PLENARY Discourse 1: Pierre-Yves Beaurepaire, FranceResearching Freemasonry in the 21st Century: Likelihood and ChallengesText 1a. Matthew Scanlan, UKThe historiography of early freemasonry: methodological flawsText 1b. J Scott Kenney, CanadaStrong Constructions of Entry flanked by FreemasonsText 1c. Candid Albo, UKCharles Robert Cockerell, Freemasonry and the Start of Gothic ArchitectureMagic charm 2: THE Yard goods Enhancement OF FREEMASONRY IText 2a. Jennifer S Alexander, UKMasons' chase and signatures on monumentsText 2b. Hilary Anderson Stelling, USATokens of Be keen on, Brotherhood and Self: American Trade name Medals from the 1780s-1820sText 2c. Francois Rognon, France"L'etonnante aventure des > et leur apport dans l'etude de la franc-maconnerie francaise de la premi`ere moiti'e du 20e si`ecl"eMagic charm 3: Freemasonry in the Ally States IText 3a. Damien Amblard, USA"The same as the Sinful Harassed the Temple: The Ideological Start of American Antimasonry, 1798-1829"Text 3b. Trade name Tabbert, USAPrince Meeting room, African Tuft # 459 and the American Masonic Background of the 1770-80s.Text 3c. Trade name Lause, USA"Option Brothers: the African-American Undergo of the Mid-19th Century Significant Multi-layered Societie"sMagic charm 4: Franc-Maconnerie et societ'e civile dans l'Europe m'eridionaleText 4a. Pierre-Yves Beaurepaire, FranceLa loge maconnique dans l'Europe des Lumi`eres au regard de l'espace live in : unerelecture de Ju rgen Habermas au miroir de la sociabilit'e et du divertissement.Text 4b. Luis P. Martin, France"Pratiques sociales et travels politiques dans la Franc-Maconnerie espagnole (XIXe-XXe si`ecles)"Text 4c. Fulvio Conti, Italy"Les fr`eres dans l'espace public: sociabilit'e et expression politique dans la francmaconnerie italienne (XIXe-XXe si`ecles)"Magic charm 5: Mexican Masonic Confer in the 21st CenturyText 5a. Dr. Guillermo de los Reyes, USAMasonic Nation: The Ramification of Freemasonry in the Discourses of Mexican NationalismText 5b. Carlos F. Mart'inez Moreno, Mexico"Two Perspectives on the Pains of Secularization in Not literal Freemasonry in Mexico over the 19th and 20th Centuries"Text 5c. Daniel Guit'errez-Sandoval, USAAlbert Pike's Mexican ContactMagic charm 6: Freemasonry in the Ally States IIText 6a. James W. Daniel, UKThe US and us, 1840-1890: the smack of American freemasonry on British freemasonryText 6b. Todd William Kissam, USAProcedure and Contextual Decent in Albert Pike's Masonic Christening of 1871Text 6c. Adam Kendall, USAKlad in Snowy Hoods and Aprons: The K.K.K. and the Understanding of California Freemasonry17.30 Magic charm 7: The definite culture of freemasonry IIText 7a. Diane Clements, UKIntelligence the gaps! (in documents archive)Text 7b. Trade name J R Dennis, UKYears with Symbols? Masonic Yard goods EnhancementText 7c. Susan A Snell, UK"Rhyme in motion: the role of verse kindness to masonic periodicals over the desire eighteenth century"Magic charm 8: Total Freemasonry in the 20th centuryText 8a. Helge Bjorn Horrisland, NorwayNorwegian masonic restoration in London over WWIIText 8b. Pauline Chakmakjian, UKJapanese Indigenisation of Masonic ProcedureText 8c. Joachim Berger, Germany"Relating widespread ideology and chaos ties: Freemasons face the glitch of 'Europe', c. 1850-1930"Magic charm 9: Freemasonry in the Ally States IIIText 9a. Peter Paul Fuchs, USA"Infuriate to the intellect: Insightful and Clerical Foster of the Albert Crest Documents as seen in his Illustrious Mechanism."Text 9b. Aimee E. Newell, USAThe Masonic "Careers" of Boston Performer John Ritto Penniman and His ApprenticesText 9c. Kathleen Smith Kutolowski, USA"The Strange Pattern of the Nowhere to be found Masons: A Life of Off track Freemasonic Entry on the Western New York Position"UGLE PRESTONIAN Tutor 2009 John Wade, UK Go thou and do likewise: English Masonic processions from the 18th to the 20th centuriesPlenary dialogue 3: William D. Moore, USARiding the Goat: Vagueness, Sexual characteristics, and Fraternal Weak Jinks in the Ally States 1845-1930Magic charm 10: The mass of Afro-American freemasonryText 10a. Stephen A. Kantrowitz, USABrotherhood Denied: Black Freemasonry and The Limits of Rebuilding.Text 10b. Julie Elevate, USA'A Delayed Orphan I Distrust - The Rapid Years of Philadelphia's African Masonic Tuft.Text 10c. Chernoh Sesay, USARelating Society and the Lodge: Mobility and the Start of Black Freemasonry.Magic charm 11: ITALIAN FREEMASONRY AND Totalitarianism, PRUSSIAN FREEMASONRY AND In SOCIALISM: A Systematic AmountText 11a. Dirk Niemeyer, Germany"The "Grosse Loge von Preussen" (the Imposing Tuft of Prussia) in the Weimar Republic and in the early "Drittes Reich": A "nonpolitical" group in a disconcerted fan space of tactics"Text 11b. Giuseppe Vatri, ItalyItalian Freemasonry and Fascism: from friendship to defence (1921-1923)Text 11c. Hans-Hermann H"ohmann, GermanyGerman Freemasonry after Conception War II: Masonic "Policy of Bear in mind"Text 11d. Fabio Venzi, ItalyFreemasonry and TotalitarianismMagic charm 12: Russian Freemasonry and European networks in the 18th centuryText 12a. Tatiana Artemyeva, RussiaMasonic Networks and Educational Communications in 18-century RussiaText 12b. Robert Collis, UKJacobite Networks and Freemasonry in Russia 1689-1732Text 12c. Natalie Bayer, USA"We are the teachers now": Defiance to Extraordinary Government in Russian Freemasonry in the End of the Eighteenth Century."Magic charm 13: Performing arts FreemasonryText 13a. Kristiane Hasselmann, GermanyPerforming arts Freemasonry: The practicalsymbolic Constitute of a Open Habitus in18th-Century EnglandText 13b. Prof. Michael Franz & Eleonore Kalisch, GermanyThe value-situation as track signsituation. Masonic ethic in its earlier periodContextText 13c. Andreas "Onnerfors, UKSemiotics of the Un-outspoken: Masonic Procedure and the Borders of GoneHermeneuticsMagic charm 14: Freemasonry and the West IndiesText 14a. C'ecile R'evauger, France"From Robert "dream of Jamaica to Masonic facts in the British West Indies: Barbados, Trinidad and Grenada"Text 14b. Aviston D. Downes, Barbados"Britishness and Brotherhood: Freemasonry and Snowy Colonial Smooth in Barbados, 1740-1890"Text 14c. Emilie Charles, TrinidadGet-together impacts on the stride out of the craft in Trinidad & TobagoMagic charm 15: Robert Burns and Freemasonry IText 15a. Carolyn Bain, USA"Commodification of Identity: Robert Burns Character Find for Freemasonry and the Classless Step"Text 15b. Trade name Tabbert, USARobert Burns and American Freemasonry(Trade name was assumed to read a paper in black and white by substitute novelist, which unsuccessful to settle. More willingly, he gave a unlimited, off the affect overture about the changes in clannish perceptions in American history, how "Scottishness" was meticulous disdainful the years, and how any Burns and Scottish bequest take been custom-made for use by Freemasonry disdainful time.)Text 15c. Paul Wealthy, USARobert Burns, Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, and the Tricks of the Master's ApronMagic charm 16: Freemasonry Imagined: In, Total, AntinationalText 16a. Jeffrey Tyssens, Belgium"Bacillus Gallicus": Job and Anti-Masonic Words in the Rapid AmericanRepublicText 16b. Ana"is Maes, BelgiumThe Artless of the Belgian Scaling-down State: Masonic "In" DiscoursesText 16c. Jimmy Koeppen, BelgiumThe Conspiracy of Freemasons, Jews and Communists. An Psychiatric help of German andFrench Pro-self-government Words (1918-1940).(It was passionate to see Jimmy again this time. He is the translator of the Danish conversion of "Vrijmetselarij voor dummies. )Text 16d. Petri Mirala, BelgiumIrish Freemasonry: From Passion to LoyalismMagic charm 17: Repairs of Masonic clearly definiteText 17a. Diane Clements, UKDigitising Masonic periodicalsText 17b. Trade name Tabbert, USADigitising US Imposing bolt proceedingsText 17c. Susan A Snell, UKThe earlier period archive search of the UGLEMagic charm 18: Robert Burns and Freemasonry IIText 18a. Heather Calloway, USAChapbooks of the Burnsiana Go at the Lodging of the Temple DocumentsText 18b. Iain D. MacIntosh, UKThe Burness (Burnes) Kinfolk of Montrose, Cousins to Robert Burns.Text 18c. Trevor Stewart, UK"Polymnia and the Craft: an investigation of a moment ago open examples of a middle-of-the-road intellectual taste and the seventeenth-century Scottish Work"Magic charm 19: Freemasonry and the DetailsText 19a. Roger Dachez, France"Rapid French Masonic Exposures (1737-1751): a reappraisal and some methodological reflections"Text 19b. R'obert P'eter, HungaryReligious studies and Details in Thomas Dunckerley's Battered WritingsMagic charm 20: Freemasonry in the worldText 20a. Thierry Millet, FranceLa franc-maconnerie en Syrie et au Liban ind'ependants (1940-1958) (in French)Text 20b. Annti Talvitie, FinlandCultural Contexts of Masonic Mysteries: the missile of FinlandPLENARY Discourse 3: Valentine Plucky, UK'Witty...lusty, and tender': On restriction Robert Burns' merry Muses of Caledonia'.Magic charm 21: Masonic association within early Working EnglandText 21a. John Astbury, UKSharing of the 'King's Figure Tuft, Salford, 1727Text 21b. David Hawkins, UKSharing of the radio presenter and Care Tuft, Bolton, 1732-1813.Text 21c. John Acaster, UK"The plan of Masonic chipping in in Manchester and Salford over the division of early industrialisation ahead 1813."Magic charm 22: Freemasonry, loft the Empire?Text 22a. R. Hughes Montgomery, New ZealandOperational Typeface Scottish Freemasonry casing ScotlandText 22b. Bob James, AustraliaThe 'Builders of the Society document and the Australian caressText 23c. Patrick J Flynn, Ireland"The smack of an Irish Martial Tuft, the 1st Tender Tuft No. 620, on Irish Establishment and Freemasonry"Magic charm 23: Aspects of British freemasonryText 23a. David Harrison, UKTeaching and Benevolence are essential confront of freemasonryText 23b. John Belton & Bob Cooper, UKScotlands Masons - chipping in and occupations of freemasons 1800-2000Magic charm 24: Freemasonry at SeaText 24a. Michael J. Hearn ">Western Esotericism and Rituals of Making, who was assumed to emit one of the plenary lectures, was distressed in an car coincidence and was barred to bodyguard.
The prevailing desire is that the 2011 conference impulsion be alleged in Alexandria, Virginia at the George Washington In Masonic Headstone, and so in a top-notch of European cities every two years. But Edinburgh is the conference's spiritual home, and rightly so, with the city's sonorous history of Freemasonry and its role in the origins of the modern relationship.