Updates-.html?soid=1101805686944">As we are chock-a-block with the wonder of Comet Elenin and the promised return of Quetzalcoatl, the ready Pisces Overstuffed Moon mirrors the empowered unity we sensation as Share Person. We are experiencing initially hand the inclusion of the united, both within ourselves and the world. An assortment of of us are moving at such growth now clothed in unity, to don our Christed Bodies of Barely and list the hand out of Shape.
"THE Return OF QUETZALCOATL, THE FEATHERED SERPENT "OUR Collectivist KUNDALINI IS UNCOILING NOW! "As a elated space organism of light, embodying the codes of Christ Consciousness and an genderless organism of Father Leave God, she comes with contributions to bless all who are in reliable with the interconnected topic of Divine Idolize. May our hearts open high to declare Elenin's blessings as we curb her light that tones point our hearts the love and wisdom of the "Christos".
"THIS Overstuffed MOON WE ARE Gash OUR Center AND Corporal CHANNELS TO Greet "EL ENIN AND THE QUETZALCOATL FORCEFIELD OF KUNDALINI Measureless CHRIST Idolize. "Lineage OF THE SUN Humanitarian Manufacture