delve, and plants.
* Horus is the god with falcon's lightheartedness, god of pharaohs and sky.
* Osiris is the god of the afterlife.
* Isis is the goddess of magic and healing, wife of Osiris.
* Seth is the god of deserts and evil.
* Thoth is the cut up god and the god of farsightedness, inscription, and wisdom.
* Ma'at is the goddess of truth.
* Amun is the god of Thebes, king of gods in New Terra firma.
* Wadjet is the goddess of pregnancy and parenthood, goddess in weave form.
* Anuket is the goddess of canal Nile.
* Hathor is the goddess of the moon and children.
* Ptah is the cause god
* Bes is the dwarf god of unyielding go on a journey
* Sobek is the god of crocodiles.
* Aten is the "king" of the gods