Monday 28 October 2013 | By: wicca

Mitt Youre Fired Romney King Of Bain

Mitt Youre Fired Romney King Of Bain
Caution Quarterly; WinningOurFuture (PAC); Mormonism with Matt Stone and Trey ParkerA pro-Israel Jewish billionaire having a bet big shot is nosy in portion Roman Catholic Newt Gingrich.He gave a pro-Gingrich PAC (devotee action committee) 5,000,000 to bite-mark Mormon Foot "You're Excited" Romney.This is what one PAC has come up with so far, a 20 minute program exposition how knowingly Romney loves to fire fatherland. He is a "vulture industrial," pillaging companies, taking silent only to code name them out, dissociate from them of particular, and fire somebody group on them for their alive.It is an hopeful practice of nameless equity headquarters. And Foot Romney was the CEO of this one, Bain Wealth. In a debate, he was the Sovereign of Bain and throbbing. Odd that Romney was as soon as a point link of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. All State the Mormon religion (South Harden plan words inform) Every time Foot Romney came to civil [European] capitalism through America tremendous -- free markets, expand, hard work[ing slaves] -- the manor blocks of the American Wish. But we through a unusual form capitalism no other industrial populace recognizes or would dream of practicing restriction once we thought it and utilize it for them. This particularly American form of capitalism can in addition be called vulture-, disaster-, burglar baron-, pirate-, or duopoly- capitalism. It has sullied markets, enriched concern bankers and the military-industrial interact (war profiteers), plunged the world within ascription, cost, and riches crises, and sullied the American economy at the charge of countless jobs. For in the fallacious hands American capitalism turns dreams within nightmares. This program is about one looter and his robust and how they in shreds that dream for thousands of Americans and their families -- Foot Romney and Bain Wealth. * Israeli, American tourists to be attacked in Thailand * Protesting America's inopportune Gitmo Penal colony anniversary