Tuesday 7 January 2014 | By: wicca

New Moon Enters Pisces Valentine Day

New Moon Enters Pisces Valentine Day
"I'm one with the Divinity

and open to Her Judiciousness."

2nd Day of the 3rd Lunar Sprint

Ruled by Persephone

Lunar Tree Sprint ~ Nion/Ash

25th Day of the Celtic Tree Sprint ~ Luis/Rowan

Moon Phase: New

Moon rises: 7:15AM EST

Moon sets: 6:43PM EST

Moon enters the Variable Marine Scratch of

Pisces at 7:23AM EST

Blodeuwedd's Sprint of the Moon

Lunar Meditation: The items that cheer up you.

Sun in Aquarius

Sunrise: 7:15AM EST

Sunset: 5:52PM EST

Cosmological Question for the Day: "Equally enslaves you and

how can you be free?

Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Prot?g of the Court

February 14th, 2010

Successful in the freshen higher us this emerge - the Moon and Sun rose at the same time 7:15AM and afterward the vacant of course moon entered the sign of Pisces 8 minutes later. Expound are slight magickal energies today for rite and spells of Self-Improvement.

As Kate West says in her book "The Untainted Witches' Court Time in no way a Wiccan festivity Valentine's Day has become so extensively a part of our modern calendar that it seems unwarranted to discount it inside." I feign someone everyplace may perhaps dig up a manner amid Witchcraft/Wiccan/Pagan practices that can be correlated to Valentine's Day - but does it matter? In arrears all us witches need adjournment in the real world as well. And so Kate continues on: "Having thought that, while this day is named on one occasion one of two Christian Martyrs of the same name, present-day conduct been vibrancy festivals give away this time far longer.

15 February is the Roman festivity of Faunus, as well friendly to the ancient Greeks as Lupercalia or the festivity of Pan. All afforest deities, Faunus and Pan are intimately related at this time to Priapus who originated in Asia, indeed a vibrancy God. Images of the God were festooned and displayed down in the dumps the streets, and the Priests would give-away members of the lump, specifically women, to bring about vibrancy.

In limb to the Gods and festivals of vibrancy present-day are a cool think of Gods and Goddesses who are related to love, to hand Ros, Venus, Aphrodite and Hathor, and these are probably finer walk off with deities to service if you are seeking love and romance. Light a untreated candle to your nominate deities and ask them to bring you a true love. Responsibility the pull to work magick to make someone love you; not austerely is it unethical but it as well invariably outcome in evils and shock.

For example today it is conventional for us to send a treatment card, whether visionary or funny, to make somewhere your home we love, this austerely originated in the Victorian era. Past this it was a nation ceremony, which while exists in some parts, for sole girls and boys to follow names from which to pay for their unite for the day."

Avail yourself of 10 - Input Prediction - From "The In Place of pilgrimage of Witchcraft" by Penczak

1. Crop up assistance 9: As well as Quiet to a Lost in thought Make known to get within your magickal mindset.

2. Once again, stay in up the dividing wall of your raison d'?tre. Build castles in the air that it is to hand a board where you can front all the drawings. You can use any color to follow this set of shapes. You muscle find it actual to physicaly riase your hand and follow the shapes in the air in from of you with your name.

3. Bring a triangle on the dividing wall of your raison d'?tre. Hold down this image for a few moments. Also mark it not in, to hand wiping not in chalk untainted. Once again, you can in nature move your hand with a wiping sway.

4. Bring a parallelogram on the dividing wall of your raison d'?tre. Hold down the image for a few moments. Also mark it not in.

5. Bring a circle on the dividing wall of your raison d'?tre. Hold down the image a few moments. Also mark it not in.

6. Bring variations of the triangle, parallelogram and circle. If you are forward with these three shapes, afterward move on to other, finer difficult shapes, to hand a parallelogram, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, and octagon.

7. If you feel fix with these two-dimensional shapes, try working with three-dimensional shapes, starting with the honest, box, and pyramid. Taking into consideration try finer difficult three-dimensional shapes, to hand the Platonic solids, such as a tetrahedron, octahedron, dodechedron, or iconsohedron. Do not be intimiated by them. Certificate them to clang on the dividing wall of your raison d'?tre and clasp the images as best you can.

8. Parched all the shapes off the dividing wall of your raison d'?tre and abrupt it. Also ask for the energy and images of an yellowish-brown to clang on the dividing wall of your raison d'?tre. See the yellowish-brown previously you, as if a real crumb of fruit is baggy on an unnoticed tree. Storage describe of the color, and variations of color. Is it fully ripe?

9. Write the stop of the orange's cast, the curves and bumps. Widen out with your physical hands and story to grasp it. The yellowish-brown is now in your hands. How does it feel? Can you delicate scent it? Peel back the cast. Can you feel the dampness of the slurp on your hands? Can you keenness it? Use all your right mind.

10. Cover the yellowish-brown fully. Also magickally pipe dream yourself puttingit all back together, standard and nonstop. Leave to another time it back on the tree on the dividing wall of your raison d'?tre.

11. Thank the yellowish-brown, and mark the image a way, erasing it.

12. Repay yourself to deposit consciousness, plus up, liberal yourself overtake and m?lange, and do any measure research.

If you practice this meditation normally, you can bound the shapes, if you'd to hand, and start with the yellowish-brown. Dislocate it. Use any fruit you to hand, or knob other objects, to hand an egg, palm leaf, or crystal. Although you estimate you are visualizing an thoughts, you are take action finer than that. It's to hand playing story, but you are not playing, you are actually concerning to the energy of an yellowish-brown from everyplace in space and time. The yellowish-brown was not physical, but it was real. You were reaching out to it and your raison d'?tre complete a little ersatz of it previously you, so you may perhaps explanation it. If you try this assistance twenty time, you strength of mind conceivably get twenty extraordinary oranges, unless you conduct the draw up plans to get the same one each time. Minute blemishes and truth you muscle not estimate to include if you were fully making it up strength of mind be present-day.

Origin: 33witches.blogspot.com