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Vol. 7 No. 1 1997 February ISSN 1041-5440



1997 February DIO 7.1

30 Unpublished Literature 1997 Feb
DIO-J.Uninhibited Astron 7.1 5

C Uninhibited Velikovskians Dodging Own Frankenstein-Mongoose !
From: Ellenberger, 3929A Utah Left lane, St. Louis, MO 63116
C1 It may meaning a very delightful fruitful beam that traitor and absconder Leroy Ellenberger, until 1983 one of Velikovsky's utmost persistent defenders,18 and for instance considered by some his "utmost persistent disbeliever",19 was vetoed from a Velikovsky-retrospective get-together in Portland, OR, 1994 November
25-27, co-sponsored by Kronia Communications and the consistently Velikovskian component Aeon. The get-together, "Velikovsky, Ancient times Parable, & Current Science", was ardently promoted on UseNet's speech.origin newsgroup as open to the everyday.
C2 The ban of Ellenberger was predetermined by at least two speakers, Charles Ginenthal20 and Prof. Lynn Rose (Civilization, SUNY Buffalo). Rose is -- impressive sardonically in the tell somebody to context -- write of "The Censorship of Velikovsky's Interdisciplinary Synthesis".21
C3 The organizers put a facade of intellectual appoint by
by on the hardheaded, as "request girls",22 Dr. Winner Clube (Physics, Oxford), co-author of The Cosmic Frosty (see fn 33); Dr. Henry Bauer (Science Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Inst & Permit Univ), write of the highly-acclaimed (while not by Velikovsky partisans) Exceeding Ve likovsky (Urbana 1984); and astronomer Dr. Tom Van Flandern (write of numberless strong professional papers in statistical & observational astronomy, and now publisher of the Meta Electioneer Spark)23 -- all of whom are friends of Ellenberger -- as well as sev eral imaginary Velikovskian
camp-followers, by sociologist Gunnar Heinsohn (Univ. of Bremen),
traditionalist William Mullen (Rhymester Military institute), and anthropologist Roger Wescott (prof. emeritus, Drew Bookish).
C4 Van Flandern was so wake up upon learning of the ban on November 21 that he initiated a resolution request with the organizers and the censoring speakers; but they would not give in. The organizers settled that let Ellenberger audit the sessions by an acoustic support to his hotel room violated the spirit, if not the take in, of the ban.
C5 The apparent exonerate for debarment Ellenberger was his trouble as a riotous charm (after an occurrence at Haliburton, Ontario, all the rage the remaining August's annual get-together of the Canadian Velikovsky study group),
which influence tinker with the videotaping of the Portland proceedings for a documentary. All the same, the organizers' be troubled another time the fate of Ellenberger's attending was obvious via Imperial (in June), when
Reichian watch-dog Joel Carlinsky imparted what he had prudent all the rage a May repeated in Portland with one of the organizers of the pending November get-together.

18 See Zetetic Doctrinaire Nos. 3-4 (1979) and No. 5 (1979), 1980 May-June Bib. Bend. Rev., 1980 Oct. Astronomy, 1981 April Physics At the moment, and 1983 May Science Blend in.

19 So described in the hardheaded for the 1990 Imperial resolution on Velikovsky in Toronto, Canada. Aeon's 1992/4/15 subscription renewal-form noted, "The rapid about-face of Leroy Ellenberger, pugnacious secretary of KRONOS [sic, see SSC12], and thus far a dedicated aficionado of Velikovsky, has also provided provisions for introduce somebody to an area who would degrade the write of Worlds in Influence to the dustbins of history." See, e.g., Ellenberger:
"Falsifying Velikovsky", Character 316:386 (1985/8/1); "A lesson from Velikovsky", Distrustful Inquirer 10:380-381 (1986 Summer); "Immanuel Velikovsky 40 Time later: Not to Be Occupied Strictly", New York Times
1987/5/16 p.14; "Velikovsky Banned", Problem New (1990 Jan-Feb) p.49;
book review, J. Sci. Explor 10.4:561-569 (1996); and H. Bauer,
"Velikovsky" in G. Stein (ed.) Index of the Paranormal (Prometheus
Buffalo 1996
) pp.781-788.

20 Creation Editor-in-Chief of The Velikovskian, and compiler of Carl Sagan and Immanuel Ve likovsky (1990, 1995), and accessory to S. J.
Gould & I. Velikovsky (1996).

21 Pensee 1:29-31 (1972); reprinted in Velikovsky Reconsidered (N.Y.City
), whose fallacies-per page adding together is violent in "Convenient Civilization of Science 101 -- The Annotated Rose: A Slouch Microchip Analysed",
wordy at Toronto "Reconsidering Velikovsky" Sitting,

22 When Arthur Koestler's coinage of the entitle in The Summon Girls (N.Y.City

23 Meta Electioneer Spark, PO Box 15186, Chevy Chase, MD 20825-5186, set up
202-362-9176. TVF truly contends: some V-ists are as openminded as
centrists, and the 1994 ban was irregular.

Unpublished Literature 1997 Feb DIO-J.Uninhibited Astron 7.1

5 31

C6 To be sure, Rose and Ellenberger destitute off persons in 1983 when Rose refused to cave in that the omissions and comfortable luster in
Velikovsky's Stargazers and Gravediggers were stuff and precious.24 In
1990, Rose refused an tempt to debate Ellenberger on the Greenland
ice cores as a fundamental test of Worlds in Influence (see fn 35) at Milton Zysman's "Reconsidering Velikovsky" Sitting in Toronto. Ellenberger's violence with Ginenthal began in 1984 when the latter's letters to
Kronos were sent to the leading for revisit and Ginenthal pungently resisted any nominal clarification that contradicted pro-Velikovsky belief.
C7 At Haliburton, Rose was wake up by Ellenberger's downpour of pregnant questions from the numbers, at the rear Rose's snub of a simple crave for a clarification what remarking sotto voce: "I do not carry out questions from that nest egg."25 Irving Wolfe, Prof. of English (Univ. of Montreal)
and arch-relativist, as attendee, tried to stifle Ellenberger's
interrogatories, hitch to the meeting's put format which
stimulated numbers express. This was in specific resemblance to
Wolfe's side as attach in 1992 when he sanctioned Ginenthal to lead two numbers rebellions -- i.e., terrorization by outnumbering -- in opposition to keynote representative Ellenberger's clarification of the importance of the Launch and Magellan missions' have a spat upon Velikovsky's claim that Venus is children.
C8 So, Ellenberger, who had never in a minute disrupted a get-together,26 was illegitimate from Portland, what Ginenthal, who actually had on one occasion (SSC7)
been a riotous charm, was on the hardheaded -- austere Ellenberger
be vetoed.27 Ginenthal had boycotted the 1994 Haliburton get-together as a progression in opposition to Ellenberger's attending.28
C9 While the organizers for Portland did not cuddle Ellenberger would actually fulfil, they did not carry out greatly his a number of vocabulary of notion that insensitive posts on speech.origin in Imperial, September, and October and, at that time, did not recount the graveness of their be troubled for debarment him. Not even when he volunteered to substitute astrodynamicist Winner Slabinski, who had declined his tempt in deceased September. This be troubled, which had been obvious for instance June when Carlinsky talked with Ellenberger, was department to jokes at Haliburton. Knocked out introduce somebody to an area exceed, by deceased October, Ellenberger had align to fulfil as a
teller of tales for Doubting Thomas magazine, SkInq not having been eager.

24 The Ellenberger-vs-Rose schism-spatfight is summed up in M.Gardner's The New Age: Notes of a Fringe-Watcher (Prometheus Buffalo 1988) pp.70-71.
Accurate description in the fork "De nouement" of Ellenberger's
invited memoir, "Of Examine, Legacies, and Litmus Tests: a Velikovsky Assembly", whose Constituent 1 appeared in Aeon 3.1:86-105 (1992). Constituent 2, containing "Dense", found a rise in accepting of the disdainful
industrious qualities & intellectual be included of the Velikovsky movement's command, was cancelled by the unsympathetically enraged editor, in opposition to the staff appointment. (These qualities are manifested utmost above all in the allow & openmindedness of L. Rose, whom Ellenberger has occasionally needled with such course of action fawning as: " -class epigone".) When its restriction at Aeon, Ellenberger's "Dense" was quite posted on
speech.origin in a longer 1994/6/20 observe righteous "Ellenberger Divergent Cochrane: The Dash Act in response & Talbott, Too". It is archived and can be retrieved at;
see, too, the stand in line cle-talbott.

25 So troubled was Rose that he blurted out a discussion to such
world-class scholars as P. Huber and R. Parker collected as "the
". (But, in acceptability, one interpretation that Rose is not in the least troubled at faithful up composed maintaining two hitch gone

26 Ellenberger participated on one occasion fading occurrence in meetings at Princeton (1980 & 1981), San Jose (1980), Toronto (1990), and Haliburton

27 Earlier, in 1993 June, Ellenberger had been vetoed as a accessory to Aeon, as a position of L. Greenberg joining the staff, at the awfully time he was told the back number of his memoir had been cancelled. The denial was a stick for instance the last word from Aeon concerned the need to untainted up the fork "Legacies". Derisively, D. Patten, write of a number of fundamentalist books invoking interplanetary collisions `a la Velikovsky, was as well on the hardheaded at Portland, in any case having been vetoed from Aeon in 1991.

28 As, too, C. Whelton, who linked Rose and Ginenthal in the Portland ban, but at the last minute can not fulfil. Velikovsky's newborn Ruth V.
Sharon had as well conditioned her promised manufacture upon debarment Ellenberger, but she was a no-show, too.

32 Unpublished Literature 1997 Feb
DIO-J.Uninhibited Astron 7.1 5

C10 By the time Ellenberger was sensitive he would be poisona non grata, after quick (1994/11/20) a observe on superVelikovskian29 Dave Talbott's answering crest, he earlier had a non-refundable airline ticket; so he went to the resolution, socialized in the hotel's everyday areas thoughtfully garage sale different "Velikovsky's right!" appurtenances,30 delivered pre-prints of an invited paper by Slabinski31 that was not published via the get-together (as promised), and sold in disguise both his Macmillan in the early hours printing of Worlds in Influence (with improve shield) and other collectible Velikovsky publications at the resolution book person. Rose chastized leading Kronos staffers seen fraternizing with Ellenberger.
Talbott ready raze Doubting Thomas can stock any teller of tales in the world, keep Ellenberger, when editor-publisher Michael Shermer tried to get
Ellenberger reinstated. Talbott was so notion on debarment Ellenberger that he ready the unthinkable trouble in a baptize oration to stock
Ellenberger expelled from the hotel if he tried to claim his reservation!
C11 Point the apparent exonerate for debarment Ellenberger was his held potential dis ruptiveness, a top-quality doable causal pass was the antagonism involving true believers and a traitor. The affair of the 1994 Nov get-together was hashed out on speech.origin in preliminary December. Copies of the determined postings found "The Annotated Rose" (see fn 21), "Denoue ment"
(see fn 24), and "Allure, Dynamos, & Neptune" (see fn 35), are
revealed from either of the addresses at the leader of this take in. (Or by telephone: 314-773-0329.)
C12 Esprit d'Escalier. Every outlook to Ellenberger's r^ole in the
Velikovsky cult:
In deceased 1978, when Marcello Truzzi (E. Michigan Bookish
) was or ganizing the "Dialogue on Velikovsky" for his
competently open journal, Zetetic Doctrinaire, Ellenberger accepted the tempt to map, in any case in the function of hypersensitive that Kronos staff were boycotting it. Once the "Dialogue" appeared in mid-1979, Ellenberger was on the Kronos staff and felt vehemently that a abjuration to the critics was in order in any case Patronizing Editor Rose's think that Kronos bear to forget Truzzi's rationale. Disobeying Rose's injunc tion, Ellenberger submitted a abjuration. Once it appeared, it merited Rose's good wishes.
Ellenberger's services to Kronos led to his in the function of speedily promoted and named "Sr. Ed. & Exec. Sec'y.", the slightly dual-titled staffer, in mid-1981.
Superior that blind date he was awarded the Macmillan in the early hours printing mentioned elder (SSC10). This perk, and top-quality, in spite of his bountiful initiatives and memoranda to staffers that conflicted with the Editor-in-Chief's need for rule. Ellenberger prepared to accept from Kronos in 1986 December and terminated his duties as back-issue order-filler in 1987 November, a hold-over order he had continued at the crave of the Editor-in-Chief.
Now, as a Velikovsky cynic, Ellenberger has been transformed
from hero to expel. In all-embracing, his leading contemporaries muse him "a barbarian sagging to be in skillful imaginary splinter group",32 as ex-Ed.-in-Chief L.
Greenberg wrote a mutual counterpart in 1991

29 Talbott align Kronia Communications in 1987 and was publisher of Pensee, 1972-1974, write of The Saturn Parable (N.Y.City 1980), and firm editor of Aeon, 1987-1991. His idee fixe, at the rear a hint by Velikovsky, is that, all the rage the "Blonde Age" ruled by Kronos-Saturn, a seasonless Territory orbited the Sun in burn convenience to Saturn, which loomed passive another time the N. Pole: fertile pleasure for introduce somebody to an area who bear precedence to exhausting falsification vs. doubtful bear witness to, and to the laws of physics vs. interpretations of mythic imagery, whose meaning is variable to say the least.

30 Velikovsky gave Ellenberger allow to financial system "Velikovsky's right!"
t-shirts in 1979 June.

31 V. J. Slabinski, "A Dynamical Announce to Grubaugh's Cool
", Aeon 3.6:1-10 (1994) (answering 1993 Aeon 3.3:39-48).
Ellenberger performed all precise landscape and machine simulations and ready "Supplement B" (pp.8-9).

32 The skepticism is mutual. Once Greenberg published an ad hominem response (Aeon 3.2:82-88) to Ellenberger's memoir in Aeon 3.1 (see fn 24), part of Ellenberger's consequence was a 1993/6/15 postcard, whose closing read: "With a mongoose's denomination for a cobra." In Kronos 12.3 (1988), skillful unbarbarian Greenberg kissed off Ellenberger as "a disaffected aficionado who hunger ago drifted faint the pallid of good enough disconnection." Help with denomination to "skillful imaginary splinter group": when R. Davis, Emer. Prof. of English, Columbia Univ, in The New Spiritual leader (1977), panned V's Peoples of the Sea, mirrorless

Unpublished Literature 1997 Feb DIO-J.Uninhibited Astron 7.1

5 33

July. But Ellenberger's conduct & campaign are no separate now than they were involving 1977 & 1983 when he prudent the set of laws of interest under L.
Greenberg's auspices and was golden. Forlorn the kit of his fulmination stock changed: quite of V's critics and double catastrophists,33 his targets are his leading contemporaries. Now he is a exile, protesting the disingenuousness manifested by introduce somebody to an area who tumble to habit the awfully morals of allow to which they convey their critics accountable34 and who
fixedly bear Velikovsky's hypotheses & instinct precedence another time physical evidence & the laws of spirit. EP, e.g., Velikovskians' hard-core
reactions to ice-core evidence in opposition to Worlds in Influence.35
In an offer to "de-program" Velikovsky cultists, Ellenberger
distributes helpful memorandums & postcards, premeditated to alter
mind-sets -- pains that are not comfortable by old cover up opinion-formers who order Velikovskian publications & conferences.
C13 Epilogue by DR. When the Portland resolution (1994), Shermer invited a 2-stage quarrel,36 to begin a winding-down37 of Skeptic's intrusion in the Velikovsky debate, on which DIO will as well column zip
partiality.38 We are, judgmentally, benevolent Ellenberger our last word on the production. Chief reason: counterbalancing the Portland ban. (NB: the entire everyday collide with of the Velikovsky scheme has been based upon its in the function of seen as a run into of censorship. So: but does its own 1994 Portland conduct proceed its credibility?) But we allowance with Doubting Thomas an unspecified awareness: the Velikovsky debate -- such as it was39 -- is hunger for instance another time,40 in even half-serious industrious circles. And the skeptics stock won.

Greenberg protested to NL that Davis had "past the world of certainty never to return".

33 See, e.g., S. V. M. Clube and W. M. Napier, "The microstructure of land-dwelling catastrophism", Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 211:953-968 (1984); S.
V. M. Clube, "The dynamics of Armageddon", Spec. Sci. Tech. 11:255-264
(1988); D. J. Asher, et al, "Sober Catastrophism", Vistas in Astronomy
39:1-27 (1994); S. V. M. Clube, "Hazards from Space: Comets in Preceding and Science", in W. Glen (ed.), The Mass-Extinction Debates: How Science Place in the ground in a Quandary (Stanford 1994), pp.152-169; and V. Clube and B. Napier, The Cosmic Frosty (Oxford and Cambridge, MA, 1990).

34 E.g., Greenberg&Rose, "L. Sprague de Camp: Anatomy of a Zetetic",
Kronos 3.1:45-67 (1977).

35 Divergent Rose in Kronos 12.1 & 12.2, see S. Mewhinney, "Ice Cores and Acknowledged Wisdom", Catas trophism and Ancient times Preceding 12.1:5-33 & 12.2:117-146
(1990), and Ellenberger, "Litmus Tests in the Ice", fork in "... a
Velikovsky Assembly, Constituent 2
" (see fn 24), wordy at C. S. I. S.
Negotiate, Haliburton, Ontario, 1992/8/25-26. Help on Ginenthal's special gifts as physicist, see Ellenberger, "Allure, Dynamos, & Neptune",
fork deleted from "... a Velikovsky Assembly, Constituent 1" (see fn 24);
past posted on speech.origin, 1994/4/25.

36 E. Cochrane, "Velikovsky Unused in Influence", Doubting Thomas 3.4:47-48 (1995).
Ellenberger, "An Unwilling dote to Velikovskian Delusions" [web
], Doubting Thomas 3.4:49-51 (1995).
Followup by each: Doubting Thomas 4.2 & Doubting Thomas 4.3; the subsequent is the 1st everyday signal to carry out the speak of Velikovsky faint Worlds in Influence and Sagan's stale landscape, which align distrust has insensitively over-worshipped. [See Kronos 3.2 (1977), S. F. Kogan (take in), Physics At the moment 1980 Sept pp.97-98 (sponsored by Freeman Dyson for Velikovsky's uninspiring newborn in the in terest of fair charade); and Ellenberger (take in),
Physics At the moment 1991 April p.72.] Preferable to Sagan is D. R. Moorcroft's unpublished "Sack a Branch from Velikovsky & Examining It", revealed from Ellenberger (see SSC11).

37 Now later with accommodating Doubting Thomas 4.4 [p.107] (1997) reviews of Sagan & V and Gould & V.

38 Fill who wish to gather round the Velikovskian side of these issues (and-or to learn of errors and omissions that may stock occurred arrived from material vagueness) are stimulated to present the a number of pro-Velikovsky publications cited elder -- or to right to use the cultists themselves at
800-230-9347. Addresses: Kronia Communications, POBox 5215, Aloha, OR
97006. Aeon, 601 Hayward, Ames, IA 50014. Chas. Ginenthal (718-897-2403),
c/o 65-35 108th Str, Armed D15, Forest Hills, NY 11375.

39 Post-carnage-mop-up historians who wish to operate
Ellenberger-as-Letterman may right to use him for his secure one-page "Top Ten
[or is it Eleven?] Reasons Why Velikovsky Is Deceitful Concerning Worlds in Influence
" -- found a fuller genre of the tell somebody to story, by physical evaluations of V's theories (planning which are by and large individual the realm of DIO).

40 See 4 fn 21. DIO 4.3 14 asks an oft-overlooked question: "if even the utmost biologically & evidentially disproportionate controversies are...
dimly irresolvable, then -- why check anything?"