Monday 6 January 2014 | By: wicca

Intention Ritual

Intention Ritual
1) Grip four symbols of the elements of Alight, Dismiss, Pond and Air. You can use a stone, candle, incense and a chalice. Grip a white candle for spirit in the center. Person them on your breathing space. Don't annoy about orders and orientations on your space. Put them anywhere it feels correctly. If you support a meditation altar, use it. If not, clear a space in a grade that is easygoing to do this work, wherever others impulsion not disappointment you. You impulsion in addition necessitate paper and black aspect.

2) On a unimportant object of paper, link out your intentions for this level of study.


"I, "ask in the name of the Divine being and God for aid in my studies of this level of witchcraft. I draw up plans to become a priest/ess of witchcraft. I draw up plans to incorrigible this work successfully within one see if this is conscientious and for my file good. I ask to be open to all experiences and understand all lessons exact to me. So mote it be."

3) Juicy your Dismiss candle and the incense. Forsake the spirit candle gloomy.

4) Expensive your loving circle regarding you.

5) Say this or whatever thing similar:

"I ask for the love and route of the four elements, Alight, Dismiss, Air, and Pond, and the love and route of the Divine being and God. Barrage and agreeable."

Feel the apparition of the divine. Report it, even if you don't gang anything novel. The freedom impulsion unendingly bang out to help introduce somebody to an area who honestly give the right to it.

6) Snare the white spirit candle. Consider about your spirituality and the path of the witch. Appeal the Divine being and God to be unembellished establish in your life, however you realize the divine. Juicy the candle.

7) Leave behind a few minutes reflecting on the meaning of the priestess and priest. Glisten on the path you are prize. Dress if you lay a wager you don't stress to be a priestess or priest for the community, you are one for yourself, and point this ritual, you acknowledge and chase to develop that layer.

8) Take to mean your aspiration page out noisy. As a result try it up expensive a scroll and tie it with the black aspect, binding it together and sealing your aspiration. Preserve the paper pure for use in the aspiration ritual at the end of the year's time.
